GilgaQuest (Nasu/Fate Quest as His Supreme; Magnificent Goldness, The King of Heroes: Gilgamesh)

[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA----

[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] Hmph. To presume that a disembodied narrator can even ask such a question is insolence! Die, (4th-Wall-)Breaker! Wait! No-no-no-GAA----
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other.
[X] In a time when two colors clash against each other. Fate/Apocrypha
[X] A king wiser than any other. One who held sound judgment and was kind to his people. And when he returned, there was not a man to not rejoice over his triumphant return.
Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on May 13, 2018 at 12:11 PM, finished with 54 posts and 43 votes.
Oh. Caster Gil won. Well, its still the second best choice. Hyped is my current status right now.
You and me both.
This ought to be interesting. Hopefully this quest doesn't suffer the ignominious fate of past Gilgamesh quests, and run out of steam before it can truly begin.
You and me both.
This ought to be interesting. Hopefully this quest doesn't suffer the ignominious fate of past Gilgamesh quests, and run out of steam before it can truly begin.
Yeah but my second greatest fear are the people that are going to make Gil OOC just to be a goody two shoes. A knight in shining armor and worst of all a tsundere who insult everyone but still help them. :facepalm:
Well only other Gil quest I read was fairly long. I mean Rewritten in Glorious Gold here.
Is there any other?
Its another one of Birdsie's quest with a Saver!Gil
@Birdsie Reassure me... Even as a Caster we still have the GoB? Right? Its an inherent part of Gilgamesh's legend no matter the version.
That at least mean we still get all of Humanity's treasures, including Gil's famous golden armor that can protect him from nearly everything and Ea.
OK nothing really changed apart from Gil's mastery of magecraft.
@Birdsie Reassure me... Even as a Caster we still have the GoB? Right? Its an inherent part of Gilgamesh's legend no matter the version.
That at least mean we still get all of Humanity's treasures, including Gil's famous golden armor that can protect him from nearly everything and Ea.
OK nothing really changed apart from Gil's mastery of magecraft.
You do know Caster!Gil is an actual, canon servant, right?
You can vaguely sense the presence of another being calling out from beyond time and space. You answer the call, manifesting your Spirit Core and then body with a flash of light.

You stand there, with closed eyes and take in a deep breath.

It's possible for you to make out that you are outside, at night, mostly from the sound of crickets and other nocturnal insects. The air is chilly and humid, and it pleasantly hits your body in weak waves, comforting your bare chest. The conditions of your summoning are pleasing enough for you to grace the summoner with a simple gesture. You smirk.

"Now, then." Your red, divine eyes open and look down. "Who could you be, little magus?" The girl's blue, tearful eyes clash with yours, and instantly, you are overwhelmed with surprise.

"I'm Rin Tohsaka and I'm your Master. You are Caster of Red, my Servant." She raises her hand to show you the red marks of control as evidence. A short and to-the-point explanation, although unnecessary. You've known all this from the moment you were summoned.

Below her wrist, there are fresh, still bleeding cuts. Did she perform the ritual using her own blood? No, probably not. You realize that a moment later. The girl's clothes went through a blender, and below them, you can see a multitude of bleeding wounds, most of them deep. You look down at the magic circle and notice it's a haphazardly-drawn pentagram from mercury with five mana-infused gems she had on hand placed at the tips.

You turn, sensing a strong presence south of your position. Two of them, actually. You look, and you see two Servants engaged in combat. Both are fighting on the empty, poorly-lit street of whatever city you are in right now.

One is a knight. He has white hair and empty, silver eyes. His face holds no expression, only firm serenity. His armored body is further coated in a black-blue cloak and his arms, he wields a black, obsidian longsword. On his head, a beautiful, silver circlet adorned with gems rests like the crown of a splendorous king. Even without using Sha Naqba Imuru, you recognize him to be a great emperor and a Saint of the Church. Saint Constantine himself, and the Ruler of this Holy Grail War.

The other combatant is an Assassin. It's easy to tell from the hood and cloak and the darkness that licks his body like a thick, insubstantial mist. You are instantly impressed by some form of curse or blessing placed upon him, as even though you are focusing as much as possible, you cannot figure out his identity. Underneath his black cloak, you see medium armor half-plating on top of a black bodysuit. You can't make out his eyes, which are instead replaced by a pair of glowing dots under his hood. His weapon of choice is a single dagger that he wields with a reverse grip.

You admire their combat for a split second. Ruler holds his ground, not advancing. He simply stands in place, tracking Assassin with his sight and parries every single one of Assassin's attacks. Assassin hops around in circles, leaping at Ruler when he finds an opening, only to be parried and thrown backward. Rinse and repeat.

You look at this Rin Tohsaka. "Girl. What is this spectacle?" you ask without looking at her, simultaneously folding your arms. You're unsure why she decided to summon you here.

"That's Assassin of Black and Ruler," she clarifies and you respond with an irked sigh.

"I already know that! Why are they fighting?"

"Assassin was killing the uninvolved to refill his energy," she explains. "He went after me, so I had to summon you in haste. Assassin almost got me before I was halfway through the ritual, but Ruler arrived on cue."

"Ah, so your wounds are Assassin's handiwork?"

She remains silent for a moment, then says, "Yes..."

"You are unwise," you say dryly, then giggle.

You look back in time to see her redden visibly in embarrassment. "Shut up!" she mumbles, looking down at her feet. You look back at Assassin and Ruler. It appears the flow of combat has altered.

Ruler decided for a change of tactics. He began chasing after Assassin, who was now on the defensive. Ruler swung his blade and Assassin dodged. He found an opening and struck his dagger underneath Ruler's robe, but Assassin's strength seemed inadequate to pierce his enemy's armor. Ruler knew this would happen and he instead swung his sword from the left to the right in a wide arc, giving Assassin no chance to escape.

Assassin's cloak was torn horizontally on the left side, a large, gaping wound in his side as well as a hole in his armor. Instead of blood or energy, darkness leaked out like a noxious gas. Assassin hopped to his feet and dodged acrobatically before Ruler delivered another attack. Ruler's missed attack instead hit a nearby lamp post, cutting it in half and making it fall and break. The shards of glass slid down the street, right to your feet.

You look at Rin. "Shall we keep watching them fight?"

"Caster, honestly." Rin sighs with closed eyes, then looks at you, void of expression. "I don't really care. Fight Assassin if you want. Ruler seems to have things handled, though."

[] Squish that shadowy bug. There is no greater feeling than to show a maggot his place - in the ground.
[] No need for it. Ask Tohsaka to lead you to the Red Team's base. You'd like to establish your workspace.
[] Obliterate both Ruler and Assassin, then explain to Tohsaka exactly how your contract will work. No one will order you around.
[] Write-in.
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You do know Caster!Gil is an actual, canon servant, right?
Yes, so? I was asking if we got Ea and the other treasures since Caster!Gil has the GoB. I understand they don't appear in Fate/Grande Order since that would be game breaking but logically he should have them so I wanted to be sure by asking the QM. Sorry if I wasn't clear about what I was asking.

EDIT: Let's help Ruler.

[X] Squish that shadowy bug. There is no greater feeling than to show a maggot his place - in the ground.
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[X] No need for it. Ask Tohsaka to lead you to the Red Team's base. You'd like to establish your workspace.
Yes, so? I was asking if we got Ea and the other treasures since Caster!Gil has the GoB. I understand they don't appear in Fate/Grande Order since that would be game breaking but logically he should have them so I wanted to be sure by asking the QM. Sorry if I wasn't clear about what I was asking.
Well, I heard his access to GoB is more limited as a Caster, but his profile doesn't really say whether or not this is true. Here's what it says:
Gate of Babylon
King's Treasure

Rank: E-A++
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: -

Gate of Babylon.
Fundamentally the same Noble Phantasm he possesses as an Archer.
By connecting the space around him with Babylon, he pulls out an innumerable amount of magic wands and mystic code and utilize magic. In the magic wands and mystic codes, the great thaumathurgy of the age of the gods is loaded. Due to the display of effects and invocation that mostly does not consume the user's magic energy, it is a Noble Phantasm that excels in its extraordinary cost performance.
Utilized in normal attacks, its True Name release is not utilized in FateGO.
I bet you weren't expecting non-canon Servants! Ha!

Don't worry, though. I saved Moedred.
[x] No need for it. Ask Tohsaka to lead you to the Red Team's base. You'd like to establish your workspace.

Sure why not?
[X] No need for it. Ask Tohsaka to lead you to the Red Team's base. You'd like to establish your workspace.
[X] Obliterate both Ruler and Assassin, then explain to Tohsaka exactly how your contract will work. No one will order you around.
Best to deal with the irksome Assassin, lest he become a thorn in Our Glorious Golden Side.

[X] Squish that shadowy bug. There is no greater feeling than to show a maggot his place - in the ground.

As for the discussion about the GoB?
We're Gilgamesh, mongrels! Our only limits are the ones decided by Our Glorious Golden Personage!