Andre thinks for a moment. "If… either of them are severely wounded, it would be greatly appreciated if they could be cared for on another ship -- our med bay is undamaged, but heavily overwhelmed. We have other injured."
Given the fact that the Rose is understaffed I imagine a lot of the benefits for helping out there is to give the trained personnel time to rest as a lot of things simply need someone watching to insure someone remains stable. This would do wonders for North's reputation as a workaholic, and among the crew.
"Lady Perbeck is alive, but unconscious," Mazlo reports, smiling thinly, some of the stress finally going out of him. He's been wound so tightly ever since the situation with the Strawberry began that you've wondered if he's going to snap. "Significant damages to her Mecha, but nothing unrepairable."
Well it is good to know Perbeck is alive, and that Mazlo isn't the cliche glory hound who only care about himself.
"They've recovered Sub-Lieutenant Ito's Banner," he says, slowly.
As he continues talking, you watch Anja's entire body go slack, like a puppet whose strings have been cut, and her eyes go horribly blank.
It is a credit to the quality of the writing that despite never picking any of the Ito interactions that his passing was painful through what little we got of him, and through his connection with Anja.
There it is. The pointed stress placed on her name. On Mosi's family name -- many had sided with the pretender following the civil war, but few did so in quite such dramatic fashion as Dame Nalah North, an obscure knight who rocketed herself to infamy in the Holy Empire by personally defeating several Imperial guardsmen and wounding the Emperor's own son early in the retreat to Saturn. And fewer still had defied the will of the emperor quite so brazenly as Dame Nalah's late husband, who, when offered a chance at survival, had refused to denounce his traitor wife and deliberately placed himself in line for the firing squad. The General on Mars had wanted to spare him -- a gifted and respected accountant, and the kind of bureaucrat the Holy Empire had needed desperately, at that point in the war. Instead, the general had been humiliated in front of his own troops and the Martian populace alike.
I wonder how much of this is Mosi internally justifying the actions of her side versus how things went reality? Regardless the fact that she views her father in terms of her mother is certainly insightful.
Mosi is unbelievably fortunate to be alive, let alone having any career at all after that. Looking into Chavez's cold eyes, she is struck by that familiar feeling of being a mouse in a den of cat's. Infuriating, given how far she's pushed herself to escape that.
Hah! The other side would have to be idiots to throw away a pilot with excellent potential, and more importantly drive enough to work herself to death in pursuit of the elimination of an infamous enemy ace.
"I'm telling you you should," Green says, with a shrug. "Besides: you might run into a familiar face. It's over Iapetus. That's where intel said your mother was stationed last, right?"
Ugh they're totally using Mosai as an expendable pawn to make up for their poor showing. Also I suspect if Mosai succeeds in her goal Amani will be torn between revenge for her mother, and a desire for her sister to survive so she isn't alone.
Although if that does happen... it is too bad the quest narrative limits Amani's role to being a bridge bunny, and what else she works on in her free time. Because while it is cliche Amani overcoming her second guessing, and desire for an optimal soultion by drowning it white hot anger would certainly be something else.
Tragically, among the dead this time is Petty Officer Nowak, and, while it seems everyone is reasonably certain that the young girl didn't die in the battle, Faiza has disappeared. The Petty Officer was the one who was looking after the girl, upon your suggestion, and with her gone, the only other person who knows about Faiza's forays into the maintenance shafts is Guardswoman J6. Last time you had any contact, you had the impression that Faiza still holds a dislike of you from your first encounter in the mecha bay. It still might be a good idea to check up on her. Who do you manage to speak to?
So Faiza has lost her father, presumably her mother, and the one person on the ship who was willing to give her a chance? Seriously the kid has terrible luck.
You have three points of downtime to spend this time. I will not make you buy a conversation with Anja at this point, that is going to happen automatically. Votes will be counted together, please select enough options to use up all your downtime -- just picking one will only make it harder to tally the votes.
The occasional free action when it makes sense based upon relationship depth, and narrative events numbs the pain a little bit.
[ ] Speak with Lady Perbeck, one downtime
Considering the Good Countess has lost both of her original subordinates, and based upon her previous action with North lacks anyone else to talk with.
[ ] Speak with Guardwoman J6, one downtime
I'm voting for this as J6 interests me as a character, a little interaction bit of interaction that isn't dramatic, and maybe even build a connection with someone with the influence alongside motivation to give Faiza a foot in the door in regards to acquiring official certification.
[ ] Check on Faiza, one downtime
We should pick this action if for no other reason than the fact that it appears nobody else is doing it, and if Faiza is in as bad a mental state as I suspect at the very least get her focused on a concrete goal instead of doing nothing.
[ ] Volunteer for extra duties doing basic scut work around the infirmary, two downtime
As I noted before this will probably build up North's reputation among the average spacer.
[X] Speak with Lady Perbeck, one downtime
[X] Speak with Guardwoman J6, one downtime
[X] Check on Faiza, one downtime