Should there be Exploding Dice?

  • Yes! Bring on the Crazy rolls!

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • No. Keep it normal.

    Votes: 7 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So, is the bad Alucard perk whatever gone now? You haven't updated the stuff on info yet. Ignore me, saw basement option is crossed out due to trait

Also, is the Monster Hunter World x Bloodborne quest dead? I hope not, because that'd be sad.
Last edited:
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops

Think we should spend some time with Walter since it has been a while and he did spend a lot of time raising us. Geting closer to him may also have him question his deal with Millenium. Really interested in spending time with Anderson since he is an interesting character.
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
Wonder if it's actually possible for us to build better, sturdier bridges between Hellsing and Iscariot before battle for London

[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
The "North American Branch" isn't Iscariot, is it? Given the US' religious history, I can't imagine them wanting to give a bunch of dirty Papists any kind of power over their territory. Mexico or Canada, sure, but given how dominant the USA is, they'd likely be overruled.
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
I mean yeah they think we are Literally an angel of god but I was not expecting it to go this well.

Now how the hell to get them to work together and In a way that we are able to talk daddy dearest into not murderizing them all ( granted Logar was a thing so I think he'd give us some wiggle room here so long as we push the rest of his agenda )

[X] Plan: First Blood
-[X] Integra
-[X] Seras
-[X] Anderson

I want Seras around because we need Arther to be a sane and stable person not a weapon and of everyone she's the one one who does that. I consider her somewhat mandatory In every year of our growth and whenever possible.

The other two are for basically forging a relationship that's not " waiting for a chance to stab the other in the back then the face and then everywhere in between and then set them on fire "

Mother dearest get reassured that we're not running off and being an idiot we're just trying to maximize the efficiency of keeping the world from boiling over into chaos. Which means working with fanatics.

The Catholics get a chance to interact with us and get reassured we're not brainwashed into hating their brand of religion, etc etc. also would be nice to see how catholic magic works.

-[X] Martial (General)
-[X]Personal Combat:
--[X]Close Combat
--[X] Ranged Combat
-[X] Leadership: 10
-[X]Battlefield Strategy: 10

We are a motherfucking Primarch we should be able to bitchslap everyone but alucard into next Thursday at minamum. I want us to be bloated as soon as possible And get our head on straight for when shit hits the fan. We should be fine our other brothers were cabable of beating the shit out of Eldar climbing up from the mental back to the surface on the day they were born. We are more than capable of dealing with Mook vampires and zombies.

[X] The Training Grounds - There's more than Arthur could learn about military acumen. He just needs some more exposure to such things. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50

[X] Field Work - Though Integra, Walter, and Seras are against it, Arthur has stubbornly said that he would like to go out into the field. He wants to see what it is that Hellsing does. If he is going to be the Heir, he has a right to witness their job first hand. (Might Result in Combat; Trait/Perk Gain dependent on Events)
-[X] Offer up a joint Operation between you and Iscariot? (Will roll to see if they accept, Will be at a -50 Penalty)

[X] One of the Troops - Arthur has expressed that he would like to actually meet the men he will soon give orders to. He does not want them to simply receive and follow orders from someone who they have never even met in person. Though Integra has mentioned that History is full of these types of men, Arthur has not backed down on this. There is little harm in allowing him to follow through with it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50)

I picked all the Martail events to get us as geared up as possible for first blood and I think we should ask for the joint assignment to continue de escalate IG relations between the two factions. No harm in simply asking
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
[X] Plan: First Blood
-[X] Integra
-[X] Seras
-[X] Anderson

-[X] Martial (General)
-[X]Personal Combat:
--[X]Close Combat
--[X] Ranged Combat
-[X] Leadership: 10
-[X]Battlefield Strategy: 10

[X] The Training Grounds - There's more than Arthur could learn about military acumen. He just needs some more exposure to such things. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50

[X] Field Work - Though Integra, Walter, and Seras are against it, Arthur has stubbornly said that he would like to go out into the field. He wants to see what it is that Hellsing does. If he is going to be the Heir, he has a right to witness their job first hand. (Might Result in Combat; Trait/Perk Gain dependent on Events)
-[X] Offer up a joint Operation between you and Iscariot? (Will roll to see if they accept, Will be at a -50 Penalty)

[X] One of the Troops - Arthur has expressed that he would like to actually meet the men he will soon give orders to. He does not want them to simply receive and follow orders from someone who they have never even met in person. Though Integra has mentioned that History is full of these types of men, Arthur has not backed down on this. There is little harm in allowing him to follow through with it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50)
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops

I find this acceptable.
Adhoc vote count started by RaptorusMaximus on Aug 22, 2018 at 8:40 AM, finished with 17 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Integra
[X] Walter
[X] Seras

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)
[X] Learning (General)

[X] The Training Grounds - There's more than Arthur could learn about military acumen. He just needs some more exposure to such things. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50)

[X] The Hellsing Library - Have Arthur learn about the history of its adoptive bloodline. It wouldn't do for one who must fight the Supernatural to know next to nothing about its lineage, and what it means to be a Hellsing. He is very interested in this after all the time Walter spent reading to him. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50)

[X] One of the Troops - Arthur has expressed that he would like to actually meet the men he will soon give orders to. He does not want them to simply receive and follow orders from someone who they have never even met in person. Though Integra has mentioned that History is full of these types of men, Arthur has not backed down on this. There is little harm in allowing him to follow through with it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 50)
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops
you found Section XIII's members in the lobby.
You turned around and placed the note in your shirt pocket.
…Until he was interrupted by a Sister of the Church rushing over and yanking you into a bear hug before anyone could react. You'd probably have had your lungs crushed if Seras' own way of showing affection hadn't trained you to withstand this type of treatment with her similar behavior.

The nun proceeded to say a lot of nonsense, most which you were able to translate into, "You're real! A child of our Lord is here in front of me, and he looks sooo—"

You didn't hear the rest as the Sister was suddenly yanked off of you by a blonde woman grabbing her by the cowl. The more physically imposing of the two, she gave the nun a stern admonishment while you picked yourself up from the floor, "Yumie! We talked about this! You were meant to sleep and not embarrass us in front of the Son of God!"
They actually let Yumie be present during important diplomatic meeting instead of Yumiko?
She was interrupted, again, by Heinkel bashing her over the head with a folder you're guessing she obtained from the table with two more neatly lined up on it. As the nun fells, Heinkel shouted out, "Awaken, Yumiko!" at the top of her lungs.

The nun suddenly stopped falling, body going rigid. She bolted up straight, her face less threatening than before. In fact, the air of menace she had around her was completely gone. In its place was one of….submission and pacifism.
Ah, there she is.
You think you heard Yumiko whispering about how she wasn't going to wash hers again before Heinkel hit her with another folder she produced from….you don't know where this time.
Gained new Perk: Information on Iscariot: -20 on Iscariot Rolls if they attempt to Oppose Hellsing; +20 on Rolls to Oppose Iscariot; +25 to Rolls to Cooperate with Iscariot
I have only watched abridged but is Anderson like that in cannon
Yes. He is rather nice and caring guy, as long as you're not his enemy or do something that goes against his morals.

[X] Plan: Leader in the Making

-[X] Walter
-[X] Seras
-[X] Anderson

-[X] Martial
--[X] Leadership

-[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Parley

-[X] Learning
--[X] Supernatural

-[X] Piety
--[X] Protestant

-[X] The Hellsing Library
-[X] Meeting the Neighbors
--[X] North American Branch
-[X] One of the Troops

This is mostly the same as the leading plan, but with different learning focus since we don're really need anymore general studies. Our bonuses for those are already ridiculous (just check our skill list below) and they only help in general rolls, not in those that require specific skills and raising specific skills also raises the general skill. So we should move the focus to specific skills, especially those that the future leader of Hellsing is going to need, like the ones I picked.

Martial: 200 (170 Base)
-Personal Combat: 10
--Close Combat (Swords, Hand to Hand, etc): 10
--Ranged Combat (Guns, Bows, etc.): 10
-Leadership: 10
-Battlefield Strategy: 10

Diplomacy: 190 (150 Base)
-Parley: 10
-Talking: 20
-Understanding: 10

Intrigue: 170 (150 Base)
-Spywork: 20
-Information Wars: 10

Stewardship: 170 (150 Base)
-Economics: 20
-Construction: 10

Learning: 140 (100 Base)
-History: 10
-Mathematics: 10
-Supernatural: 20

Piety: 150 (130 Base)
-Protestant: 10
-Catholic 10
Last edited:
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Bra
[X] One of the Troops

It'd be hilarious if Anderson fills in the mentor role that Alucard refuses to take.
Also, is the Monster Hunter World x Bloodborne quest dead? I hope not, because that'd be sad.

Yes, unfortunately.

Ran out of inspiration for that.


They actually let Yumie be present during important diplomatic meeting instead of Yumiko?

First, thanks.

Second, the briefing they had was basically, "Do whatever you have to to keep Yumie away from him! Under no circumstance is she to reveal herself!"

But, they didn't account for exactly how Crazy Zealous she is.

I have only watched abridged but is Anderson like that in cannon

We don't get much insight into a lot of the characters in Ultimate (mostly cause it's an OVA and the Manga itself doesn't really explain a lot), but one thing that Anderson made clear is that his loyalty is ultimately to God and not the Church or Maxwell. It's the reason he killed Maxwell when the London attack started. Or at least, that's what I'm going with.

The "North American Branch" isn't Iscariot, is it? Given the US' religious history, I can't imagine them wanting to give a bunch of dirty Papists any kind of power over their territory. Mexico or Canada, sure, but given how dominant the USA is, they'd likely be overruled.

Nope. They have their own group. Which is decidedly 'Merican! (Not really, but you get it)

I mean yeah they think we are Literally an angel of god but I was not expecting it to go this well.

Most of it did have to do with the Major Success you guys scored, but the Angel part factored into it heavily.

Objectively, the Catholics still think there's a way to convince you to come over to their side.

Individually, Yumie/Yumiko is crazy religious and being in the presence of a literal Angel will seriously skew her opinion, Heinkel, while not as crazy, is just as religious so it sort of applies to her, Maxwell is Maxwell, and (most importantly) Anderson was there.

As long as Anderson was around, no blood would be shed on that day.

Edit: Also, sorry I haven't replied back to some of these. Classes just started back and....I'm feeling the pain.
Maxwell did the same, though you could feel how much he wished you would be coming with him instead from the hard gaze he shot at your mother. Coupled with the shame and anger he felt at having a Child of God be adopted by his religious enemies, you were surprised his teeth didn't start grinding. His decorum held up throughout the entire exchange, however, and you thanked him for giving you this chance to meet with them.
The fact that he isn't frothing at the mouth shows his restraint..... at least in public.
[X] Plan: Leader in the Making

Oh well. Alucard kinda sucks as a father figure. Might as well see how anderson does on that department. I mean he already got experience helping orphans.
[X] Walter
[X] Seras
[X] Anderson

[X] Martial (General)
[X] Diplomacy (General)
[X] Learning (General)
[X] Stewardship (General)

[X] The Hellsing Library -
[X] Meeting the Neighbors -
-[X] North American Branch
[X] One of the Troops