Noted.Clarification: the Assembly XP pool earns .5 XP per active Alchemical at the end of a Chapter. As a result, since Aisha just managed to squeak in at the end of 10.2, the Assembly earned 2 XP for Chapter 10.2.
Strongly disagree.The only reason to vote for spending 40 XP now is if you expect that most of these expenditures will fail due to having below 50%, and thus that at the limit every individual expenditure is desirable. That's a reasonable justification for a spend-all-the-XP vote, but not for actually spending all the XP.
There are a couple of particularly important options that are currently available.
Character-defining, almost. I've made the argument repeatedly; I will not repeat it right now.
Huh.More realistically, she probably needs ~10 days of vacation with minimal control and zero pushes to get her full range back full-time again. However, this concern is certainly a thing she's going to in-story comment about if we choose either of the "take a break" options.
That's good to know. Given as the PRT are her current official guardians, she's probably going to need to do a fair bit of paperwork just to travel.
And then there's mandated therapy, even if only over the phone.
Art dump in five minutes. Stand by.
[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 2XP - Craft (Drones ●●○)
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
[X]WoRI - 2XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
[X] WoRI - 9 XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
[X]WMS - 2 XP - Ride (Like It's Stolen ●●○)
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
[X]FPoP - 4XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)
[X] Aisha Heads For Philadelphia
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)
-[X]STUNT: Emily resisted the urge to sigh and massage her temples as she stared at her Senior Agent-In-Charge. "Weaver brokered a truce with the Elite. During the concert. In Pittsburgh". Prayer's- Sirkalla's- foot twitched, then stilled, but her face remained impassive as she nodded. "I received an email this evening. Burner account. Dossiers,known associates, and hideouts, here and over the river."(63 words)
[X]EOA - 4XP - Performance ●●●○○
[X] Taylor Takes A Break Now
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
-[X]STUNT: A brisk wind blew off the Delaware, ripping at the clothes of the figure standing on the tip of the spire of the Liberty Place skyscraper. She smiled wickedly. "Betcha I can make it from here." The earpiece in her ear squawked in increasing negation as her outfit rippled, transforming into a wingsuit. "Watch."And she jumped off the building.(61 words)
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○
-[X]STUNT: The duty officer tensed as the stunningly beautiful woman walked into the lobby of the building, trailed by the biggest godawful animal that he had ever seen. Cape, he thought to himself, a hand inching towards the panic button as he saw the ready squad subtly reorient towards her. She stopped in front of his desk with a brilliant smile "Guess Who's back?" (63 words)
-[X]STUNT: Riley whined, hands twisting in genuine agitation. "I don't want you to leave." "We don't always get what we want, Riley." The tween slumped into a beanbag, arms crossed. Taylor sighed and joined her on the beanbag. "Look, I'll make you a deal. You promise to be good for Kelly, and I'll help you add a few upgrades to your dragonpuppy Smoke. Deal?" (63 words)
-[X] STUNT: Missy shrieks and falls backwards from her seat on the porch as, out of nowhere, an enormous silver panther slams down right in front of her, scattering the chickens she'd been feeding. "Get on, loser!" shouts the equally silver girl with a manic grin from atop the beast, "We're going shopping!"
-[X]STUNT: Emily resisted the urge to sigh and massage her temples as she stared at her Senior Agent-In-Charge. "Weaver brokered a truce with the Elite. During the concert. In Pittsburgh". Prayer's- Sirkalla's- foot twitched, then stilled, but her face remained impassive as she nodded. "I received an email this evening. Burner account. Dossiers,known associates, and hideouts, here and over the river."
[X]WMS - 6 XP - Linguistics ●●○○○
[X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few (9) Days
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
-[X] STUNT: Missy shrieks and falls backwards from her seat on the porch as, out of nowhere, an enormous silver panther slams down right in front of her, scattering the chickens she'd been feeding. "Get on, loser!" shouts the equally silver girl with a manic grin from atop the beast, "We're going shopping!"
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
[X] WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X] WoRI - 6 XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●○○○
-[X]STUNT: In the Library of Congress Taylor sat in a comfy couch, her legs curled beneath her. Taking a sip of hot tea from her thermos, she turned the page of her book. Piles of read books and too-be-read books surrounded her. A swarm clone told the Librarian of Congress "Thanks again for letting me use my powers in here."
[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[X]EOA - 3XP- Ally (Armsmaster) ●○○○○
-[X]STUNT: Emily resisted the urge to sigh and massage her temples as she stared at her Senior Agent-In-Charge. "Weaver brokered a truce with the Elite. During the concert. In Pittsburgh". Prayer's- Sirkalla's- foot twitched, then stilled, but her face remained impassive as she nodded. "I received an email this evening. Burner account. Dossiers,known associates, and hideouts, here and over the river."
[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[X]WMS - 3 XP - Temperance ●●○○○
[X]WMS - 3 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
-[X]STUNT: The duty officer tensed as the stunningly beautiful woman walked into the lobby of the building, trailed by the biggest godawful animal that he had ever seen. Cape, he thought to himself, a hand inching towards the panic button as he saw the ready squad subtly reorient towards her. She stopped in front of his desk with a brilliant smile "Guess Who's back?"
[X] Taylor Takes A Break Now
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.
[X] FPoP - 6 XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●●○○○
[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●○○○○
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned
[X] FPoP - 2 XP - Occult (Autochtonian Prayers ●○○)
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, toweling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^=