If that's what you think you need, sure. I can think of several things, given that Shinji is a Japanese national, that you'd probably want clarified, but it's your decision in the end.
If that's what you think you need, sure. I can think of several things, given that Shinji is a Japanese national, that you'd probably want clarified, but it's your decision in the end.
I mean, I've talked with mom and she didn't recognize any of the three great monsters by anything except species. Aparently that stuff isn't covered much. Mom's Born and raised Japanese by the way.If that's what you think you need, sure. I can think of several things, given that Shinji is a Japanese national, that you'd probably want clarified, but it's your decision in the end.
His regret in the now, however, related to not bringing an umbrella, for the clouds had opened up and become dropping a light drizzle on him, and in the breeze, it was downright miserable.
The road, if you could call it that, was slick and just a little muddy, but at least you could walk on it. Astolfo and Sheba didn't seem to struggle with the march at all, only Shinji's human stamina was at all a detriment to the group. That fact, however expected, did not make him too happy.
"Maybe. Better question is, is it for us?" Astolfo answered drily. "Can't be for Servants, neither of us can smell it."
"Greetings! Mind if we use your fire? We're freezing!" Astolfo's lips had twisted into a kind smile. Shinji just shivered, following behind him slowly. The cave was not particularly populated, with a large stone slab converted into what seemed to be some sort of makeshift over. Sitting by the fire, cooking what looked like fish, was a young woman, her hair unusually pink and long, but otherwise, she didn't look particularly unusual.
"Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi." He whispered under his breath. The girl by the fire just glanced up, something approaching amusement playing out on her face.
"That's nice." She answered. "It's also a bit rude. Close your mouth, Shinji-kun. You'll catch flies." Her words were nothing but gentle. Shinji had no idea what, exactly, was going on. Another few moments, and it finally occurred to him what his mistake was.
"The Kyuubi-no-kitsune wasn't summoned at all." He whispered. "You're not summoned as a demon fox, are you? You're just a person." The so called 'Kyuubi' just sighed, pointing at the bread.
"Boy. Shut up. Eat." She grumbled. "Sheesh, is he always this bad?" Sheba just giggled.
"I think you broke his brain." She mused.
"You're equally clueless." She noted. "Well, I suppose the cat has crossed the street. What do you want to know, boy? Before your guts come tumbling out of your mouth." Her face did not betray much, but her lips couldn't stop twitching into a smile.
I think you need to reread Chapter 10. Shinji and Sheba already nailed down pretty much when you were.I'm not sure if the question about the Emperor is that important, but it might help nail down when we are.