Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

That Moment when you remember the effects of your Riders NP's and realize how fucked the caster really is.

Its a wonderful thing. A heal, cleanse, and a diamond horse kicking someone in the face all at the same time.

Our beautiful pretty princess can't be this awesome.

[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone

We can still incarnate an Avenger and summon/make a shielded. So lets stir the pot.
[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone."
This is the correct option both practically and narratively. God yes. Hivemind, don't fail me now!
Screw it. This is already a crack story. Let's just give in already
Taylor's dead and her corpse is being worn like a meat suit by a mix of a magic A.I., a Shard, and All the World's Evil.
Our head getting exploded by the Simurgh.
Missy and Colin having to take a look at themselves and define what being a Hero actually is.
Theo becoming more and more like his hated father.
Alec possibly becoming a decent human being with empathy.
Caster's Everything.
Whatever is going on with Krouse. We haven't seen much of Team Saber/Travelers since we left them.
And Elle just wanting to save her friends.
Just because there are moments of comedy doesn't change that everyone is in a battle royale to the death for a wish that is rigged to screw them over.
In what way is this a crack story?
Having actually read the other votes this time, some good points are brought up. Changing vote. I'm sorry, crack option. It wasn't meant to be.

[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

We have Accord and we have Labyrinth, I'm happy.
Choosing crack option now won't be more stupid than giving goody two shoes servant to villainous guy like Trickster for example. :rolleyes: That ship has already sailed.
Choosing crack option now won't be more stupid than giving goody two shoes servant to villainous guy like Trickster for example. :rolleyes: That ship has already sailed.

Dude, they're the Travelers. They aren't competent enough to be truly villainous. Besides, Rama was a choice because he wants to cure his girlfriend. They're a pretty good match.

Ouch looks like Emma is in a pretty rough state. Hopefully having Dinah around will keep the Shadow Stalker thoughts at bay. Also Atalanta is an excellent choice since she seems like she'll have fun interactions with the rest of the cast.

Hmm tempted to interrupt Vista's treatment by recalling BB but this seems like the best option:

[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

Yeah while the crack option is cute I would rather start the War on a high note by having the Overseer, Ruler and the Grail present a united front. Going out on a scooter and megaphone is just asking to get kidnapped again or getting flagged down by the PRT, which wouldn't be fun or interesting. Picking that option seems like it's going for short term amusement with not any good payoff.

Additionally, awaiting the return of Ruler allows Labyrinth a bit of a grace period to get things settled with her Servant. Oh and having all three together will allow them to make sure that the Masters/Servants know that there's a Sanctuary area. So if they ever need to retire or come across anyone who needs protection, then picking this option seems like the best bet to give them that information.
[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

The scooter and megaphone option sounds hilarious at first, and I was certainly laughing, but the Grail War is about to start.
[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

Kinda want the GW taken seriously, despite how hilarious the megaphone option might be.