Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

actually you almost hit it on the nose lol! its 83 :p

good thing Midna's fertility is also fairly low though, at only 31. She does have the fertile trait however, which boosts the roll by +10 and also on woman makes childbirth easier.

So you mentioned earlier that fertility goes down as the we get older. After we go past our mid 20s I think you said. My question is since we stay biologically younger longer does that play into it. Also do the Twilli have similar lifespans.
So you mentioned earlier that fertility goes down as the we get older. After we go past our mid 20s I think you said. My question is since we stay biologically younger longer does that play into it. Also do the Twilli have similar lifespans.
thats the human ratio, also correct Twili live longer than Hylians though not by much, just an extra 30-40 years on average. They age at a slower rate after adulthood though.

Midna is a fair bit older than you by about 20ish years.

Also male virility goes down over time, female fertility does not lower over time like male virility does, at roughly 35 years old (Humans) it starts dropping by 10-20% per year. Hylians and Twili drop at about a third the rate humans do.

However normally humans have a higher fertility/virility rating than those races.
[X] Allyn
[X] Mizni
[X] Sene
[X] Rombia
[X] Etho
[X] Taarn
@Void Stalker

all of you guys who voted and anyone else who voted.... can you please specify which child gets which name? (Also would prefer it if you give a reason behind the name or where it comes from but that is not needed)

Without knowing which child you intend the name for your votes will not count sorry. But I did in fact include the childs skin color in the thing so it would be easier to tell which is which...
[X] Luna (silver-blue skinned girl)
[X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
[X] Daltus (white skinned boy)
So in addition to names, I would like some feedback on what projects to pursue for the next turn. We can train two units a turn currently, my thoughts are another archer and either legion or hoplite unit, right now I favor another legion over hoplite.

Also I do feel like we should expand Faron province as that will for sure add additional lumber sources and is a province that has no enemies bordering it plus we have explored the immediate area around the province if I am reading the maps right. Combine that with 2 scouts teams on scouting Faron for more resources and the other 2 scouts going south-south east to explore past where the Twili are settling (and I like the idea of scouting beyond our borders so that we know what future expansion might cause us to border).

Royal wedding is one diplo action, I would also like to do another improve morale since it was mentioned that doing so again would unlock special actions.

We also can start on a second temple, the question is do we want Nayru or Faore for that?

Then after that we also have our research adviser, bombs is a potential option here though at 800 rupees it may be too much depending on wedding and expansion costs as the temple will eat up a lot of our rupee budget next year.

For projects I would say we have enough archers for now. We would probably be best served by building a new legion. And either a heavy calvary unit or a light/medium unit since our only one is locked down on patrol. If no calvary then just a second legion would be fine. We should be a little frugal though since we will get the option to upgrade all our units with iron next turn since san forgot about it this turn.

For intrige I think your scouting is good but maybe look for more resources in the mountains in our territory. We should definitely expand into the woods it's really a no brainier there. After that maybe a new national census since we are growing in size pretty good.

We definitely need to take the festival again and marry so that is most of diplomacy done pretty easy.

For the next temple I think Faore should be next. She is our primary patron usually and the buffing magic we get seem the most versatile.

For research I say we hold off on bombs a little longer and get a cheaper and easier option with the Knight's saddle tech.
I was looking at scouting faron since with the expansion action anything we find would be exploitable whereas other provinces only some of the finds would be exploitable. A good example is how we can't exploit most of the resources we found in the lake province.
Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on Jul 18, 2018 at 10:01 AM, finished with 22 posts and 7 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on Jul 18, 2018 at 8:26 PM, finished with 26 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Rombia (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Taarn (white skinned boy)
    [X] Luna (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Daltus (white skinned boy)
    [X] Sene (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Mizni (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Allyn(white skinned boy)
    [X] Huey (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Louie (white skinned boy)
    [X] Dewey (silver-blue skinned girl)
Yeah that's what I was trying to say with the look for more resources in the mountains they are in our control. We built walls between them after all. I doubt one look is enough to find all the a available resources.

Speaking of the walls we should budget in an action to finish the last part between us and the moblins controlled section. Maybe look into making some spies to send in much safer than scouts.
How about:
[X] Huey (grey skinned girl)
[X] Louie (white skinned boy)
[X] Dewey (silver-blue skinned girl)
since they are triplets, though we may have to enforce colored clothing and caps on them.;)

[X] Luna (silver-blue skinned girl)
[X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
[X] Daltus (white skinned boy)
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ALRIGHT GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! my grandfather made it through his surgery, he had 3 of the 4 stints he needs added to his heart.

Now he is doing fine though he is resting at the hospital. :D

also good news, riding high on the mood from that I just added 8 paragraphs to part 2 of the interlude bringing it up to about 10 paragraphs, just over 900 words and a finished celebration scene with it.

So ya, may have part 2 of the interlude done faster than I though! ;)
Adhoc vote count started by san on Jul 18, 2018 at 6:02 PM, finished with 24 posts and 7 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by san on Jul 18, 2018 at 6:03 PM, finished with 24 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Rombia (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Taarn (white skinned boy)
    [X] Luna (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Daltus (white skinned boy)
    [X] Huey (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Louie (white skinned boy)
    [X] Dewey (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Sene (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Mizni (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Allyn(white skinned boy)

Adhoc vote count started by san on Jul 18, 2018 at 8:43 PM, finished with 26 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Rombia (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Taarn (white skinned boy)
    [X] Luna (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Daltus (white skinned boy)
    [X] Sene (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Mizni (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Allyn(white skinned boy)
    [X] Huey (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Louie (white skinned boy)
    [X] Dewey (silver-blue skinned girl)
While I do love the name Luna, I greatly enjoy the Ethos origin name for the grey skinned girl.... thats my fav name. :p

Just remember when naming her.... why does she not have any visible features of a wolf when Link walks up to her? :rolleyes:

(Trust me the truth is VERY interesting) :evil: {In case that was not clear, I am being sneaky again} :ninja:
While I do love the name Luna, I greatly enjoy the Ethos origin name for the grey skinned girl.... thats my fav name. :p

Just remember when naming her.... why does she not have any visible features of a wolf when Link walks up to her? :rolleyes:

(Trust me the truth is VERY interesting) :evil: {In case that was not clear, I am being sneaky again} :ninja:
Let me guess she can straight up turn into a wolf like Link can, or is that something that they all can do?
Let me guess she can straight up turn into a wolf like Link can, or is that something that they all can do?
neither of those things! think about baby parts that don't develop until later and then remember that Hylians and Twili develop a bit slower than humans. Then think about how those features if they were Wolf-like would make her look combined with her skin color. ;)
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Teeth it's got to be teeth. She's going to have a mouth full of sharp little knives.
and extra long canines!

now greyish skin and unusual teeth... that remind you of anything? something with an unhealthy pallor to its skin? featured in many different fictional stories whether books cartoons movies or anime? Often used as a villian?
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She's a werewolf then. Maybe a vampire but that's a weird way to get one. Also are the eyes going to change color since infant's eyes don't settle for a year or two.