@Packrat Heh and they are nobles that means they are slightly better at us at duels since they are raise to duel at young age or maybe not. Also can you summarize the playstyle and problems of the other characters just to check of the what ifs if they won the vote. This character after all is suited to wage war and conquer not maintain sectors which deals with the high and mighty.
Actually you are about on par with the 'average' noble officer in a duel with your Prowess 10, they might have had better training and better augmentation but you are a badass with a good deal of real combat experience. The captain of the Peregrine in particular is Prowess 12 though so he is particularly good at fighting, he would probably win.
As to the other character choices?
The Imperial Scion would suffer from just being worse at stuff, even if you specialised in tactics or strategy then you would be merely on par with a capable random officer. You would however have a 'free' battlecruiser with a veteran crew, more ships with better crews, the political capital and wealth to make your own choices and much higher loyalty from all of your noble officers. Your flagship would also have had several very capable commanders with a high degree of personal loyalty.
A ducal scion would be almost a watered down version of the above. No battlecruiser but better skills and about 3/4 of the captains swapped out for high loyalty individuals your house has hooks in. You would also have had a fair degree of direction from your family, often in conflict with your overt aims as an imperial officer but rewarding you well if you completed these directives.
The minor noble would have had you still very capable if less obscenely so. Your heavy cruiser would be the ship you had been commanding for a few years and arrived with a veteran crew plus a very competent XO and loyalty of your officers would have been on average about 3 higher (so, average to slightly above).
The current choice of maxed out military skill is quite possibly hard mode but you are also ridiculous. The dice system is 3d6+Skill so with a Strategy of 22? You basically always win an even roll against even extremely capable elite opponents.