The Dream that is Dying (Exalted)

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The Dream that is Dying
An Exalted: Sidereals quest

WE are the music-makers,
And we are the...
I. Season of Fire
London, England
The Dream that is Dying
An Exalted: Sidereals quest

WE are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.

We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Nineveh with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.

Arthur O'Shaughnessy, Ode


The Season of Fire has come, and all of Taira gives praise.

In Zamash, ancient capital of the realm, young men and unwed girls open their arms and spill fresh blood across plates of copper heated in the midday sun. Most shed only a few drops, but for the devout this is a time of great shriving, and the wounds they gather from branch and lash will be many weeks in healing. Their offerings smoke and bubble on the plates, swiftly claimed by the Incarnate Sun and drawn up to his palace in the sky on whispering streams of darkened smoke.

The shapes such smoke forms in the air are studied by priests in saffron robes, and as each supplicant kneels they are blessed with word of the year to come. Good fortunes are predicted for the righteous, much atonement demanded from the wicked, and on this day even the most cynical of men will pay heed to the words of the wise.

In the markets, the first traders are already hawking their wares, sallow skinned men from Nexus bickering with dusky nomads in silk of rainbow hues. They bargain on the steps of great pyramids and in the shade of verdant flowers, for the Hanging Gardens of Zamash are famed throughout the nations of the East. In shadowed salons the dynasts of Jades trade rare woods for freshly mined silver, and along the shore the strangely predatory vessels of rebellious Perswha are drawing in to dock, laden with western spice.

You watch it all from on high, safely ensconced in the highest room of the tallest tower in the Imperial Palace. The smoke from your hookah makes strange shapes in the air as it floats across the balcony, and you find your attention divided between such mysteries and the spectacle of the kingdom beyond.

"Sehzade," a voice from your chamber door calls, "there are men here to see you."

For a moment you do not respond, too lost in contemplation to spare thought for such mundane concerns, but as the moments pass the true meaning of such a comment wends its way into your mind. You sigh, setting down the wand upon the small heartwood table at your side, and rise to your feet.

Which gender are you?

[ ] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.

[ ] Female. You are a princess, heir to the throne, expected to be of clear thought and cunning insight. Your people will obey you, and clamor for the favour of being the ones entrusted to carry out your vision.

[ ] Riverborn. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, born with sex and gender misaligned. Your people look to you as sovereign, and expect you to conform to the stereotypes of your soul.
  • [ ] Choose one of the above to be your true gender.
[ ] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.

What is your name? Taira has a distinctly Persian feel to it, but the lineages of the Shah trace their blood from a wide number of sources, so other naming conventions are acceptable. I reserve right of veto.
[ ] Write in

"And what is it, Al'rama, that such men want from me?" You say in an idle voice, turning and moving back inside your quarters. You do not wish to move, but even mild activity can aid in flushing the narcotics from your system, and something tells you that such focus will be required soon enough. "Could they not make appointment, or beg audience with my revered father?"

Al'rama bows low as you approach, his dark skin drinking in the reflected sunlight. He is of foreign birth, as are all your personal guards, and his coat of metal scales rustles faintly as he moves.

"Forgive me, sehzade, but their business is not with the Shah, nor with his child," he says politely, the sharp edge of a distant accent colouring the normal flowing tones of his Rivertongue, "it is with you, in your other capacity."

You blink once, clearing the last of the haze from your mind. "Oh. I suppose I had best see to them, then. Have these men escorted to one of the guest quarters, and then have my raiment prepared."

What name is it that these men know you by, what title is it that you hold, that they would seek you out in such a fashion?

[ ] The Shah's Voice. Taira is a land built on conquest and trade, an empire of many peoples brought together by force and bound by chains of ambition and greed. Such a legacy demands an eye in the world outside, and this is where you serve. You have travelled much for your age, and your face is known across the East as the representative the Shah sends when the interests of Taira as a whole must be represented. Your eyes are yellow, a sign of favour from Mercury, Maiden of Journeys.

[ ] Godspeaker. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.

[ ] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.

[ ] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.

[ ] Breaker of Chains. Taira lies upriver from the mighty hub of Nexus, and as with all nations must contend with the grasping claws of the city's Guild. You have made for yourself an expertise in denying them a hold upon your homeland's shores, and taken great pleasure in liberating others from their cold ambitions. Your violet eyes speak to the favour shown to you by Saturn, Maiden of Endings.
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Character Sheet
Farah Esther Amestris
Sehzade of Taira, Shieldbearer of Mars


Strength: ooo
Dexterity: oooo
Stamina: ooo

Charisma: oooo
Manipulation: oo
Composure: ooo

Intelligence: oo
Wits: ooo
Resolve: oo

Archery oo (Mounted o)
Athletics oo
Awareness oo
Brawl oo
Bureaucracy o

Dodge oo
Integrity o
Investigation o

Linguistics o
Lore oo
Melee ooo (Scimitar o)

Presence oo (Inspiring o)
Resistance o (Carousing o)
Ride ooo

Socialise o
War oo

Essence: o

Willpower: ooooo

Health: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Defining (+4/-3 resolve)
Treachery is the greatest sin
The price of glory is measured in blood

Major (+3/-2 resolve)
I revel in battle
Loyalty is the highest virtue
My Family (Grief)
Sabah (Protective Love)
Yozi Cults (Hatred)

Minor (+2/-1 resolve)
I am a failure
No one is above suspicion
Iron Siaka (Instinctive trust)
Taira (Regret)


House of Battles
Tolerant Strife - Those struck by the Gauntlet are rarely able to forget the experience. In a close range fight, 1s on an enemy's defense roll are subtracted from their overall successes.

Slow Blade Penetrates - When possessing control, exploit it. When lacking control, regain it. Onslaught penalties that Farah suffers provide an equal number of automatic successes on her attack rolls.

House of Journeys
Ordained Bridle of Mercury - A rider must have a mount. By tracing the sign of the Messenger on the flank of a potential steed, the Sidereal May claim it for their own. Animals marked as such become instantly loyal and obedient to their ordained rider, and gain all the knowledge and benefits of being fully trained as a potential mount. A Sidereal may have up to (Ride) mounts bound to themselves at any one time, and can summon them with a whistle.

House of Endings
Inexorable AdvanceNo matter how fast you run, you cannot escape the end. Farah disregards all wound and mobility penalties on her movement rolls, whether they come from internal sources (such as manacles or restrictive clothing) or external ones (such as a crowded road).

Forgotten Earth - Adopting the destiny of a burnt offering, the Sidereal leaps into the sky. They forget to fall, and the world is too rude to remind them. Farah gains perfect balance and exerts as much weight on any surface as smoke; additionally, they can leap one range band in any direction without the need for a test.

Martial Arts
Water Dragon teaches that all things are flow — the rhythm of a fight, the blood of a living body, the Essence of Creation. Practitioners of this style train in techniques that block, redirect, or impede these flows, subtly manipulating the conditions of battle to seize victory. Its defense emphasizes fluid motions and outmaneuvering enemies with footwork, while its offense relies on repeated strikes, exploiting the lightest wound to unleash a cascading torrent of death.

Water Dragon Style focuses on unarmed combat techniques, chaining together a swift series of punches, kicks and raking claw-strikes. Practitioners can wield Tiger Claw gauntlets as a form weapon (which still use the brawl ability), and the style is compatible with both light and medium armour.

Flowing Water Defense - The martial artist flows seamlessly between attack and defense, each benefitting the other. Farah possesses a pool of (essence +1) automatic success that they may either apply to Water Dragon attack rolls or their defense rolls on any given turn - successes may not be split between the two, but may be reallocated at the end of the turn.

Rippling Water Strike - Farah's blows break the enemy's guard like a pebble thrown into a still lake. They increase the minimum damage of their successful attack rolls by two, and may substitute their dexterity for their strength when calculating damage. Should they successfully strike a foe, all other targets within close range suffer a -1 onslaught penalty to their defense.

Drowning in Blood Technique - With a clean strike to her opponent's torso, Farah seizes control of their blood, turning it against them. Upon delivering a hit that generates at least three net successes, Farah may increase the opponent's wound penalty by one for the scene; against spirits this technique can stack up to a maximum penalty of -(essence).

Shrugging Water Dragon Escape - Farah's stance is as fluid and formless as water itself. They may double 9s on any roll made to escape a grapple, disengage from combat or avoid an enemy pursuit.

Water Dragon Form - Farah adopts a fighting stance where attack and defense are all part of the same graceful whole. She gains bonus dice on his attack rolls equal to the target's wound penalty, and doubles stamina for the purposes of soak.
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Basic Mechanics

This quest is being run on a stripped down, simplified version of the general storyteller rules and the Exalted 3rd edition ruleset. Anything I think won't work very well in a quest format has been pruned -perhaps most notably the idea of 'motes' of essence that need to be tracked - and generally the majority of challenges faced by the protagonist will be resolved by a single dice roll.

Your dice are d10s, and you will have between one and ten of them for most challenges depending on how skilled your character is. Any dice that rolls a 7 or higher generates a 'success', with 10s by default generating two 'successes'. You need a certain number of successes to pass a test, as determined by circumstance and opposition (generally active opponents will roll their own dice pool, and whoever gets the most successes wins).


In the Age of Sorrows, the wise man prepares for the possibility of sudden onset hyper-violence. In this quest such conflicts will be resolved over a number of rounds - in each round the attacker rolls a dice pool (generally dexterity + weapon skill) and the defender rolls their defense (generally dexterity or stamina + dodge/weapon/resistance). If the attacker wins, he removes a number of health levels from the opposition equal to the net successes on the roll.

Certain weapons can modify this, either generating bonus dice on the attack, adding automatic levels of damage on a hit (there is no such thing as a 'flesh wound' when struck by the thirsting lance of a war god) or applying various secondary effects. Likewise armour can add successes to the defense test or subtract a number of net successes from damage done as appropriate. These qualities will be defined in more depth as you encounter the equipment in question.

Most mortal humans have seven health levels by default. Damage can be in the form of Bashing (marked as [/] and easily healed), lethal (marked as [X] and prone to additional complications like bleeding out) or aggravated (marked as [*] and extremely difficult to heal).

Social Influence

Attempts at persuasion and other social efforts are largely handled like a combat round, only with willpower in place of health levels. There is also the additional complication of Intimacies - broadly, things you care about or believe. Attempts to make someone do something absolutely must play off an intimacy, and the scope of the action dictates the strength of the intimacy required - someone with a minor principle of 'My elders must be obeyed' isn't going to uproot their life and go on lifelong pilgrimage just because an older relative asked them to, while someone with a defining principle of the same very well might.

Intimacies come in Minor, major and defining levels, and provide a +1/+2/+3 success bonus to either the offense or defense test when invoked or opposed by relevant social influence. If the offense succeeds and the target has a different intimacy that might oppose the influence in question (of the same level or higher) the target may opt to lose willpower equal to the net successes rather than comply.
Powers of the Exalted

In this quest, you play one of the Sidereal Exalted, one of the Sages of Heaven whose body and soul has been blessed with an intimate connection to the weave of fate. This manifests itself in three distinct ways:

Firstly, you are vastly more resilient than the average human. You heal quicker, live longer and are flatly immune to many of the ails and maladies of a mortal human being; nothing short of direct attention from a powerful plague-god will see you grow sick, for example.

Secondly, you possess an anima banner. The might of a god is not easily shackled within a prison of flesh, and when you draw deeply on your power it begins to radiate out into the world beyond. You can choose to stoke your anima to any height at will, but it can take anywhere from a handful of minutes to a solid hour or more of careful meditation to quench it again.
  • At Dim, your anima is not visible. Certain gods may be able to read the nature of your essence and tell you are not mortal, but you are otherwise unremarkable.
  • At Glowing, the mark of your caste and power begins to glow upon your forehead, but faintly enough to be hidden by a decent hat or headwrap. Your TN on any dice rolled is reduced by one, typically to six.
  • At Burning you are haloed in an aura of divine light in the color of your Maiden, clearly visible and impossible to deny. Your TN on dice rolls is reduced by two, typically to TN5. Exerting yourself to this degree is roughly equal to any other strenuous physical activity, and may leave you notably fatigued.
  • At Bonfire/Totemic you are surrounded by light in your Maiden's colour that suffuses the landscape, generally visible for at least a mile on a clear day. Your TN is reduced by three on virtually any dice roll, and you are treated as undergoing heavy physical exercise for the purposes of fatigue; it is entirely possible to quench your soul again and promptly pass out on the spot.
Each caste also has its own unique abilities that trigger at different levels of anima - a Shieldbearer can force a reroll of any hostile dice roll made in their presence, a Joybringer can enforce the peace of Venus on the scene and so on.

Finally, there are your Charms - specific manifestations of your supernatural skill and ability. These are tied to the twenty five constellations that dictate the flow of Fate across creation, and tend to be rather esoteric in form. A charm of the Rising Smoke, for example, might allow you to gain perfect balance and exert no weight on fragile surfaces, while one of the Haywain may allow you to arbitrarily redefine which direction you treat as 'down'. Please consult your character sheet for further details.
Welcome to my new quest. Credit to @EarthScorpion for the Taira writeup, and to whichever lunatic wrote Sidereals: Where Fate Has Led for giving me an interesting charmset to ruthlessly butcher in pursuit of this quest.

Anyway, let's start with our first vote - who are you, and what do you do?
Oh, Sidereals are always fun. I haven't read any of the third edition lore, but I imagine you'll be playing with it for your own purposes anyway.

[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
Weird gender shenanigans are an Exalted tradition, after all.

[X] Godspeaker. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.
A little torn between Serenity and Secrets, but dealing with the Celestial Bureaucracy has always been one of the more interesting aspects of Sidereals, in my opinion.

[X] The sehzade, Farah Esther Amestris
'Tis a good name.
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ok so this time we get to be uhhhhhhhhhhhh a lesbian mother supervillain that is also a moth

literally just a moth

aizen TED fear our power
[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.

[X] Cyra

[X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
[X] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.

We just played a girl.

[X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.

Horse riding is so rarely touched upon in fantasy. When have you ever had a protagonist who is cavalry first and foremost.
[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
Weird gender shenanigans are an Exalted tradition, after all.

[X] Cyra

[X] Godspeaker. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.
[X] EarthScorpion

alas I want some NB rep but this vote is good so we shall have it
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I see @Maugan Ra has made a new game. With blackjack and hookahs.

[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
-> [X] Female in body, but too rash and too inconstant in emotions to really fit in among the women of court, preferring the company of the men who can be open about their feelings and weep and drink.
-> [X] The sehzade, Farah Esther Amestris

[X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.

It is said that sehzade Farah was born in the saddle. It is not true. Quite preposterous. Yes, it was true that her mother the shahbanu happened to go for a long ride with friends before the birth, but the birth happened in a nearby temple.

It is known her father wished for a son instead, and in many ways Farah has pleased him. She earned her spurs young, and rides with the cataphracts with lance and chainmail, serving with honour - and no small amount of hotheaded rashness - depsite her youth. Farah is the child of her father in every way, and so far people believe - and hope - that she will calm down just as the shah did. And they would also like her to conduct herself in a matter more befitting of a woman - but then again, her grandmother was Perswhan. Perhaps the moon-touched strangeness of the south just skipped a generation.

As it stands, though, Farah is a rash extrovert with little time for caution, but plenty of time for hunting, drinking, and gambling. Her debts are considerable, as are her battlefield achievements against the raptormen of the South. Yes, the Vakotan blood of the shahs is certainly strong with her, and she has lanced in duels against the horselords of the north and come off with respect from those barbarians.
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I know the cast I want but name and gender I'm a little fuzzy on, is there a link to the area we're in?

[X] Godspeaker

. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.
[X] Female. You are a princess, heir to the throne, expected to be of clear thought and cunning insight. Your people will obey you, and clamor for the favour of being the ones entrusted to carry out your vision.

[X] Atusa

[X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.

(Name from: Atusa Shahbanu (Atossa) was the Empress of the Persian Achaemenid Empire, wife of the mighty Persian Achaemenid King Darius the Great (522–486 B.C.E.) )
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[x] DB_Explorer

Knowledge is power and I like the idea of owning the libraries.
[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.

[X] Cyra

[X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.

I like this combo.

Food for thought: does having broken the Mask mean that all Siddies are arrancars? :???:
[X] Riverborn. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, born with sex and gender misaligned. Your people look to you as sovereign, and expect you to conform to the stereotypes of your soul.
-[X] Male

[X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.
Adhoc vote count started by King50000 on Aug 19, 2018 at 4:24 PM, finished with 36 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    -> [X] Female in body, but too rash and too inconstant in emotions to really fit in among the women of court, preferring the company of the men who can be open about their feelings and weep and drink.
    -> [X] The sehzade, Farah Esther Amestris
    [X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [X] Cyra
    [X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
    [X] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.
    [X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.
    [X] Female. You are a princess, heir to the throne, expected to be of clear thought and cunning insight. Your people will obey you, and clamor for the favour of being the ones entrusted to carry out your vision.
    [X] Atusa
    [X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [X] Godspeaker. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.
    [X] The sehzade, Farah Esther Amestris
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [X] Cyra
    [X] Godspeaker. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.
    [X] Godspeaker
    [X] Riverborn. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, born with sex and gender misaligned. Your people look to you as sovereign, and expect you to conform to the stereotypes of your soul.
    -[X] Male
    [X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.
    [X] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.
    [X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
    [X] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.
    [X] Breaker of Chains. Taira lies upriver from the mighty hub of Nexus, and as with all nations must contend with the grasping claws of the city's Guild. You have made for yourself an expertise in denying them a hold upon your homeland's shores, and taken great pleasure in liberating others from their cold ambitions. Your violet eyes speak to the favour shown to you by Saturn, Maiden of Endings.
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [X] Breaker of Chains. Taira lies upriver from the mighty hub of Nexus, and as with all nations must contend with the grasping claws of the city's Guild. You have made for yourself an expertise in denying them a hold upon your homeland's shores, and taken great pleasure in liberating others from their cold ambitions. Your violet eyes speak to the favour shown to you by Saturn, Maiden of Endings.
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [X] Cyra
    [X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    -> [X] Luna's whims sometimes reshape your body as you sleep.
    [X] Ashni Tishtrya
    [X] The Shah's Voice. Taira is a land built on conquest and trade, an empire of many peoples brought together by force and bound by chains of ambition and greed. Such a legacy demands an eye in the world outside, and this is where you serve. You have travelled much for your age, and your face is known across the East as the representative the Shah sends when the interests of Taira as a whole must be represented. Your eyes are yellow, a sign of favour from Mercury, Maiden of Journeys.
    [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [x] Vashtem
    [X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.

Adhoc vote count started by King50000 on Aug 19, 2018 at 4:25 PM, finished with 36 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.
    [X] Master of Horse. The pride of Taira are its cataphracts, the heavy cavalry against which no foe can hope to stand, and you are their leader. You have broken the back of many foes and led your soldiers to victory on many a day, and with you as heir few doubt for Taira's future security. Your eyes are the red of fresh spilled blood, and the soldiers say this marks you as one of Mars' own chosen killers.
    [X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
    [X] Cyra
    -> [X] Female in body, but too rash and too inconstant in emotions to really fit in among the women of court, preferring the company of the men who can be open about their feelings and weep and drink.
    -> [X] The sehzade, Farah Esther Amestris
    [X] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.
    [X] Breaker of Chains. Taira lies upriver from the mighty hub of Nexus, and as with all nations must contend with the grasping claws of the city's Guild. You have made for yourself an expertise in denying them a hold upon your homeland's shores, and taken great pleasure in liberating others from their cold ambitions. Your violet eyes speak to the favour shown to you by Saturn, Maiden of Endings.
    [X] Godspeaker. Taira is a land of many peoples and twice as many faiths, and there is no surer way to bring an empire crashing down than to disregard the faith of those who serve it. You have been trained from birth to serve as an intermediary between the empire and the Gods, and in this role have served admirably. Your eyes are a vivid blue, a hue much favored by Venus, the Maiden of Serenity.
    [X] Female. You are a princess, heir to the throne, expected to be of clear thought and cunning insight. Your people will obey you, and clamor for the favour of being the ones entrusted to carry out your vision.
    [X] Atusa
    [X] The Shah's Voice. Taira is a land built on conquest and trade, an empire of many peoples brought together by force and bound by chains of ambition and greed. Such a legacy demands an eye in the world outside, and this is where you serve. You have travelled much for your age, and your face is known across the East as the representative the Shah sends when the interests of Taira as a whole must be represented. Your eyes are yellow, a sign of favour from Mercury, Maiden of Journeys.
    [X] Ashni Tishtrya
    -> [X] Luna's whims sometimes reshape your body as you sleep.
    [X] Godspeaker
    -[X] Male
    [X] Riverborn. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, born with sex and gender misaligned. Your people look to you as sovereign, and expect you to conform to the stereotypes of your soul.
    [X] The sehzade, Farah Esther Amestris
    [x] Vashtem
[X] Male. You are a prince, heir to the throne, expected to be of fiery temperament and inconsistent will. Your people will follow you as you blaze the charge, but expect you to rely on the quiet advice of your wiser relatives.
[X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.

Maiden of Secrets is best Maiden.
[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.

[X] Cyra

[X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.
[X] Moontouched. You are a sehzade, heir to the throne, and your gender changes with the moon or perhaps is absent altogether. Your people regard you with wariness, perhaps fearing you touched by fearsome Luna, and expect you to be wise in ways that they are not.

[X] Cyra

[X] Priest of Mysteries. Zamash is older than Taira, older than mankind itself. In its stones can be found the secret legacies of the Dragon Kings, and it is not the only place in Taira to bear such ancient heritage. You have taken an interest in such things from an early age, and now can be counted as one of the foremost experts on pre-human history in all the East. Your eyes are the green of the summer forest, and none doubt the favour shown to you by Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.