God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

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[X]Enter dialogue and try actual therapy with practical advice and the knowledge that you can always come back. Even girls with literally evil as a power can be accepted in society.
[X] Try to kill this tool with your brain. Magical Girls get powerups as they need them in dramatic or stressful situations, right? And this has to qualify. Come on Brain Lazors!
-[X] Mutter "Shut up! Shut up!" with more than a hint of madness.

I don't think he wants our help and Hong doesn't seem inclined to offer.
[X] Ask him again what he did to Lan. Once he explains, use your intimate knowledge of Lan's Berserk Buttons to snap her out of the trance (and send her after Chameleo Guildy - or at least not after you).
[X]Enter dialogue and try actual therapy with practical advice and the knowledge that you can always come back. Even girls with literally evil as a power can be accepted in society.

Maybe we can save this one from his perversion!
[X]Enter dialogue and try actual therapy with practical advice and the knowledge that you can always come back. Even girls with literally evil as a power can be accepted in society.

it's that or murder him, and while he's kind of a creep he's not quite at "deserves to die" levels of creepiness. Also finding out what the fuck is up with him and his brothers. I mean earth is kind of one of the worst places to be creeping on civilians. Counter forces are going to react pretty murderously to an unknown that looks to be attacking the population, given how war crime happy the UD is. So it's weird they are coming here of all places.
I swear if you guys are gonna make a line for every Guildy you fight I might as well make a dedicated post instead of tags.
[X] Crystalwatcher's Alternate Vote:
  • Enter into a debate with him about which is better: Just Red Hair or Red Hair and Twintails.

This is beautiful and hilarious in all the right ways ^^
[X]Enter dialogue and try actual therapy with practical advice and the knowledge that you can always come back. Even girls with literally evil as a power can be accepted in society.
I just want to point out that he doesn't have the best control over his own abilities.
"You think I'm so much of a loser that all I can do is that?!" Hey! Don't put words in my mouth! "No! The colors my skin changes into are a special kind of color! They are specifically designed to put whoever looks at them in a hypnotic trance! Once in this state, I can implant suggestions on how they should act! This is True Heart's Colors! ...Though I uh, it sometimes works on what my subconscious is thinking too so I end up accidentally messing with their heads."
Are you all sure entering a long winded debate with him is a good idea?
Votes are locked.

Fight on, Twintail Dreamer!
Adhoc vote count started by InfiniteDaze on Apr 29, 2018 at 7:40 PM, finished with 198 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X]Enter dialogue and try actual therapy with practical advice and the knowledge that you can always come back. Even girls with literally evil as a power can be accepted in society.
    [X] Crystalwatcher's Alternate Vote:
    [X] He's gotta stop talking sometime right?
    -[X] Charge the Blazer Blade with Transience: DOLL while waiting
    [X] Operation: Red Tail Uberplex
    [X] Try to kill this tool with your brain. Magical Girls get powerups as they need them in dramatic or stressful situations, right? And this has to qualify. Come on Brain Lazors!
    -[X] Mutter "Shut up! Shut up!" with more than a hint of madness.
    [X] Ask him again what he did to Lan. Once he explains, use your intimate knowledge of Lan's Berserk Buttons to snap her out of the trance (and send her after Chameleo Guildy - or at least not after you).
    [X] Power through the suggestion and shut him up
Changing vote:
[X] Power through the suggestion and shut him up

Never mind votes just got locked.
So I admit, I wasn't furious with this guy any more, to be honest. Oh sure, I was angry at him for what he did to Lan but he'd been talking non-stop.

For the past five minutes.

And he wouldn't shut up.

"So where was I? Anyways yeah, so there's this new dating sim coming out, don't know if you follow those, anyways it's actually one not using any magical girls for the main heroines, can you believe it? It's not even a remake of a classic game either! Well yes innovation is a very big factor in any creative industry lest a genre get stale, but with the actual magical girls running around creators can always get creative inspiration! But I guess people really just like the classics-"

Yeah I think I've lost my will to fight...

"Um, excuse me," I interrupted, "Do you mind not talking long enough for me to get a chair? If we're going to talk I don't want to keep standing."

"..." He stopped talking for a minute and I took the chance to take a seat in a nearby desk, "Wait you're actually gonna talk to me?"

"Yeah, why?"

"...I was half expecting you to come up with a battle plan in order to break out of my ability and continue the fight."

I gave the chameleon based guildy a flat stare, "Dude I have been listening to you talk about inane shit for the past five minutes. You've sucked all the dramatic tension out of the moment."

"Shit!" he cursed, taking a seat himself, "There goes my chance to look cool. Of course I blew it!"

Oi oi that's my line.

"Well anyways," I began, fidgeting in my seat, "I have… questions. Several in fact. Do you mind answering them? We can talk about your stuff as well."

"Heh, I can't say that I can answer all of the questions but I will answer those I can! Bring your questions!"

Right here goes nothing...

"What's a Guildy?"

There was an awkward pause as Cameleo Guildy lifted a finger to his chin in thought before finally answering "Guildys…"

I held my breath a bit.

"Are Guildys!" He declared.

"Hey! That's not an answer!" I yelled, slamming my hand into the desk causing a bang to ring through the classroom, "At least answer the question properly!"

"How am I supposed to that?! How about you define a human first?!"

"Homo sapien!"

"That's just a fancy word for human!" he shouted, turning Red, "That describe what a human is! How do you even define what a human is?! It's the same way for us Guildys! Cats are cats, dogs are dogs, humans are humans, and Guildys are Guildys! We simply are!"

"Fine fine, whatever." I groaned, "Moving on to a different topic, why haven't I ever heard of you guys?"

"We Guildy's are secretive, we try to conceal our presence to an absolute minimum."

"You're on the news."

"Shut up! That was one time!"

Multiple times actually.

"Lizard Guildy kidnapped a little girl."

The now-yellow guildy blinked, "He did what."

"He kidnapped a little girl, so that she would pose for him."

"...Well we all have our quirks right?" he laughed nervously, "Wait, is that why you killed him?"

"Maybe? It was all a big rush of adrenaline but, he was making the twintails on that girl cry! I could feel it! I had to do something!" I raised a fist to my heart, "But I will say that he had an effect on my heart, and his memory will always live on."

"Yeah…" Chameleo Guildy sighed. We both paused for a moment of prayer as I thought back to the Guildy who caused my awakening. "Still hard to believe that he's dead. We Guildy's are always prepared for death, but it rarely actually happens."

"Always prepared for death huh?" I mused, "He said the same thing himself. You know, if you were to go to the public they would probably accept you you know?"

"Oh no, I know for a fact that they wouldn't accept us." The Guildy looked out the window, "It's something someone like you wouldn't understand. From the moment we were born, the world has always been against us Guildys."

"I see…" I sighed, "Does this have anything to do with your love life?"

"W-What?! No! It's got nothing to do with my non-existent love life!" he paused, "I-I mean! Shit!"

A laugh escaped my lips.

"Fuck off!" He waved his fist, "Argh, never mind about this whole thing! I have to erase your memories anyways!"

Oh shit that's right! As fast as I could I shut my eyes and looked away from the Guildy.

"Oh come on!"

"You want to mess with my mind! Again!" This time on purpose!

"Look it's not like I want to okay?!" Chameleo Guildy exclaimed, "Despite what I initially thought you're actually a bit fun to talk to! That's why… I'm hesitant on doing this to you."

"Well is there any way for you to not?" I shouted, "Any way at all?!"

There was no response. The silence was overwhelming and before I knew it, my eyes had cracked open and I turned my head only to find that the enemy I was just fighting wasn't even facing me any more.

"...Yeah, maybe. Maybe there is a way, but it'd be hell." He turned dark blue, "Do you know that park that everyone ignores? Hidden away near the edge of the city?"

"Ah, yeah?" It was the subject of many urban legends after all, "What about it?"

"I'm going to need you to meet me there at midnight." He turned to face me dramatically, "There you will decide your destiny."

"...I'm sorry but no matter how hard you try you aren't exactly cool material."

"Oh go fuck yourself, you aren't either!" He growled at me, "Just for I'm going to use this on you!"

"Wait what the hell are you doi-"


Paint Me The World: 15 Base Damage, +44 Dice = 59 Total Damage
Tail Red: 70 Base Resilience, +20 Dice = 90 Total Reduction

0 End Damage

Tail Red: 175 - 0 = 175 Remaining Health



I barely had any time to react before the skin on Chameleo Guildy began to flash rapidly between bright colors and seemingly encompassed my vision. Wait, no, they actually did. Oh god I can't see.

Oh… Shit… My head…

Oh god I'm dizzy…

Think I'm gonna hurl…

No… No I'm fine…



...Fuck you Chameleo…


I'll admit I didn't know what to expect when I woke up, but when I did it was to my own bedroom ceiling with a slight headache.

"Graaaaah." I groaned, lifting my upper body up. "Geez, was that all just a dream?"

"Nop,." Lan's voice replied, and I turned over to find her staring at me from my desk. "I'm not sure what exactly happened, my memories are all foggy, but I found you passed out in our classroom drooling. You know when I said that a twintail idiot like you couldn't get sick you weren't supposed to take that as a challenge."

"Hey! That wasn't my fault!" I retorted, "That was… Um…"

"Ah save it Hong," the blue haired girl said, "I know, you're a magical girl. I saw you destransform right in front of me."

"Ah, yeah." I chuckled nervously, "Craziest thing right? Ahahaha…"

"Yeah, craziest thing," she deadpanned before sighing. "...We'll talk more about this later. When you're feeling better, I'll be waiting for you there okay?"

I clenched my fist.



"Yeah, I got it." I nodded. Silently, Lan walked out of the room leaving me in silence before mom peeked in.

"Hong?" She asked, "Is something the matter?"

"Huh? Oh no I'm just…" A pause, "Thinking I guess, of a lot of things."

"Ah, I see," Mom replied with a gentle smile, "Here, drink up. You've never gotten sick before so we don't have any medicine for you right now."

"I'm fine, mostly." I took the water before drinking it down in one gulp."

"Hm~" She let out, "Did you know Lan was the one who brought you home? She also waited for you here the entire time."

"Eh? She was that worried?" I blinked, "Shouldn't she have gone home then?"

"Of course not, after all…" Mom trailed off before shaking her head, "Well, you'll figure it out eventually. Anyways, I'll have you rest for ten more minutes before you can do anything else okay?"

My head nodded, "Yeah…"

I guess after this I'll…

[] Meet with Lan
[] Rest some more

+5 EXP (ATTEMPTED) Pacifist

5 EXP Gained = 7 EXP

AN: Cameleo Guildy is so much of an outcast we actually had to make a new ability just for him. :V
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