Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

ok in order, the new strange resources you find are exactly that, new. NEVER before seen in LoZ and only exist because of the goddesses throwing so much power into perma-killing Ganonndorf they changed the planet itself. The amount they threw into it was equal to the amount they used to create all the races COMBINED! These are things you will find out during the interlude.

Also not exactly, you can gain in technology and magic at the same time but technology can not benefit from magic at all with your current knowledge levels in both fields. So more often than not early on magic is simply going to be better... especially since the route you are going take you along the path of an elite army rather than a numbers game or the like. The only likely use for early technology you will have is cannons as siege weapons or on ships.

One final thing of note is that you will NEVER find more magical resources and more technological resources in the same area. There are neutral resources than can be found anywhere too like the luxury resources and finally there are resources like coal which are of equal use to both paths that will be more commonly found on the borders of the magical and technological divide between the lands. Though you will still find it every now and again in the other lands.

So new and exciting things are going to be popping up in the world good to know. If we find the rest of the components for gun powder will that make the bomb research easier or allow an alternative?

Also can the Twli magic heal us or do we have to wait for the golden goddesses priests to finish training?
I bet Midna is really happy to see us, even more so with all the accommodations we made for her people, I have a feeling that Link is going to get 'rewarded.' Personally I am glad that Link finally has someone by his side to help alleviate the burden of leadership, it hasn't really been shown but I imagine that Link is in a pretty stressful position, having to manage a fledgling kingdom, appease the demands of both the commoners and the nobles, and deal with recurring Moblin invasions, all in an unfamiliar new world. Simply having one person who you can place your absolute trust in, aka Midna, can work wonders when some one is at their lowest points, and I have a feeling that despite our many successes so far, we will hit some pretty low points before we reach the end of this quest.
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So new and exciting things are going to be popping up in the world good to know. If we find the rest of the components for gun powder will that make the bomb research easier or allow an alternative?

Also can the Twli magic heal us or do we have to wait for the golden goddesses priests to finish training?
no it would allow for research further along the bomb path though. For things like bigger and better bombs.

Also Twilight mages can't heal, they are offensive spellcasters, which is the literal opposite skillset of healing.

As for stress levels, ya he is pretty bad, but no where near as bad as it could be if not for all the festivals and him meeting Midna last year or Malo and his other advisers always coming through for him.
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So we have to wait for the golden goddesses priests to finish training then?
Those are the best healers, I think one of the temples opens up a group with secondary healing. We were told a while back what the various mages unlocked by the churches and temples can do.

oh I believe someone asked if there is a difference in which mages you can train from each temple and the churches earlier. (even though you could figure it out from what each goddess is the goddess of.)

there is and here is what each type of PRIEST specializes in

Priests of the Golden Trio: they heal the best but are very weak at everything else.

Acolytes of Nayru: Best at defensive magic, 2nd best healers, no offense and weak at buffing.

Disciples of Din: Best at offensive magic, 2nd best at buffing, weak at defense and no healing

Followers of Farore: Best at buffing, decent offense and defense magic, weak at healing.
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So we have to wait for the golden goddesses priests to finish training then?
Those are the best healers, I think one of the temples opens up a group with secondary healing. We were told a while back what the various mages unlocked by the churches and temples can do.
We already have churches for the Goddesses built and already training a priest, we just have to wait at most four more turns before we can use him to heal our wounds.
Those are the best healers, I think one of the temples opens up a group with secondary healing. We were told a while back what the various mages unlocked by the churches and temples can do.

Thanks I had forgotten about that post but I did know the golden goddesses priests were going to be our best healers.

So what do you think Din is going to give us she is martial and combat mainly. I think maybe a a boost to our people as a show of favor.

You know with the Grand Temples being a great wonder and gaining the greater favor of the goddesses we might end up stealing the Hyrule Royal family favor and become the new chosen bloodline. That would just put us on more conflict with Zelda's faction.
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ok good news is that it looks like the interlude is going to be larger than I had originally intended with a LOT more character interaction and development.

Bad news is that it may take a few more days longer than I had intended especially with how much worry I have been under with my Grandfather going in for heart surgery tomorrow.

you also have some children now DESPITE Midna attempting to prevent such with her magic.

You talk about the spoiler without it being under a spoiler you all get a -10 omake penalty to a roll of MY choice...
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ok good news is that it looks like the interlude is going to be larger than I had originally intended with a LOT more character interaction and development.

Bad news is that it may take a few more days longer than I had intended especially with how much worry I have been under with my Grandfather going in for heart surgery tomorrow.

you also have some children now DESPITE Midna attempting to prevent such with her magic.

You talk about the spoiler without it being under a spoiler you all get a -10 omake penalty to a roll of MY choice...

No problem real life is more important than this. May your grandfather has a surgery without problems and a swift recovery.
ok good news is that it looks like the interlude is going to be larger than I had originally intended with a LOT more character interaction and development.

Bad news is that it may take a few more days longer than I had intended especially with how much worry I have been under with my Grandfather going in for heart surgery tomorrow.

you also have some children now DESPITE Midna attempting to prevent such with her magic.

You talk about the spoiler without it being under a spoiler you all get a -10 omake penalty to a roll of MY choice...

Good luck with your grandfother, i lost mine some years ago so i understand your worries.
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ok good news is that it looks like the interlude is going to be larger than I had originally intended with a LOT more character interaction and development.

Bad news is that it may take a few more days longer than I had intended especially with how much worry I have been under with my Grandfather going in for heart surgery tomorrow.

you also have some children now DESPITE Midna attempting to prevent such with her magic.

You talk about the spoiler without it being under a spoiler you all get a -10 omake penalty to a roll of MY choice...
I was right Midna was pregnant, how many kids are there?
P.S. You have my condolences for your Grandfather. My mother went through open heart surgery about ten years ago, so I know what that feels like.
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I was right Midna was pregnant, how many kids are there?
P.S. You have my condolences for your Grandfather. My mother went through open heart surgery about ten years ago, so I know what that feels like.
thank you, he should be fine the doctors said he has a fairly high success rate, but still.... heart surgery.

not telling how many lol, that is a surprise. Only reason I gave you all that much was because I felt bad about the delay.

also minor good news, had a small burst of inspiration and got up to the celebration finished... there are roughly 30 paragraphs of writing so far, give or take 2. Some of them are small paragraphs of 2-3 small sentences some are massive ones of 6-7 long possibly run-on sentences. all in all they balance out to 4-5 sentences of medium size if they were equal. So quite a bit written already... I think around 1000 words? and I still have more than half of the celebration part to finish and then the meeting Din part, and then finally the marriage part... so the whole thing will likely reach 2000-2500 words total... :confused:
ARC 1: Interlude: Twili and Goddesses part 1
Running to meet with Midna, Link left the town hall. Reaching the crowd he spotted Midna near the front of her people with her honor guard surrounding her. Pushing his way through his people and getting them to move aside Link made his way to Midna. However when he was nearly upon her he stopped, noticing something. Midna had three one year old children with her... One with Wolf ears, a second with a wolf tail and the third looking like a 'normal' Hylian/Twili crossbreed child. That is to say, not normal at all.

The children all had magical runes on different parts of their bodies. They had different skin and hair colors. The first child has the Twili silver-blue skin with a gold hair color. The second has the Hylian pale white skin with orange hair. The Final child has a light grey skin with a tan undertone, and has royal purple colored hair. Seeing the children and how they looked, Link realized they could only be his and Midna's children. After coming to this realization Link felt like he was punched in the gut.... he was a father now. A father of not just one child, or even two children.... but he was a father of triplets.

'well crap... I wonder if there is any chance I can still run back to my quarters, grab my things and run off into the wilderness?' Link thought panicking at the idea of him raising three children at the same time. 'Maybe they won't find me if I am fast enough?'

"Link!" Midna called out with a smile, having caught sight of Link gaping at her in shock through the crowd. "It's so good to see you again!"

'Crap, too late... oh well time to face the music.' Link though realizing the smile on Midna's face was anything but happy. "Indeed Midna it's great to see you too!" Link replied with a smile of his own, futilely hoping that by not addressing the children they would disappear.

"Really? I thought you were about to run away a moment ago?" Midna replied her smile.. no GRIN, turning slightly vicious. "What is the matter Link? Are you suddenly scared of me? Or is it the children I am holding you are afraid of? Here I thought you would be glad to see the small burdens you left me with after we met last."

"Oh I AM! It's just... why did you never tell me I'm a father now?" Link asked with a nervous smile. "I mean, you specifically stated that you were using magic to stop that from happening. I would have thought you would tell me if it didn't work and you had become pregnant with my children?"

"I wanted to keep it as a surprise, though I had thought you would be happy to see us." Midna stated with a pout.

"Midna... I am happy to see you I was just shocked to know I am a father now." Link replied sighing before frowning in determination. "I missed you quite a bit, and if you need proof of how happy I am to see you well..."

Link walked right up to Midna before taking the child she held in her arms and holding it in one of his. He then wrapped his free arm around Midna pulling her in before giving her a deep kiss. The surrounding Hylian, Ordonians and Twili gasped slightly in shock at how forward Link was being. Link continued the kiss for a good few minutes constantly deepening it after Midna began to kiss him back wrapping her arms around Link's head. Finally Link released Midna from the kiss before staring into her eyes intensely keeping Midna speechless as she pants slightly to catch her breath.

"That Midna, is how much I missed you." Link said before grinning and then turning around and walking away while holding his child closely and playing with them. "Now follow me to the keep, we can catch up further back there, and you can tell me the names of my children. Rusl, Bo see to the needs of the rest of the Twili people while Midna and I discuss what has been done to accommodate our deal."


As they through the keep to the meeting room Midna told Link all about his children and the fact that Twili typically don't name children until they are 2 years old. Plus she wanted Link to help her name his children as well so that was something they needed to do at some point soon. Their discussion lasted until they reached the meeting room whereupon Midna's guards took up positions on both sides of the door in semi-relaxed postures.

"Now then Midna," Link began after they all sat down with Midna's guards standing by the door. "The place that has been selected that best fits your people is a weeks journey to the southeast, and from what we can tell contains plenty of resources already with many more likely yet to be found. However it is admittedly a desert, so it is not the 'perfect' spot for your people to settle. However it is the best my own people were able to find in the time we had."

"That is fine." Midna stated, far more relaxed now that Link has obviously accepted his children and intend to take care of them and her. "So long as we have the ability to be self-sufficient to a degree and we have a guarantee of food from you then that should be fine."

"Good to know, and of course we intend to send food, however I should warn you that in the current system set up the resources are government owned and the workers receive pay directly from it. Your people will be expected to follow the same system. However there will be a provincial governor selected from among your people to rule that province in our name." Link said, informing Midna of some of the expectations that would be set upon her people.

"That should be fine. Especially with how you are allowing my people self-governance in return." Midna replied with a smile before frowning slightly in worry. "However I hope you realize that they won't be able to do much until we have our own town set up among other things?"

"That brings me to the final thing I wanted to inform you about." Link mischievously smiled as he continued. "There is already a small town with foundations laid for expansion set up in the style of your people. This is thanks in large part to my administrative advisor Malo, along with the aid and advice of the mages you lent me. On top of that we have already set up the iron mine in the area for the use of your people, though we took a fair bit of metal from it and used most of it to set up the town."

"Wha... How!?!" Midna shouted in shock. "How did your people manage to construct a town in our construction style with only a few mages doing so???"

"Malo is without question a genius despite his extremely young age Midna. You should know that given you were with me a you watched him set up his Malo mart chain during our adventures together." Link offered eyes twinkling in mirth at getting Midna to break her composure so well. "He actually managed to figure out how to use more mundane methods with only minor magical aid to build towns in a near exact copy of your building style. You will likely have to apply the magical reinforcement your people normally do to their building, however otherwise the town is a near exact copy of your construction style compared to what I remember and the word of the Twilight mages."

"That is great news." Midna said, eyes still wide in surprise and disbelief as she sat back in her chair. "So my people will not have to sleep in tents then."

"Ah. not quite." Link replied wincing slightly. "A large portion of your people should fit withing the homes already built, and once the homes are built up from the extra foundations almost all of your people should have a home of their own. However until then a decent number of your people will still need tents and you will likely need to set up some minor villages and the like for the remaining people to live in."

"That is still great news, Link." Midna said smiling slightly as she relaxed in her chair at his words. "Then it would be best if my people were off to help finish the construction as soon as possible then. After all the sooner it is done, the sooner my people will no longer be homeless."

"Actually, speaking of that." Link stated holding up a finger. "If you would like to wait an extra day or so, my people will be celebrating our victory over the Moblins tomorrow. I know all of us would be greatly honored by your peoples presence given our victory only happened thanks in large part of the mages you had sent to aid us. Meeting each other and celebrating such a victory over our enemies thanks to our alliance should help to bring our people much further together than they otherwise would be."

"Alright that is fine. I am sure my people would be fine waiting until after such a celebration to move on to our new homes." Midna agreed. "Plus such a thing would serve to help raise our moral and show we are more than welcomed by your people combined with the the town being built as it is."

"Indeed, in the meantime however, I would like to get acquainted with our children and begin planning out our marriage." Link said. "I would like to hold it near the end of this year once the new Grand Temple to Din is completed. Such a temple would be the perfect place for us to get married in I believe."

They continued discussing their plans for the wedding as they got up and made their way off to make sure the Twili were settling in nicely.


[] Write in names for the white skinned boy

[] Write in names for the silver-blue skinned girl

[] Write in names for the grey skinned girl

Interlude part 1 ends here

there you guys go, part one of the interlude. the Celebration and meeting din will be next update, I have decided that the marriage will be a forced action next turn in the diplomacy section. ;)

so ya you have three kids, two daughters and a son. Congratulations! also remember, this is how many kids you had when Midna was trying to AVOID having kids... so ummm your rating on your virility? its fking ridiculously high.

o_O also holy crap... thats about 1000 words MORE than I thought I wrote :p

EDIT: Thank you @Void Stalker for getting me to split the interlude into two updates! otherwise I would just pumped out a 4k word update in another few days lol :p

Oh also there is no Moratorium for this vote, no need for it given its a pretty basic vote with little possible discussion. Also since the kids have been mentioned here, no more need for spoilers discussing them now.
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Thanks San, hope things turn out okay!!!

Also don't burn yourself out!

well can't say I'm suprised, but hey things will get intresting from here on out! And maybe after we have our kids link might mellow out a bit and focus on family issues...

Edited: well...that's suprising!!!
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That is just adorable, Link as a surprised father but glad he did not run. Oh and naming kids... hmm this will take some thought. Hmm, Rombia is a good name for one of the girls, who knows, she could even end up as a healer ;)

there you guys go, part one of the interlude. the Celebration and meeting din will be next update, I have decided that the marriage will be a forced action next turn in the diplomacy section. ;)
Makes sense that we want an action spent on this as it is a Royal wedding and it would need a lot of resources and time to make sure it is pulled off correctly.
there you guys go, part one of the interlude. the Celebration and meeting din will be next update, I have decided that the marriage will be a forced action next turn in the diplomacy section. ;)

so ya you have three kids, two daughters and a son. Congratulations! also remember, this is how many kids you had when Midna was trying to AVOID having kids... so ummm your rating on your virility? its fking ridiculously high.
How high on a scale of 1-100? 84?
At least Link and Midna won't have to worry about lineage. Also I feel that Link's virility is over 100 considering we had triples despite Midna using magical birth control. As for name suggestions in order:
Edit: Never mind I change my votes, thanks for the name suggestions Void Stalker
[X] Rombia (silver-blue skinned girl)
[X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
[X] Taarn (white skinned boy)
Adhoc vote count started by EyeOfSauron on Jul 18, 2018 at 1:40 AM, finished with 16 posts and 4 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by EyeOfSauron on Jul 18, 2018 at 6:16 PM, finished with 24 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Rombia (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Taarn (white skinned boy)
    [X] Luna (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Daltus (white skinned boy)
    [X] Huey (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Louie (white skinned boy)
    [X] Dewey (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Sene (silver-blue skinned girl)
    [X] Mizni (grey skinned girl)
    [X] Allyn(white skinned boy)
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How high on a scale of 1-100? 84?
actually you almost hit it on the nose lol! its 83 :p

good thing Midna's fertility is also fairly low though, at only 31. She does have the fertile trait however, which boosts the roll by +10 and also on woman makes childbirth easier.
actually you almost hit it on the nose lol! its 83 :p

good thing Midna's fertility is also fairly low though, at only 31. She does have the fertile trait however, which boosts the roll by +10 and also on woman makes childbirth easier.

Could you tell us some traditional twili names, i want to name one children with a traditional twili name.
[X] Rombia (silver-blue skinned girl)
[X] Etho (grey skinned girl)
[X] Taarn (white skinned boy)

Edit- added in name for second girl and the male to match @EyeOfSauron (as for Rombia, that was a name I used for a Hyrulian healer in an omake chain for another quest so it seemed appropriate here)

For one of the girls, and @san might remember that name, plus it is a hyrulian name.

@jgalue1 are you looking for male or female twili names?

Female twili:


Hylian names:

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So in addition to names, I would like some feedback on what projects to pursue for the next turn. We can train two units a turn currently, my thoughts are another archer and either legion or hoplite unit, right now I favor another legion over hoplite.

Also I do feel like we should expand Faron province as that will for sure add additional lumber sources and is a province that has no enemies bordering it plus we have explored the immediate area around the province if I am reading the maps right. Combine that with 2 scouts teams on scouting Faron for more resources and the other 2 scouts going south-south east to explore past where the Twili are settling (and I like the idea of scouting beyond our borders so that we know what future expansion might cause us to border).

Royal wedding is one diplo action, I would also like to do another improve morale since it was mentioned that doing so again would unlock special actions.

We also can start on a second temple, the question is do we want Nayru or Faore for that?

Then after that we also have our research adviser, bombs is a potential option here though at 800 rupees it may be too much depending on wedding and expansion costs as the temple will eat up a lot of our rupee budget next year.
Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on Jul 17, 2018 at 11:20 PM, finished with 14 posts and 3 votes.
Could you tell us some traditional twili names, i want to name one children with a traditional twili name.
There are very few Twili names known, but Twili names tend to be based off things related to darkness or twilight.

For example Midna was based off of Midnight. Making up a traditional Twili name is basically taking a root word from just about any language about something related to night, darkness or twilight and mixing it up a bit.

at least this will be the case here.

Hylian names have a tendency to be Celtic in origin so look for names there.


Twili name examples:

and so on and so forth.

Hylian name examples:

and there you go.
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