Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

THIS IS HERESY! Moblins are evil monsters only meant to be exterminated! They ALL served Gannon and are therefore all EVIL! ~ Brought to you by the Inquisition.
Trivia fact in Twilight Princess there was that Moblin warlord King Bulblin who after he is beaten for the last time says "I follow the strongest side. It is all I have known." before he leaves. Interesting implications there, will this have any effect on the quest?
Trivia fact in Twilight Princess there was that Moblin warlord King Bulblin who after he is beaten for the last time says "I follow the strongest side. It is all I have known." before he leaves. Interesting implications there, will this have any effect on the quest?
actually he was a Boblin and #NOSPOILERS!
[] Plan: The usual
-[] Evacuate civilians
-[] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
Malonville troops
-[] Have them go to Ordontown
-[] Call upon them to help guard your lands
Roma troops
-[] Move to Wall
Wall troops
-[] Stay in place
Misculanious (sans spelling, not mine)
-[] Get Link a Bow and a sword. Not just a sword.
-[] Move Link to Ordontown
-[] Have Militia Guard the Civilians and keep civil order, not engage in combat with Moblins
-[] Have Ordontown become the main/only place to defend. The surrounding areas will be scoured by Cavalry as possible to keep Moblin Marauders to a minimum. Still, we cant defend everything. "Wer alles verteidigt, verteidigt nichts." and all that. So instead we reinforce the wall to a degree to at least hold it and then meet the Moblins with the main army at Ordontown. Yes, that means the rest of the land is completly open. No, we can not really change that and have to hope they do not know of our weaknesses.
[X] Plan: The usual
-[X] Evacuate civilians
-[X] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
Malonville troops
-[X] Have them go to Ordontown
-[X] Call upon them to help guard your lands
Roma troops
-[] Move to Wall
Wall troops
-[] Stay in place
-[X] Get Link a Bow and a sword. Not just a sword.
-[X] Move Link to Ordontown
-[X] Have Militia Guard the Civilians and keep civil order, not engage in combat with Moblins
-[X] Have Ordontown become the main/only place to defend. The surrounding areas will be scoured by Cavalry as possible to keep Moblin Marauders to a minimum. Still, we cant defend everything. "Wer alles verteidigt, verteidigt nichts." and all that. So instead we reinforce the wall to a degree to at least hold it and then meet the Moblins with the main army at Ordontown. Yes, that means the rest of the land is completly open. No, we can not really change that and have to hope they do not know of our weaknesses.
[X] Plan: The usual
-[X] Evacuate civilians
-[X] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
Malonville troops
-[X] Have them go to Ordontown
-[X] Call upon them to help guard your lands
Roma troops
-[X] Move to Wall
Wall troops
-[X] Stay in place
Misculanious (sans spelling, not mine)
-[X] Get Link a Bow and a sword. Not just a sword.
-[X] Move Link to Ordontown
-[X] Have Militia Guard the Civilians and keep civil order, not engage in combat with Moblins
-[X] Have Ordontown become the main/only place to defend. The surrounding areas will be scoured by Cavalry as possible to keep Moblin Marauders to a minimum. Still, we cant defend everything. "Wer alles verteidigt, verteidigt nichts." and all that. So instead we reinforce the wall to a degree to at least hold it and then meet the Moblins with the main army at Ordontown. Yes, that means the rest of the land is completly open. No, we can not really change that and have to hope they do not know of our weaknesses.

umm guys? I need those votes!

At your rescue :cool:
[X] Plan: The usual
-[X] Evacuate civilians
-[X] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
Malonville troops
-[X] Have them go to Ordontown
-[X] Call upon them to help guard your lands
Roma troops
-[X] Move to Wall
Wall troops
-[X] Stay in place
Misculanious (sans spelling, not mine)
-[X] Get Link a Bow and a sword. Not just a sword.
-[X] Move Link to Ordontown
-[X] Have Militia Guard the Civilians and keep civil order, not engage in combat with Moblins
-[X] Have Ordontown become the main/only place to defend. The surrounding areas will be scoured by Cavalry as possible to keep Moblin Marauders to a minimum. Still, we cant defend everything. "Wer alles verteidigt, verteidigt nichts." and all that. So instead we reinforce the wall to a degree to at least hold it and then meet the Moblins with the main army at Ordontown. Yes, that means the rest of the land is completly open. No, we can not really change that and have to hope they do not know of our weaknesses.
ok I think 3 more hours of this staying open and then I will call it.
Adhoc vote count started by san on May 19, 2018 at 4:15 PM, finished with 1166 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The usual
    -[X] Evacuate civilians
    -[X] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
    -[X] Have them go to Ordontown
    -[X] Call upon them to help guard your lands
    -[X] Get Link a Bow and a sword. Not just a sword.
    -[X] Move Link to Ordontown
    -[X] Have Militia Guard the Civilians and keep civil order, not engage in combat with Moblins
    -[X] Have Ordontown become the main/only place to defend. The surrounding areas will be scoured by Cavalry as possible to keep Moblin Marauders to a minimum. Still, we cant defend everything. "Wer alles verteidigt, verteidigt nichts." and all that. So instead we reinforce the wall to a degree to at least hold it and then meet the Moblins with the main army at Ordontown. Yes, that means the rest of the land is completly open. No, we can not really change that and have to hope they do not know of our weaknesses.

Adhoc vote count started by san on May 20, 2018 at 12:20 AM, finished with 1171 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The usual
    -[X] Evacuate civilians
    -[X] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
    -[X] Have them go to Ordontown
    -[X] Call upon them to help guard your lands
    -[X] Move to Wall
    -[X] Stay in place
    -[X] Get Link a Bow and a sword. Not just a sword.
    -[X] Move Link to Ordontown
    -[X] Have Militia Guard the Civilians and keep civil order, not engage in combat with Moblins
    -[X] Have Ordontown become the main/only place to defend. The surrounding areas will be scoured by Cavalry as possible to keep Moblin Marauders to a minimum. Still, we cant defend everything. "Wer alles verteidigt, verteidigt nichts." and all that. So instead we reinforce the wall to a degree to at least hold it and then meet the Moblins with the main army at Ordontown. Yes, that means the rest of the land is completly open. No, we can not really change that and have to hope they do not know of our weaknesses.
And closed! plan the usual wins with no opposition. :( BOOORRRING!
Can you blame us, most of the people on this site and/or spacebattles are power hungry lunatics who don't bother focusing on stuff like tactics.
good point... but now the Moblins can siege you and you can't do shit without losing half your army trying to attack their camp...
ARC 1: Moblin War Miniturn: Part 2 Final defense arrangements.
As soon as the Moblins were spotted on the horizon Link Ordered Ordontown evacuated before calling up the Capitals full Militia and moving with them and the Hoplites over to the Inner Kingdom wall. Link also sent out orders for Bo and his troops to get to Ordontown. He then had the hunters call upon the Wolfos to guard the lands of Ordonna while they fight. Finally Link ordered the archers at the wall to travel to Ordontown and defend it themselves.

Upon arriving at the wall with the Roma Militia and the Hoplites, Link was met with the Ordontown Militia along with the evacuated Civilians. After organizing them and ordering half of the Roma Militia to escort the Civilians over to the capital he then ordered the remaining Militia and the Hoplites to guard the wall and prevent access to the inner kingdom while he went to Ordontown to command the battle alongside Rusl atop Epona.

Link arrived at Ordontown just half a day ahead of the Moblin army and met up with Rusl to begin discussing strategies for the upcoming battle or siege. They had time to come up with several and for Link to rest a bit before the Moblins arrived.

A day after Link arrived at Ordontown Bo and his troops arrived at the wall and quickly passed through However roughly halfway to the town they spotted a large portion of the Moblin army heading towards them. Utterly outnumbered and outmatched Bo and his troops retreated to the safety of the wall once more easily outpacing the Moblin army while atop their horses.

Back in Ordontown Link and Rusl were watching as the Moblins prepared to attack them. They had a few plans to set up some last minute defenses but could only set up one of the choices before the Moblins attacked. Stuck between setting up dozens of pots of boiling pitch and oil along the walls, several traps along the road leading from the gate into the town and ambushes in the alleys, and finally a number of barricades for extra defenses along the roads leading into the town and trapping the alleys they are forced to finally make a decision.

Meanwhile Bo commanding the setup of Defenses along the wall realizes that some extra defenses may be prudent. However he lacks any pitch or oil for the good old standard options and is forced to get creative. He then is stuck on digging stake filled pit traps to prevent the Moblins from easily setting up ladders at the wall, setting up boulders to roll off the wall and kill Moblins scaling it, and reinforcing most of the gates and the battlements with barricades.

OrdonTown defenses pick 1:
[] Oil and pitch pots: Makes it more difficult to scale walls, increases losses for Moblins scaling walls. Cost 500 rupees.
[] Road traps and alley ambushes: Causes enemy to take a lot of extra losses as they move through the city. Cost 100 metal, 300 wood.
[] Road barricades and alley traps: Extra layers of defense for your troops reducing losses your troops take and tiring the enemy out while inflicting a few extra losses. Cost 300 wood, 100 stone.

Inner Kingdom wall Defenses pick 1:
[] Stake filled pits at base of wall: Increases difficulty of scaling wall, initial losses of Moblin troops increased. Cost 200 rupees, 100 wood.
[] boulders atop wall: causes the enemy to lose many troops while they scale the wall and lowers their moral. Cost 200 stone.
[] Barricaded gates and battlements: Lowers your losses from enemy arrow fire and greatly weakens the effect of battering rams though it also slows your cavalry down from sallying out a gate at the Moblin troops. Cost 300 wood.

EDIT: Finally pick how you deploy the troops on the defenses:

Ordontown: 3000 Archers, 1000 Legionaries, 2000 Hoplites, 4 Twilight mages, Link, Rusl to deploy among Walls, in defense of gates, and in reserve in case of breaches.
[] Write in plan for Ordontown troop deployment.

Inner Kingdom wall: 1000 Hoplites, 500 knights, 500 Cataphracts, 3 wizards, 4000 Bow Militia, 1000 spear militia, 2000 horse militia, 3000 Assorted infantry militia to deploy along wall, in defense of gates, or in reserve in case of breaches.
[]Write in plan for Inner kingdom wall troop Deployment.

Moblin war Miniturn part 2 ends here.

There you guys go Final part of the prebattle. The next update will be the battle itself. Please leave a like if you enjoyed and remember

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As soon as the Moblins were spotted on the horizon Link Ordered Ordontown evacuated before calling up the Capitals full Militia and moving with them and the Hoplites over to the Inner Kingdom wall. Link also sent out orders for Bo and his troops to get to Ordontown. He then had the hunters call upon the Wolfos to guard the lands of Ordonna while they fight. Finally Link ordered the archers at the wall to travel to Ordontown and defend it themselves.

Upon arriving at the wall with the Roma Militia and the Hoplites, Link was met with the Ordontown Militia along with the evacuated Civilians. After organizing them and ordering half of the Roma Militia to escort the Civilians over to the capital he then ordered the remaining Militia and the Hoplites to guard the wall and prevent access to the inner kingdom while he went to Ordontown to command the battle alongside Rusl atop Epona.

Link arrived at Ordontown just half a day ahead of the Moblin army and met up with Rusl to begin discussing strategies for the upcoming battle or siege. They had time to come up with several and for Link to rest a bit before the Moblins arrived.

A day after Link arrived at Ordontown Bo and his troops arrived at the wall and quickly passed through However roughly halfway to the town they spotted a large portion of the Moblin army heading towards them. Utterly outnumbered and outmatched Bo and his troops retreated to the safety of the wall once more easily outpacing the Moblin army while atop their horses.

Back in Ordontown Link and Rusl were watching as the Moblins prepared to attack them. They had a few plans to set up some last minute defenses but could only set up one of the choices before the Moblins attacked. Stuck between setting up dozens of pots of boiling pitch and oil along the walls, several traps along the road leading from the gate into the town and ambushes in the alleys, and finally a number of barricades for extra defenses along the roads leading into the town and trapping the alleys they are forced to finally make a decision.

Meanwhile Bo commanding the setup of Defenses along the wall realizes that some extra defenses may be prudent. However he lacks any pitch or oil for the good old standard options and is forced to get creative. He then is stuck on digging stake filled pit traps to prevent the Moblins from easily setting up ladders at the wall, setting up boulders to roll off the wall and kill Moblins scaling it, and reinforcing most of the gates and the battlements with barricades.

OrdonTown defenses:
[] Oil and pitch pots: Makes it more difficult to scale walls, increases losses for Moblins scaling walls. Cost 500 rupees.
[] Road traps and alley ambushes: Causes enemy to take a lot of extra losses as they move through the city. Cost 100 metal, 300 wood.
[] Road barricades and alley traps: Extra layers of defense for your troops reducing losses your troops take and tiring the enemy out while inflicting a few extra losses. Cost 300 wood, 100 stone.

Inner Kingdom wall Defenses:
[] Stake filled pits at base of wall: Increases difficulty of scaling wall, initial losses of Moblin troops increased. Cost 200 rupees, 100 wood.
[] boulders atop wall: causes the enemy to lose many troops while they scale the wall and lowers their moral. Cost 200 stone.
[] Barricaded gates and battlements: Lowers your losses from enemy arrow fire and greatly weakens the effect of battering rams though it also slows your cavalry down from sallying out a gate at the Moblin troops. Cost 300 wood.

Moblin war Miniturn part 2 ends here.

There you guys go Final part of the prebattle. The next update will be the battle itself. Please leave a like if you enjoyed and remember


@san, how many resources do we have exactly? (Mostly asking because I'm not sure if the resource count from Nation Status is up to date.)
FUCK!!! I just looked at nation tab-
we got -1200 in the bank in rupee's, but I think we can owe it a little more...we get 7400 next turn, so a little more in debt wont hurt.

but we got 200 wood in stockpile, along with 400 stone, as well as 300 metal...we cant do shit!!! unless Sans allows us to dip into our future prospects...which I doubt.

otherwise I WOULD GET EVERYTHING!!! we are in deep enough crap that we need every advantage we can get!!!

I doubt Sans is going to be nice to us though...

OrdonTown defenses:
[] Oil and pitch pots: Makes it more difficult to scale walls, increases losses for Moblins scaling walls. Cost 500 rupees.
[] Road traps and alley ambushes: Causes enemy to take a lot of extra losses as they move through the city. Cost 100 metal, 300 wood.
[] Road barricades and alley traps: Extra layers of defense for your troops reducing losses your troops take and tiring the enemy out while inflicting a few extra losses. Cost 300 wood, 100 stone.

Inner Kingdom wall Defenses:
[] Stake filled pits at base of wall: Increases difficulty of scaling wall, initial losses of Moblin troops increased. Cost 200 rupees, 100 wood.
[] boulders atop wall: causes the enemy to lose many troops while they scale the wall and lowers their moral. Cost 200 stone.
[] Barricaded gates and battlements: Lowers your losses from enemy arrow fire and greatly weakens the effect of battering rams though it also slows your cavalry down from sallying out a gate at the Moblin troops. Cost 300 wood.

of this we can only do the oil and pitch for OrdonTown, while adding stake filled pits at the base of wall and boulders atop wall at the inner kingdom wall at best.
if sans allows us to be in debt I would say go for everything...
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FUCK!!! I just looked at nation tab-
we got -1200 in the bank in rupee's, but I think we can owe it a little more...we get 7400 next turn, so a little more in debt wont hurt.

but we got 200 wood in stockpile, along with 400 stone, as well as 300 metal...we cant do shit!!! unless Sans allows us to dip into our future prospects...which I doubt.

otherwise I WOULD GET EVERYTHING!!! we are in deep enough crap that we need every advantage we can get!!!

I doubt Sans is going to be nice to us though...

OrdonTown defenses:
[] Oil and pitch pots: Makes it more difficult to scale walls, increases losses for Moblins scaling walls. Cost 500 rupees.
[] Road traps and alley ambushes: Causes enemy to take a lot of extra losses as they move through the city. Cost 100 metal, 300 wood.
[] Road barricades and alley traps: Extra layers of defense for your troops reducing losses your troops take and tiring the enemy out while inflicting a few extra losses. Cost 300 wood, 100 stone.

Inner Kingdom wall Defenses:
[] Stake filled pits at base of wall: Increases difficulty of scaling wall, initial losses of Moblin troops increased. Cost 200 rupees, 100 wood.
[] boulders atop wall: causes the enemy to lose many troops while they scale the wall and lowers their moral. Cost 200 stone.
[] Barricaded gates and battlements: Lowers your losses from enemy arrow fire and greatly weakens the effect of battering rams though it also slows your cavalry down from sallying out a gate at the Moblin troops. Cost 300 wood.

of this we can only do the oil and pitch for OrdonTown, while adding stake filled pits at the base of wall and boulders atop wall at the inner kingdom wall at best.
if sans allows us to be in debt I would say go for everything...
you can only pick 1 for each, thats all the time is there for I tried to represent that in the update. but yes I will allow you to dig into your future resources.
@san, how many resources do we have exactly? (Mostly asking because I'm not sure if the resource count from Nation Status is up to date.)
I am not sure either, just pick 1 of each, I will allow extra resource usage, though remember you have ongoing projects that require certain resources not to mention trade deals!

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