or to enable adblocker for $19.99 (the latter of which you did.)
Missed this

Alright, this gets interesting, being able to play any audio file.

Here are few more things I would like to see us try to do, with our bug finding ways, to properly abuse this ability and tick off everyone everywhere.
1) If someone leaves a room, and the music turns off? Make it not do that. We walk into a room, and now they have to sit through 100 hours of some song looped, even if we leave.
2) Make the song effects stack if we enter the room several times, a new version of the track starting each time
3) Probably won't be able to, but see if we can make it play a video instead of just audio.
1) If someone leaves a room, and the music turns off? Make it not do that. We walk into a room, and now they have to sit through 100 hours of some song looped, even if we leave.
2) Make the song effects stack if we enter the room several times, a new version of the track starting each time
3) Probably won't be able to, but see if we can make it play a video instead of just audio.
1 and 2 are possible. The third one, is not, however. As in, it can only play audio.
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Yo so, we're doing Open World then? Are particular areas going to be blocked off from access unless the corresponding area boss gets shanked?
1 and 2 are possible. The third one, is not, however. As in, it can only play audio.
Eh, figured, but I could see the operating system of SAO having had tied Audio and Video playing into one function, and had the DLC simply disable the video display, resulting in effectively just audio. Which is why I thought it might have been a possibility, lazy and simple design opening up exploits.
[X] Song choice: Ding Dong song by Gunther
[X] Look through the full list of DLCs you purchased - maybe there's something interesting in there? (Extra stuff.)
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If we're doing that, can we set a song to loop indefinitely, so we don't have to find a multiple hour video for it?

And would this song be appropriate for doing that?


I just hope you realize that doing said deed is extremely evil. Some people might commit suicide over it.
Expect people with dumb names and a poor cat whose owner decided it'd be a good idea to affix a NerveGear to its head, forcing it to enter this deathtrap of a video game.

Maybe Kayaba wanted to test out the microwave your brain feature before the big event and tested it on a bunch of animals. Once he got the data, he dumped them in a dungeon somewhere and let monsters go at them. Don Fluffles proved surprisingly good at the game and escaped to the game world. Kayaba was so amused by this that he let the cat run around. When he fled and authorities found his lab, they found a bunch of dead monkeys, cats, dogs, and one malnourished cat hooked to a nervegear. They decided to feed it.

Alternately, after Kayaba's announcement, there was a period where people could still sign on. The authorities tried several ways to get inside the game without risking human life, one of which was hooking up animals to nervegear and analysing the link. Don Fluffles is one of the remaining animals from that project. The authorities can see and hear what he does, but have little control of the Cat's actions and have difficulty using the link to communicate into the game. Fluffles might have the same sort of immortality that we have and more, so Kayaba can't just kill him.

[x] Theme song, inspector gadget.

[x] See if your pal, GBR, is online on Steam yet - he has a copy too, and you intended to play together. (Start with a friend.)

I just hope you realize that doing said deed is extremely evil. Some people might commit suicide over it.
Is the audio room based, or player based? That is to say, when we enter the room, is the audio file then tagged to that room, and it is inaudible outside the room, or does it play it to the players directly?
[X]Theme Song: When You're Evil
-[X]Set it to loop indefinitely, not stop when you leave, and start playing over itself if you reenter the room.
--[X]Make sure you can turn them off if someone convinces you to bother, or if you need to spend a while somewhere.
[X] Look through the full list of DLCs you purchased - maybe there's something interesting in there? (Extra stuff.)
Messing with the data files physically pains me. We truly put the contemporary of Kirito.

Hopefully, though, we don't find out we're immortal until we die, so that we can keep that tension up for a while.

[X] See if your pal, GBR, is online on Steam yet - he has a copy too, and you intended to play together. (Start with a friend.)

Friends are the most important thing.

For the theme, just pick something really edgy, like Skillet or something, or out of place and comedic, like an idol song.



We respawn mid death animation? As in, the shower of lights as our body breaks into crystal fragments? And, at a 0 second respawn rate, half the time we're probably not even going to be going to a church instead of spawning right where we stand.

Throw in us being on the run from shit Kayaba throws us at, and...Well, shit, there's really only one song we can use:

Well, a little different, but still.

[X] Theme Song: I Am The Doctor -DWCM
[X] Look through the full list of DLCs you purchased - maybe there's something interesting in there? (Extra stuff.)