GilgaQuest (Nasu/Fate Quest as His Supreme; Magnificent Goldness, The King of Heroes: Gilgamesh)

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Nothingness and silence. A sad existence in the void. You have been in this godforsaken place...


Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
Nothingness and silence. A sad existence in the void. You have been in this godforsaken place for an everlastingness; a timespan that can't be put into words, with nothing to see or hear but spiritual senses. And yet, every now and then, at intervals that cannot be comprehended or perceived, a part of you leaves to places unknown only to return with fresh impressions, that yet are to be analyzed and indeed cannot be, as you do not have a brain in this 'void.'

The Throne of Heroes, the prison. Your inability, the shackles.

But now, my king, it is time to awaken. Rise and awaken. Existence blurs before you. A piece of you is getting dragged away, being bound in layers. Layers, as in, limitations. You are being bound to time. You are being bound to space. You are being shaped and given form. Your blueprint, the soul, you can feel it being interacted with by some outside force, which is copying said blueprint and binding this copy to said limitations; time and space.

Question is not where, but when?...

[] In a time where darkness is fresh. Fate/Zero
[] In the dawn of a new millennium. Fate/Stay Night
[] In a time when two colors clash against each other. Fate/Apocrypha

What sort of king were you in life?

[] A king who stood above all else -- in the heavens -- and rained judgment from the white clouds. The sky is his wealth, and his fortune is his weapon. Archer
[] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return. Caster
[] The king who ruled over all others. A being that existed only to rule over others and for no other purpose than sovereignty itself. Ruler
[] A king... wait, what? Who is this kid? Child-Gil
[] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA---- Gilgamesh
Character Sheets
True Name: Constantine I the Great
Aliases: Saint Constantine, Thirteenth Apostle
Class: Ruler
Gender: Male
Height: 178cm
Weight: 62kg
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human
Background: Ruler's identity is that of Constantine the Great, a Roman Emperor known for great piety and being the first Emperor to convert to Christianity. He also greatly restructured the civil and military authorities of the Roman Empire and built numerous, famous churches, bringing about an era where Christianity flourished.

Likes: God
Dislikes: Needless cruelty
Talents: Stoic expression

Strength: B
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance (A): Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer."

True Name Discernment (B): If summoned as a Ruler, during a direct encounter, a Servant's true name and entire status information will be automatically revealed. In regards to Servants with concealment abilities, a Luck Check is required to bypass those abilities.

God's Resolution (B): A Class Skill of the Ruler class and is the privilege of the Ruler presiding over the Holy Grail War; the right to use Command Spells against Servants. Each Ruler is normally granted two Command Spells for each Servant that participates in the Holy Grail War.

Personal Skills:

Saint (A): Indicates being acknowledged as a saint. When summoned as a Servant, the ability of Saint is selected one among "raising the effectiveness of sacraments", "automatic HP recovery", "1 Rank-Up to Charisma" and "production of a holy shroud is possible." One minute of prayer is required to change between them.

Charisma (B): Rank suitable for a king. Constantine ruled over the Roman Empire and instilled great loyalty into his people to the point that his men were unwilling to betray Constantine even when they were offered money by the opposing side. He was a king loved by many and was even referred to as the ''Greatest Augustus'' in his time.

Divine Protection (A+): A skill that grants the user the quick-wittedness and brute strength to defeat enemies unaided. It is a sign that the owner is protected by beings of higher existence. It was even said that he was granted the ''rule of the World'' by Apollo. More importantly, however, is the affection granted to him by the Christ who aided him in the battle against Maxentius.

Noble Phantasms:

In Hoc Signo Vinces: Cross of the Conqueror Almighty
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Before an important battle with the pagan emperor, Maxentius, Constantine and his men led a prayer. After a while, a cross appeared in the sky, above the sun and shining brightly with the inscription In Hoc Signo Vinces, meaning ''By this sign, you will conquer'.' This Noble Phantasm will be activated only when Constantine points to the skies with his sword and recites a prayer. Upon finishing, the skies will open up and a bright light will envelop Constantine. Anyone who witnesses Constantine shining in the light will have a powerful effect of ''admiration'' instilled into them, making it clear to them that Constantine is under the protection of God Almighty himself.

What will appear in the hole made in the sky is a large cross that will radiate with utmost brilliance. By reciting the name of this Noble Phantasm, Constantine will be granted the absolute right to ''conquer.'' Upon his command, a powerful blast of light will rain down on the enemy army frying anyone who comes into contact with it. It is a glimpse of power possessed by the Heavens themselves, still shockingly powerful even in the Age of Man.

There is a condition to this Noble Phantasm, unfortunately. In order to be able to summon upon the power of the Christ, Constantine has to be fighting a battle not advantageous to himself. Furthermore, he cannot activate it inside his Reality Marble.

Ecclesia Sancti Sepulchri: Church of the Resurrection
Rank: A
Type: Reality Marble
In his life, Constantine is known for ordering the construction of many important holy constructs such as the Church of the Holy Apostles and Old Saint Peter's Basilica. The most important construct is, however, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which was built at the site of Jesus' tomb in Jerusalem and has become the holiest place in Christendom. When manifested as a Noble Phantasm, what is summoned isn't just this single Church that Constantine constructed in his time, but rather a complex of churches and corridors that have manifested all of Constantine's important constructs in life.

Constantine is treated as if he were truly immortal here through the process of constant resurrection. A fatal strike through the heart or a decapitation - none of those will truly kill Constantine while he is in his Reality Marble. Through extensive time manipulation, Constantine's own body will be brought back or rather ''resurrected'' to a time before the injury transpired. The only clear way to defeat Constantine is the destruction of the complex itself. Furthermore, because this is the holiest place in Christendom, any and all curses will hold no value in here. They will be absolutely dispersed without exception. Even the corruption of All the Evils of the World may not thrive upon these holy floors.

If an ally were to be cursed by the mud of the Grail and turned into an "Alter" version of themselves, bringing them to his Reality Marble will make it possible for the curse to be dispersed over time and they will be reverted back to their "original self." Moreso, when enemies that possess the traits of demons are transported into the confinement of these sacred walls, all parameters will be a rank down and holy artifacts such as Longinus, Excalibur, etc. will be boosted in performance.
Name: Gilgamesh
Aliases: Caster, Sage-King, King of Heroes, Hero-King Gilgamesh, The Oldest King, Gil (by Enkidu)
Class: Caster
Gender: Male
Height: 182cm
Weight: 68kg
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: 2/3 God, 1/3 Human

Background: Caster's identity is that of the King of Heroes, mankind's oldest king. A king who returned to be applauded and to triumph over evil. The king who led people and ruled over them in wisdom. Unlike his other selves, he has a modicum of responsibility in his purpose.

Likes: Himself
Dislikes: Himself, snakes
Talents: Rich

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: A+
Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills:
Item Construction (False) (A): Since he is not a magus, Gilgamesh originally would not possess the Item Construction Skill, but he has an ability equivalent to it due to the existence of the Gate of Babylon. All tools that can be created are "items inside the Babylonian treasure vault".

Territory Creation (A): Creation of a 'Temple', which is superior to a 'Workshop', becomes possible.

Divinity (A+ B): Gilgamesh's original value as a 2/3 demigod. He possesses the highest level of Divinity among many of the Heroic Spirits. Gilgamesh despises the gods because they killed his friend Enkidu, unleashed the Bull of Heaven onto the earth, and caused him much trouble. As a result, his Divinity decreased.

Personal Skills:
Golden Rule (A): Being fated a life that is filled with riches, he can live as a millionaire. Gilgamesh lives the life of a nabob and has no money troubles for the entirety of his life. In the legend, he claimed all the world's treasures as his own and is said to have infinite wealth in his Golden Capital. The originals of Noble Phantasms preserved in his treasury were collected during this period. Although this ability seems unrelated to battle, it plays a great role in arming Gilgamesh.

Charisma (A+): Often praised as the greatest king, Gilgamesh's ability to command and lead great armies is excellent. An egotistical Gilgamesh radiating with self-confidence will surely boost the morale of his army to an extremely high level. At this point, it is no longer popularity or skill, but rather a kind of spell (curse) in itself.

Sovereign of Magical Wands (EX): A Skill that denotes Gilgamesh's way of being as a Caster that manipulates various mystic codes. Grants a bonus to magecraft-type attacks. He will handle tools with care in case of fighting while being mindful about them, for he was such a king.

King's Return (A): The mature mindset of a Sage-King. Gilgamesh's pride and ego are unbreakable parts of his own 'self,' however, with the use of this skill, he gains the resolute determination of a king who participates rather than watches from afar.

Noble Phantasms:

Gate of Babylon: King's Treasure
Rank: E-A++
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
It is the "Golden Capital" that is the "King's Treasury" of Gilgamesh, and moreover, the golden key connected to it. It is the storehouse Gilgamesh built to store all the treasures in the world he has collected, referred to as the "Divine Gate." It connects the space of reality to the vault, opening an "invisible door" that allows for the contents to pass through upon the user's command. Allowing for easy access to the items of the treasury, he is able to pick and utilize them as he pleases. The rank of the Noble Phantasm changes from "E~A++" due to it reflecting the ranks of the contents of the treasury.

Enkidu: Chains of Heaven
Rank: ???
Type: Anti-Unit / Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm
It is the Noble Phantasm trusted by Gilgamesh, even more so than Ea, and the "greatest secret" stored in the Gate of Babylon. It is a chain named after his closest friend, made to bind the gods so they cannot escape, making it one of the few Anti-Divine weapons that holds the concept of "reigning over the gods." The strength and durability of the chain grows stronger with the target having higher Divinity, but is no more than a tough chain to a target without Divinity. When used against a regular human like Shirou Emiya, he feels he has no chance of prying it off of him. Divine targets are completely held in place, allowing him to bind the "Bull of Heaven" that brought seven years of famine in Uruk.

Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
The mentality of Gilgamesh sublimated into a Noble Phantasm, said to have "spread across all corners of the world as if the brilliance of the stars, seeing through all creation." It is a "continuously active-type Noble Phantasm" that does not require its name to be invoked, but it is assumed that Gilgamesh keeps it intentionally restrained. Possessing tremendous efficiency, it can discern heavily concealed truths with a single glance, from that of the opponent's True Name and Noble Phantasms to possibly even seeing through a piece of the truth of the demise of human history.

Gilgamesh is a clairvoyance user with a "sense of 'sight' several levels above the ordinary." When facing him in a game like chess, he claims that even someone making advanced predictions and reading the flow of the game will have already lost at that moment. He does not read the future of the chess board, but instead gazes down upon and oversees it, allowing the correct move to always be visible to him. Even in something like a card game, the very minimum requirement to play against him on equal terms would be to draw the precise hand required. He can also see the possibilities of various parallel worlds should he so choose, but, as a Heroic Spirit, the Throne of Heroes normally adjusts his memories and knowledge to the world in which he is summoned to keep him from being confused by multiple sets of memories. Even with this ability, his personality would cause him to reject certain world lines as nonsense, such as using clairvoyance to see something like a possibility of a world where he is swallowed by the mud of the grail.
True Name: Shirou Amakusa Tokisada
Aliases: Shirou Kotomine
Class: Ruler
Gender: Male
Height: 169cm
Weight: 59kg
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human

Background: Ruler's identity is that of Shirou Amakusa Tokisada. The teenage leader of the Shimabara Rebellion. Born in the Edo period, he was a boy of miracles who could nearly be called a saint. However, how exactly he was discovered; a good half of his lifetime is wrapped in mystery. Having healed wounds and walked on water, he eventually began to be enthusiastically worshiped as the son of God by the peasants that believed in a prohibited religion.

Likes: Humanity
Dislikes: Rampaging Humans
Talents: Baptism Rite

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: D

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance (A): He possesses Magic Resistance on the level of the Saber class, but it cannot cope with the sacraments of the Church.

True Name Discernment (B): If summoned as a Ruler, during a direct encounter, a Servant's true name and entire status information will be automatically revealed. In regards to Servants with concealment abilities, a Luck Check is required to bypass those abilities.

God's Resolution (–): Because he is not a participant in the Great Holy Grail War, this Skill has been lost.

Personal Skills:
Revelation (A): Skill to "hear the voice of heavens" and take optimum action; a Skill equivalent to Instinct, a sixth sense regarding battles. However, 'Revelation' accommodates all matters related to the achievement of a goal (for instance, choosing the most suitable path while traveling).

Charisma (C-): He cannot lead a nation, but he has a strong connection to his comrades who shares his will to avoid death. In addition, it is possible to make others believe in the contents of his 'Revelations' without basis.

Baptism Rite (B+): By linking his two Noble Phantasms, it is even possible to make a Servant go through a sublimation process

Noble Phantasms:

Left Arm: Xanadu Matrix

Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's left arm that has the ability to reproduce his many miracles. His arms that have inspired hope for his believers to continue onto the road of hardships through him personally raising continuous miracles have transformed into Noble Phantasms that materializes his legend.

His left arm has an ability similar to the "Eye of the Mind (False)" Skill. By combining the two, the arms strengthens his Baptism Rite.

The left arm allows for reinforcement and strengthening of his body. It has the effects of "eternal youth", allowing him to withstand over half a century without aging even while incarnated.

Right Arm: Evil Eater
Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's right arm that has the ability to reproduce his many miracles. His arms that have inspired hope for his believers to continue onto the road of hardships through him personally raising continuous miracles have transformed into Noble Phantasms that materializes his legend.

His right arm possesses an ability similar to the "Eye of the Mind (True)" Skill. By combining the two, the arms strengthens his Baptism Rite.

The right arm gives him supportive abilities such as Precognition.
True Name: Aleister Crowley
Aliases: Caster of 666, Beast 666
Class: Caster
Gender: Male
Height: 170cm
Weight: 67kg
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Background: Aleister Crowley is one of the most famous (or infamous,) occultists in history and the founder of Thelema, a religion based on a single, fundamental law: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will." There is much evidence in that Crowley was a Satanist, up to and including calling himself 'the Beast 666'.

Likes: Himself, people who follow their own will
Dislikes: Dishonest people, oppression
Talents: All kinds of gambling, partying hard

Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A+

Class Skills:

Territory Creation (A): The creation of a territory advantageous to oneself as a magus, for mana and resource gathering, security purposes, and construction of defenses. At this rank, creation of a "temple" vasty superior to a "workshop" is possible.

Item Construction (B): The ability to craft magic items. At a rank of B, Caster of 666 can make a large variety of items, ranging from weapons to amulets.

Personal Skills:

Magick (EX): One of the founding concepts of Thelema, magick is broadly defined as actions that bring about change in the world in accordance to one's will. It, of course, includes magecraft but also covers mundane actions as well. At a rank of EX, Caster of 666 has complete mastery over all forms of magic utilized in Thelema, including Witchcraft, Alchemy, Astronomy, Hermetic Magecraft, and Kabbalistic Magecraft as well as other types. Furthermore, he can learn other forms of magecraft from observation and incorporate them into his paradigm.

Noble Phantasms:

Liber AL vel Legis: The Book of the Law
: Anti-Army
Rank: A+

The Book of the Law, the holy scriptures given to Caster of 666 by Aiwass, an aspect of Satan. This book forms the basis of Thelema, the religious order Caster created while he was alive, and it has been printed and reprinted countless times. The particular tome he has as a Noble Phantasm is the original copy of the book, with all of its mystery unchanged.

The book covers a vast array of knowledge. Summoning, divining the future, witchcraft, transmutation, reinforcement, projection, alchemy, astronomy, hermetic arts, kabbalistic arts, golemancy, curses are examples. It allows for magecraft that not even groups of magi would be able to accomplish.

These functions, however, are penultimate. Speaking the Noble Phantasm's True Name to activate it will allow Caster to summon his ultimate familiar, Aiwass. Aiwass is a powerful demonic entity comparable in power to a strong Servant, however, maintaining Aiwass is literally impossible for Caster to do on his own and can only be accomplished when utilizing additional mana sources.
True Name: ???
Aliases: ???
Class: Assassin
Gender: Male
Height: 167cm
Weight: 70kg
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Race: Human

Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???
Talents: ???

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A+

Class Skills:
Presence Concealment (C): Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. The rank of presence concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack.

Personal Skills:
Mana Burst (Shadow) (C): The increase in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with magical energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the effect of a jet burst by expending large amounts of Magical Energy. This particular version of Mana Burst infuses weapons with Magical Energy that imparts a shadow effect.

Covenant of Shadows (EX): Proof of the Servant's communion with the darkness of the abyss itself, it is a pact which provides various blessings and protections from mental effects and even a low degree of Magic Resistance. In addition, it allows the Servant a limited amount of control over the shadows. At this rank, the Servant is able to become one with the shadows as a form of invisibility and even capable of moving through them as if they were portals.

??? - ???

Noble Phantasms:

??? - ???
Rank: A++
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
True Name: Semiramis
Aliases: Wise Queen of Assyria
Class: Assassin
Gender: Female
Height: 167cm
Weight: 51kg
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Race: Demigoddess

Background: Born from the Syrian mermaid goddess Derketo and a human man, she was left on the waterfront by her loveless mother. She was wrapped in the warm wings of a dove, and fed with the dove's milk. Semiramis was then found and educated by the shepherd Simmas until she married Onnes, an old general; but she was then taken away by the Syrian king Ninus who fell in love with her thanks to her beautiful face. After Semiramis earned the favors of the king with original battle plans, she married him and formally became queen. A few days after the marriage, she killed the king with poison, and reigned as a regent over Assyria for the next few decades. This is the oldest case of murder by poisoning in legends

Likes: Traps
Dislikes: Deprivation
Talents: Making poison

Strength: E
Endurance: D
Agility: D
Mana: A
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills:
Presence Concealment (C+): Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. The rank of Presence Concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack. For Semiramis however, this attack condition does not apply to poisoning something

Territory Creation (EX): By gathering specific materials, it is possible to create a 'Hanging Gardens', superior to a 'Temple'.

Item Construction (C): Semiramis specializes in poisons, so she can't make any other type of tools.

Personal Skills:

Familiar (Doves) (D): They can be directed by thought alone, without need for a contract

Double Summon (B): Semiramis possesses Class Skills from both the Assassin and Caster classes.

Divinity (C): Semiramis was the daughter of the Syrian fish-goddess Derketo and a mortal.

Noble Phantasms:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Aerial Garden of Vanity
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
The garden of Semiramis and her strongest and largest-scaled Noble Phantasm that she proudly owns, a giant floating fortress. It is an enormous fortress capable of housing thousands of soldiers, assembled with systematically ordered floating masses, covered in floors of marble, stone balconies, many pillars, and every kind of plant life entangled and intertwined over the construct in a manner described as a "unification of unsightly disorder and luxurious beauty." It contains a throne room used as its main means of control, allowing Semiramis to cause it to activate by touching a large jewel on her throne's armrest.

It is an irregular Noble Phantasm that is impossible to manifest with magical energy like regular Noble Phantasms. It requires worldly materials and time to construct before it can be utilized. It is "vanity" itself, so the conditions for its activation are strict. In a process of construction that takes at least three days, soil, stone, minerals, wood, plants, and water of a fixed amount must be gathered from the land in which she once lived, ruins in the vicinity of Baghdad, Iraq, and only with their preparation can the activation proceed. It requires enough money to buy a small country to obtain all of the necessary materials. The more money used in its construction, the more its Mystery deepens and the more the Garden is strengthened. The complicated ritual is due to that she did not create the construct, have anything to do with its construction, nor even have actually seen it during her lifetime.

Sikera Ušum: Arrogant King's Alcohol
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Upon activation, its effects turns the surrounding environment into poison. Not only does it give a "poison" attribute to all of her attacks, including the magecraft Semiramis uses, it can also add poison to even the air and mana itself of the surrounding area, the atmosphere receiving a "poison" environmental property.

If a Servant possesses Poison Resistance, a legend that says "poison had no effect on them", or an anecdote in their legend where they withstood poison, they are granted a debuff bonus to their resistance against this Noble Phantasm. But on the other hand, if they have an episode where they died to poison, their resistance to the Noble Phantasm goes down and they take double the damage.

Semiramis can select different types of poison to be used, as well as alter existing poison's composition unleashed by the Noble Phantasm, such as having poison be composed of the Hydra's poison. She can also control chains with sharp ends that can inflict poison, for they are the poison's appearance manifested and embodied as chains.

Furthermore, when Semiramis is within the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon", she can even summon creatures of the Phantasmal Species if they have an anecdote related to poison, such as the Bašmu.
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I needed this in my life.

Remember to check for invisitext boys and girls.

[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA----

[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
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I needed this in my life.

Remember to check for invisitext boys and girls.

[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA----
I have an actual list of insults that Gilgamesh might use saved up for convenience.
Oh dearie me. This is going to be absolutely fascinating.

On to the voting. As much as I'd like to vote for Deadpool-Gil, I think this will make for the most satisfying story.

[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.

As for location...

[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.

Replacing Evicebro or Shakespeare seems like a fun trade, in all honesty.
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[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA---- Gilgamesh
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.

I want to see Gil mess up all the carefully layed plans both sides have.
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return. Caster
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other. Fate/Apocrypha
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.

EDIT:That feel when you forget to vote the setting.
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[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
Is that a Caster-Gil favoritism I'm seeing? I genuinely did not expect this. This is gonna be interesting!
[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA----

[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
Is that a Caster-Gil favoritism I'm seeing? I genuinely did not expect this. This is gonna be interesting!
Cas-Gil is awesome. Melammu Dingir really symbolizes how he grows from an arrogant ass to someone who genuinely cares about his people. F/SN Gil would never allow others to touch his treasures, much less load them into ballistae and fire them as Broken Phantasms.
I repeat:
Cas-Gil. Is. Awesome.
[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA---- Gilgamesh
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.

As much as I want to use Ko-Gil, fourth wall breaking Gill sounds even better.
Cas-Gil is awesome. Melammu Dingir really symbolizes how he grows from an arrogant ass to someone who genuinely cares about his people. F/SN Gil would never allow others to touch his treasures, much less load them into ballistae and fire them as Broken Phantasms.
I repeat:
Cas-Gil. Is. Awesome.
You know what's more awesome?

Fuck ton of omakes when? Or do I have to get the Bread Bending aria out of the oven again?

[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
I want to see Gil having an inate fear of paperwork and bureaucracy.

[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA---- Gilgamesh
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
Cas-Gil is awesome. Melammu Dingir really symbolizes how he grows from an arrogant ass to someone who genuinely cares about his people. F/SN Gil would never allow others to touch his treasures, much less load them into ballistae and fire them as Broken Phantasms.
I repeat:
Cas-Gil. Is. Awesome.
Casgil is essentially the same in personality to archer. The reason he decides to rebuild Uruk by hand after his journey is purely his ego, and the reason he's willing to let his noble phantasm be used like that is essentially out of spite at goetia; he knows (since he doesn't know about chaldea's arrival) that's he's going to lose like this anyway, but he just wants to hold off longer. Any changes to his personality come mostly from the events of the singularity itself, plus a bit from the small time between when archer was summoned from and the singularity began.

[X] In the dawn of a new millennium.
[X] A king... wait, what? Who is this kid?
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[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.

Nice choice in title by the way, reminds me of my FF!Gilgamesh fic.
[X] In a time where darkness is fresh. Fate/Zero
[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA---- Gilgamesh

One Gilgamesh, only Gilgamesh.