[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] The Onmyo
[X] Tell a half truth, that you had come from a far away place to render assistance to people under attack from demons.
[X] Did not drink the soup.
[X] The Onmyo
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] The Onmyo
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] The Onmyo
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] About the Onmyo.
[X] About Masamune's own presence.
[X] About the Shinsengumi.
[X] Tell a half truth, that you had come from a far away place to render assistance to people under attack from demons.

[X] Drank the soup.

[X] About the Shinsengumi.
[X] Tell a half truth, that you had come from a far away place to render assistance to people under attack from demons.

[X] Drank the soup.

[X] About the Shinsengumi.
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[x] About Masamune's own presence.
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] About the Onmyo.

Doubt Masamune'd poison the soup, he already knows we're from the future, and the one thing I see here I have no idea about is the Onmyo.
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] About the Onmyo.

Poison doesn't feel like the kind of tactic he'd take...
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] About the Onmyo.

Look at it this way, if it is poisoned, at least our allies will probably tell when we instantly fall over half-dead.

"But what if it's a slow burn poison which takes a whi-"

It's Shinji, if it's even remotely poison he'll fall over half dead instantly :V
"There's no birds." Atalanta noted. That did not, however, seem all that unusual to Shinji. No, his gaze was situated on the walls. There was something quite odd about them.

That's never a fun sign.

"They've seen us." Saint George's voice was quite urgent, his blade flashing through the air. "Master-"

Thank you for your brilliant insight and assessment skills, Georgius. You do us proud.

"We'll call out for parley. If this is a refugee camp, then we're on their side." Heine just groaned, armour of amethyst beginning to form all over his body, transforming his form into that of a knight. "Damn, we must look so suspicious to them."


Heine just groaned, armour of amethyst beginning to form all over his body, transforming his form into that of a knight.

.....no shit?

'I am going to die.'

And thus did Matou Shinji take his first steps on the path to being a true magus. To use magecraft is to walk with death, and accepting that is the first step towards mastery.

"I think they blame foreigners for Kyoto." Shinji whispered hurriedly, before raising his voice. "I stand beside allies who stand against the forces of destruction! We have come to render assistance to those fleeing Kyoto!"

.....I mean to be perfectly honest the amount of times foreigners have fucked over Japan in its history means that it's not exactly an unreasonable position to hold, especially given that this is only like 14 years post-Perry.

"Really, did that blasted Onmyo not tell you anything?" It was a man, a rather tall man, absently holding one of about seven katana in his hand, the rest sheathed about his body. His right eye was hidden by a large headband, and his left had honed in on them sharply. "Names. Declare them now."

That is almost too much sword right there. Almost, but not quite.

"That's Masamune Date. Bow damn it."

"do it scrub"

Also - Servant found.

It took only a moment for Atalanta to speak up.

"He does know that we do not get cold, right?"

"Speak for yourself." It would be questionable whose voice was capable of more venom, the man within the camp, or Sheba herself. "Let's go. I'm freezing."

It's not about the actuality of the situation, Atalanta, it's about the aesthetics and the rituals. He's offering you a place to sit down and have a polite conversation with him over what happens next and if he tries to murder you or not. Whether you actually need warm food or not is mostly irrelevant to the situation.

"It's fine. So tell me, what brings five foreigners and a boy from the future to Japan?" He asked. "Especially while the imperial palace is burning. If I didn't know better, I'd think these things are related." He leaned forward just a little, his lips twisting into a smile. "Hijikata, come join us."

I mean....he's not wrong. The appearance of our heroes and Shinji is in fact related, but only in that they were both caused by the same thing, roughly speaking.

Oh and Hijikata's here as well, which is....potentially problematic? I don't really know what he's like in Fate and/or IRL.

....the lack of GUDA GUDA makes me sad though.

[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.

He's a Servant, he has to know this is a Singularity, there's little point in fucking around and potentially offending him by being coy. Plus, he seems like the kind of guy who would appreciate that kind of straightforwardness.

[X] Drank the soup.

Politeness. Refusing the soup would be insulting to the guy offering us hospitality.

[X] About the Onmyo.

The other questions are at least for the moment straightforward enough - Date's a Servant, the Shinsengumi are here because Hijikata's here. Meanwhile, this Onmyo is something we don't even have any information on, and the fact that Date expected us to have had some contact with them suggests that they're more connected into this situation than most, in which case learning more and getting into contact with them would be good.
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Oh and Hijikata's here as well, which is....potentially problematic? I don't really know what he's like in Fate and/or IRL.
The version of him seen in Fate was a Berserker that couldn't accept the Shinsengumi were defeated and to be consigned to history, requiring that he be put down like a rabid dog, iirc.
[X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
[X] Drank the soup.
[X] About the Onmyo.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BlackHadou on May 14, 2018 at 5:50 AM, finished with 292 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
    [X] Drank the soup.
    [X] About the Onmyo.
    [X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
    [X] Drank the soup.
    [X] The Onmyo
    [X] Tell a half truth, that you had come from a far away place to render assistance to people under attack from demons.
    [X] Drank the soup.
    [X] About the Shinsengumi.
    [X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
    [X] Did not drink the soup.
    [X] The Onmyo
    [X] Tell a half truth, that you had come from a far away place to render assistance to people under attack from demons.
    [X] Did not drink the soup.
    [X] The Onmyo
    [X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
    [X] Drank the soup.
    [X] About the Onmyo.
    [X] About Masamune's own presence.
    [X] About the Shinsengumi.
    [X] Tell the truth, that you had come from Chaldea on the Argo to resolve this singularity.
    [X] Drank the soup.
    [X] About Masamune's own presence.
Chapter 13
Really, telling the truth could have easily been a mine field. However, Masamune did not interrupt as Shinji told his tale, of the flight from Chaldea and the things that had led to their mission; of the great enemy who was attempting to incinerate all of humanity. The soup tasted enough like miso to be tolerable. Really, it must have been it's direct predecessor as a food.

For his part, Masamune was a fine audience, humming and ahhing at the right moments. Hijikata was far less of an audience, his face taciturn the entire time. It was a very surreal experience, one that would not likely happen again.

Of course, that meant it happening again might as well have been inevitable to Shinji.

"Well." Masamune whispered, stirring his soup absently in his hand. "That is more specific then what I was told, but what you know has holes." He whistled just a bit, leaning back. "Let's fill some of those holes then. I am Masamune Date, summoned by the will of man in the Saber class to protect the order of humanity in this era."

"We gathered." Sheba's voice was just a bit sarcastic. "You are the only Servant, then?"

"No. I know at least four others." Masamune retorted. "… One of which is our enemy." Sheba just sighed.

"I was afraid of that. Was he summoned by the wish upon the grail?"

"I think it happened in the reverse order, actually." Masamune admitted. "He was summoned and then the grail was used." He took a long draught of the soup, before putting the cup down. "The servant summoned was a Lancer. His name… a bad omen."

"You know who it is?" Shinji spoke up. He could feel a tingle down is spine. He was sure he wasn't going to like the answer.

"Yes." For the first time, Hijikata spoke up. "Okita and I fought him thrice during the flight from the capital. Each time, he repelled us like flies. He bears the Mon of a time long lost, that of the Heike. His name..."

"Taira no Kiyomori." Shinji's mouth opened slightly, the words tumbling off his breath. His throat felt dry, and there was little to calm his shaking hands. "He's our enemy?"

"Yes." Masamune just nodded. "In some ways, it would be easier if it was just one of the three great monsters."

"I'm lost. Context, Shinji?" Heine's words were almost urgent, glancing between the young and old Japanese men. Shinji just took a long breath to steady himself. Indeed, it was Masamune who actually answered him.

"Taira no Kiyomori is the villain of one of the greatest tales of our country." He stated. "It is recounted in the Heike Monogatari, which would not be unlike the Matter of France or the Illiad, in terms of reading material. It recounts the war between the Heike and the Genji for control of Japan. The long story cut short, the Genji won, and the Heike were cast down." Tapping a finger, Masamune's gaze travelled between the foreigners. "Kiyomori is a Servant whose epithet is 'Beloved King of Flames'. He is a Servant who employs demonic magic. His Noble Phantasm is what destroyed the entirety of Kyoto in mere hours and before the end of this week will scour all life from this basin. In terms of firepower, I am thoroughly outmatched." His lips began to twist into a small smile.

"We have more Servants." Heine spoke up. "Another squad that infiltrated the city, and five more Servants besides. A fighting force of ten Servants is surely more then enou-" It was Saint George gently placing a hand on Heine's shoulder that stopped him.

"Unfortunately, some opponents can't be defeated with superior Servant numbers." Saint George whispered. "Masamune. What is the name of his Noble Phantasm?"

"… O' Beloved, Release the Gate of Rashomon." Came the answer. It was Hijikata's voice. "I was present when it was deployed. It summons a giant gate filled with demons." Masamune nodded.

"The onmyo calls it a supreme Noble Phantasm, one of the strongest in Japan period. Possibly comparable to what he called Japan's point of light." Masamune mused. "The casualties are immense. I requisitioned soldiers from the surrounding area, but it's all I can do to hold the road and maintain its safety. Killing demons is more suited to Sanada then me, but he isn't here."

"Sanada?" Shinji muttered. "Nobushige?"

"Yukimura, yes." Masamune nodded. "He'd easily tear the whole army apart. He was a bit like that." Masamune's voice was almost wistful.

"You speak of a onmyo, a Caster I presume?" Sheba asked. Masamune grunted the affirmative.

"He claims he's Abe no Seimei." His voice was almost a growl. "But he wondered off a while ago claiming that this was beneath his talents. I thought the legend would be a bit more agreeable, but if he is Abe no Seimei, then he is one of the more unpleasant men I've had the pleasure of meeting." Shaking his head again, Masamune lowered his head. "There is another matter; Kiyomori was summoned with another spirit in tow, though it doesn't bear a class."

"Another spirit?" Heine glanced between the Servants. "Is that possible? For a summoning to retrieve two spiritual bodies?"

"It is rare." Saint George admitted. "It's not entirely dissimilar to the relationship of Rider and mount, just in a less limited context. However, you would think their legends would need to be intrinsically linked."

"It's his beloved, isn't it?" Shinji asked. "The fox of the road."

Masamune just swallowed, before nodding.

"It is one of the three great monsters, yes." He admitted. "The spirit summoned was the Kyuubi-no-kitsune."

There was a long, pregnant pause.

"I don't believe you." Sheba was the first to speak. Masamune just chuckled.

"No, I speak the truth. Though in her current state, I don't think she goes by the name." He answered. "She looks like a pink haired girl right now, without a hint of fox features. The sword she held was almost certainly the Murakumo-no-Tsurugi."

"If you were fighting someone of that strength, it would be impressive your still here." Atalanta spoke up at last. "There is more to this tale."

"Well, yes. As near as we can tell, she got sick of him within five minutes and left in a huff." Masamune just flopped on the ground.

"Aren't they lovers?" Astolfo just helped himself to another bowl of soup. Hijikata nodded in the affirmative. "That's sad. Kiyomori did something to upset her."

"Presumably." Masamune grumbled. "Far as we know, she's somewhere in the cliffs. You can't actually leave the basin. I'm sure you can work out why."

"The singularity was sealed by the world to protect itself." Sheba nodded. "Entry in and out is impossible right now."

"Great for them, not so for us." Masamune did not sound at all happy. "I can't replenish my troops, while they have more troops then it would be possible to fight off." He rolled back onto his ass, his eye scanning the group. "The question is, heroes, what are you going to do?"

It was a very good question. After all, this was not a fight that a head on assault could win. Multiple heads turned to Astolfo, who blinked.

"What, why are you looking at me!?"

"You and Masamune are the only military commanders here." George pointed out. Astolfo's face just got redder.

"What!? But I don't know the first thing about fighting an army of demons!"

"Neither do I. This is new territory for the both of us." Masamune just smiled. Astolfo coughed once, then twice.

"Master?" Shinji just nodded. Permission obtained, the paladin leaned forward. "Right. Charlemagne always said assess the assets available to you! So, what do we actually have." Raising a finger, he began to count. "A army of soldiers. A total of… uh..."

"Ten Servants." Sheba confirmed. "Only five of which are here."

"Right." He glanced at Hijikata. "You are the leader of the Shinsengumi, right? Shinji mentioned you were a police force?"

"Acting leader. Our numbers are reduced to maybe seven, of which only three of us are here." Hijikata answered drily. "Maybe less. I don't know if Okita succeeded in her idiocy in the capital." Astolfo deflated at that.

"And our enemy has a holy grail and an army of demons." He muttered. "The solution is obvious. We have to gather more men, more fighting strength. We need to hamper the enemy. Get any advantage we possibly can." Glancing around to a series of nods, Astolfo just put a hand on his chin. "Uh… any suggestions?"

"A mass summoning, maybe?" Heine asked. "Could the Argo support a temporary mass contract?" Sheba just shook her head.

"We're straining as it is." She retorted. "It'd take Leonardo days to prepare enough vessels. It might work for a backup plan, but we have to work with what we actually have for now." However, the idea of obtaining more Servants gave Shinji an idea.

"You said you knew of four others. Abe no Seimei and Kiyomori are two. Who are the other two?" Shinji asked. Masamune blinked, before glancing down.

"I know a pair of ninja were summoned. I encountered them two days ago." He answered. "It was harrowing. I don't know what their objective is, but their last murder was near the east." He answered. "I have a guess at another one that probably arrived, too. It's said wherever the Heike are, the Genji are sure to follow. It's likely Yoshitsune will arrive soon to face Kiyomori, if it hasn't happened already."

"Yoshitsune could probably assist." Shinji muttered. "Ninja, I'm not so sure." His thoughts were interrupted by Hijikata coughing.

"If I may, they say that the northern mountains have been cursed for weeks." He declared. "I don't know if it relates to this 'singularity' of yours, but the rumour that oni are in the area has been kicking around for a while."

Shinji simply stared. Such a rumour was almost convenient. Indeed, a oni might be something they could convince to lend aid. However, there was another facet to Hijikata's words.

Was it genuine, or was it a trap?

"There is one other we are ignoring, if I may." George declared. "This Kyuubi-no-kitsune. If we could convince her to help..." He left it hanging. A long moment passed, before Atalanta sighed.

"She is the kind to be hopelessly attached." She muttered. "It might be a fools errand."

"You know her?"

"In a sense. The memory is faint, but we have met before." The huntress did not seem particularly eager. "We have options, Master."

"And your opinion, Atalanta?" Heine asked. She did not immediately answer.

"This place is deeply spiritual." She muttered. "It might be possible to convince the spirits of the forest to lend aid." She glanced away, a little pink faced at what she'd said. "Things like forest spirits were not common in my homeland, but I believe that I could obtain their aid."

Shinji just pursed his lips, glancing at Sheba.

"What do you think?" He asked. Sheba did not immediately answer.

"It's a test of sorts." Her words were soft. "Not a deliberate one, but one of circumstances. If we cannot defeat Kiyomori, we cannot obtain the grail. He no doubt has it, after all." She hummed just a little. "But to defeat him, we need more power then we have."

Letting out a long breath, Shinji glanced at Astolfo's eager face.

[ ] Link up with the group within Kyoto first.
[ ] Attempt to make contact with 'Kyuubi-no-kitsune'.
[ ] Head to the north to the mountains.
[ ] Search for the Onmyo.
[ ] Make your way to the ninja.
[ ] Beseech the forest spirits for assistance.
[ ] Scour the area for the hero of Genji.
[ ] Write in.
[X] Split into groups
-[X] Heine, George, and Atlanta will go to Beseech the Forest Spirits.
-[X] Shinji, Sheba, and Astolfo will attempt to make contact with 'Kyuubi-no-kitsune'.

EDIT: Vote format change.

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Well, we certainly have our fair share of options. Flush with them really, even with a ticking clock at our backs.
[ ] Link up with the group within Kyoto first.

Might be wise, but again, ticking clock. Personally I think our time is better spent gathering what strength we can. Granted, it'd also let us look for Okita, which might help us in dealing with Hijikata.

[ ] Attempt to make contact with 'Kyuubi-no-kitsune'.

I know someone who's going to vote for this, and it might not even be a bad idea. However, if she was really pissed with Kiyomori, I feel like she's would've killed him already. It could go either way, and her sheer power is more then considerable.

[ ] Head to the north to the mountains.

I like this, Oni are strong as fuck and love a good fight, and what better fight is then a numberless army of demons? They'd sign right fuck up. Only trouble is, Oni act as they please, and this one has to know about trouble in the area. They must be up something in the north, but what it is and who it benefits, besides theirself, is up in the air.

[ ] Search for the Onmyo.

A caster is great support, but they already left and Masamune wasn't keen on them.

[ ] Make your way to the ninja.

Complete unknowns, risky to leave alone, risky to approach, risky to deal with. Not a fan of this, but a two-for-one Servant deal...

[ ] Beseech the forest spirits for assistance.

Maybe have Atalanta do this on her own? Kinda risky, but meeting an army with army is usually how one deals with armies. Maybe just divide the whole group? Her, George and their master do that while we tackle something else?

[ ] Scour the area for the hero of Genji.

Hmm, he might go in half cocked without us, and a Rider would be useful. Beyond that, I don't know him well enough to say.

With all this in mind, I'll go with what I know.

[X] Head to the north to the mountains.

I don't know Fate all that well, but I'm fairly well versed in dealing with Oni. I trust I can figure out her deal at the very least. Assuming it isn't a trap, but with Oni a trap is almost out of the question.
[X] Recommend splitting up with Heine and her Servants to request the aid of the spirits of the forest while we head to the north to the mountains.

I think we'd have more success with the oni than the kyuubi.