Should there be Exploding Dice?

  • Yes! Bring on the Crazy rolls!

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • No. Keep it normal.

    Votes: 7 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok why exactly would the Queen of the UK actually bother to inform the Vatican that an alien space pod had landed in London? Iscariot does not answer to the Queen, they belong to the Vatican, they are essentially agents of a foreign power. If for some reason they were able to find out about the pod, they can make a request to be given jurisdiction over it(something that would really only make sense if Sanguinius gets picked) but not even the crazies of Iscariot would actually expect the British Queen to actually hand the pod over.

You have a point there. My only real answer is, I needed to have Iscariot involved somehow as I wanted to give the option as a choice in the start of the Quest.
So here is the tally

Edit: Seems like Fabulous Hawk Boy is in the lead.
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Apr 20, 2018 at 11:16 AM, finished with 31 posts and 28 votes.
[X] XV (Magnus the Red)
I wanna see Magnus twitching in his seat while salivating the idea of dissecting Alucard and see how his powers work. I didn't play the game itself but I have watched few games on the youtube. They describe him as a mix of scholar and mad scientist on crack.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Writer202 on Apr 20, 2018 at 6:02 PM, finished with 42 posts and 33 votes.
Ugh....Magnus Muh Boy, so he hopefully doesn't go Chaos, or the living Sue Sanguinius, since Angron probably isn't coming back....

Magnus will have early contact with the Emperor thorough his psychic powers, but will probably cause problems because of his psychic powers, while Sanguninius will bring his own problem's because of his Wings.
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Inserted tally final tally Guess were an Angel
Adhoc vote count started by Ave Anathema on Apr 20, 2018 at 7:17 PM, finished with 44 posts and 33 votes.
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Winged boy it is.
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Apr 20, 2018 at 7:48 PM, finished with 45 posts and 33 votes.
Our fabulous fucking hawk boy! Congrats to all who voted, and I'll see you in the quest.

Also nice quest Link, oh and can I call you Link?
For any who are still interested, don't worry. Finals are almost over, and I'll be getting back to writing and updating soon.
Who shall raise it?
Integra looked at two of the men she put in charge of overseeing the pod with her trademark scowl. Her eyes roamed across their sweating faces as they both attempted to keep their heads in front of a superior. Both stood at attention wearing the standard garb expected of the Hellsing Special Forces. They were both skilled in handling all kinds of mechanical instruments and were sworn to secrecy. Though it was mostly just a formality. Every soldier apart of the Hellsing Special Military Forces were veterans in dealing with all things supernatural. They could be trusted to keep this delicate situation from every and anyone.

Andrew Webb and Thomas Hall had both seen many things in their lives. Evidenced by their sunken in, slightly bloodshot eyes that focused on the window behind their Mistress instead of where she was sitting.

The reason why was currently sitting on Integra's table. The current head of the Hellsing Household took in a deep draw on her cigar, before letting it out, exasperated by the current situation.

"And you are sure the report is accurate?" she was asking more out of formality than anything else. Hellsing's Staff are the best of the best. They wouldn't make any errors on a matter such as this.

Thing is, considering the circumstances, an error would actually be the best case scenario.

Andrew is the first to speak up, "Yes, Sir Hellsing. We wrote the report ourselves, and are just as shocked as you are."

Integra took the cigar out of her mouth, it's burning ashes falling into the tray on her desk without her even looking, "I'm aware of what you wrote. But I want to hear a direct report, from the both of you."

Both men looked at each other, waiting for one of them to speak up. When neither was forthcoming, Andrew elbowed Thomas in the side. Swallowing heavily he began, "When we brought the….object to the manor, Master Walter directed us to one of the labs in the basement of the Manor. We proceeded to remove any remaining liquid from the object that it might have sustained since landing in the Thames. We believe that some of the impurities in the water might have—"

"The thing opened the minute we touched it," Andrew cuts into the explanation, "And out popped a small babe. It didn't look like much at first, little fella didn't even start crying when his skin hit the air. But, when we turned it around….he had wings, Sir. Honest to God wings."

Integra nods, "Any other...irregularities?"

The two men glance at each other, and Thomas continues, "That's the thing, Sir. Outside of the wings, the baby is….perfect. The medical staff are completely baffled. They can't find a single defect in him. No bruises from the landing, no lacerations from the machinery, nothing at all. It's almost unreal….like the child was….was…."

"Made, not born," the tension in the room gets stronger at Andrew's admission.

Integra leans onto the desk, her hands coming together in front of her face. She blows out more smoke from her cigar, before placing it in the ashtray when it turns into no more than a stub, "That will be all, both of you. Return to the lab and start examining the pod itself. I shall issue orders on how to handle the infant soon. Dismissed."

Both men make a quick salute before heading out of the door. They chatter amongst themselves over the baby as the door closes behind them. A few seconds later, Walter comes through the door quickly moving to Integra's desk and giving her a new cigar.

He takes a lighter out of his coat as he says, "Something troubling you, Sir Integra?"

Integra waits until the cigar is lit, takes a draft, and then lets it out in a puff a smoke before answering, "This whole situation has already turned into a mess, Walter. Her Majesty will want a report on this and the second people discover the child has wings, things are going to become very complicated, to say the least."

"You are correct, Sir," Walter walks over to stand at Integra's left side, bowing first to show respect to his Mistress, "though I suspect it won't be too much trouble. You've dealt with worse after all."

A smile crosses Integra's face, "Yes, but this time I'll have to deal with the Vatican and Maxwell. Those are the two things that will give me a serious headache."

A deep, dark laugh starts to echo throughout the room. Neither Integra nor Walter even flinch as a red and black figure slowly phases in through the right side wall. His movements cause the stonework to ripple across the wall, stopping only once his full body stepped into the room. His black hair, red eyes, and sharp fangs said everything about what and who he was.

Alucard, the Hellsing Organization Secret Weapon.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Integra said, exasperated. She could guess why he was here after all.

Alucard bowed before his master, "I overheard what those two were saying about the new arrival, and wanted to come see how you would deal with it. I have seen the child, and it has piqued my interest," Integra's body tensed involuntarily.

"And why is that?" she asked the vampire.

Alucard smiled, "Because the child is human, yet so much more than that. It is something that could easily have been a monster like me, yet it still has its humanity. Just like Anderson. Such a thing is very rare indeed. I would hate to miss a chance to see this child up close."

One of Integra's eyebrows rose slightly, "You know what it is?"

"No," Alucard says plainly, "or at least, not entirely. I can only tell that it is not completely human. You know why."

The silence hung in the air for a time, before Integra spoke up, "So, what are you suggesting exactly?"

Alucard finally lifts his head up, his teeth visible in his manic smile, "Merely that, if you gave the order, I would gladly take the child under my wing. I'm sure it will make a fine companion for the police girl."

Integra kept her face impassive, but the thought stayed in her mind. While she didn't enjoy the idea of Alucard raising a child, especially one such as this, it could provide a small solution to the backlash that will come from the child becoming public knowledge. Being kept hidden from the world alongside Alucard could lessen the number of problems that would arise once people find out about the baby's wings.

On the other hand, Alucard raising a child.


Not a pleasant thought. was an option. That and Seras should be able to give the baby some actually positive education.

Then there was training the child as a Hellsing Operative. Integra could easily say that it was a way to watch over the infant and make sure it grew up worshiping the Lord and the Crown. At the same time, if what Alucard said is true, it would be a very valuable asset to deploy on the field. Though it would certainly be a bit more public, and the various other organizations would be outraged at having a "Gift from God himself" as a mere footsoldier. Still, though, there wouldn't be much they could do about it….publicly of course.

"Sir, if I may," Walter steps closer to Integra and turns to face her, "You could always adopt the child."

"Walter, you know how I feel about children," Integra promptly answers. She couldn't stand children, and taking care of one, even if it truly is an angel, is out of the question.

"I'm aware, Sir, but if you officially adopt them, they will be the official heir to the Hellsing Organization. It would stop many of the other organizations from raising much of a fuss, still goes under the purview of your mission from the Queen, and secures the legacy of Hellsing.

Before Integra can object to the last part, Walter continues, "Take it from an old man stuck in his ways, Sir. You don't know how long you have until your time comes. I'd hate to see this place fall to ruin once you're gone."

She couldn't argue with that as Walter raised many good points. Looking down at the folder with the report on her desk, Integra thought long about what her decision would be.

[] Hellsing's Second Secret: The child will be put under Alucard's wing. It will be trained and raised to fight the supernatural threats that normal humans don't stand a chance against. While the Queen will be notified, information regarding the child will be kept a closely guarded secret of Hellsing.
  • +10 starting bonus to Close Combat, Ranged Combat, and Supernatural
  • Mentored by Alucard and Seras
  • Starting Perk: Monster Hunter: +10 Damage against Supernatural Creatures
  • More Advanced Hellsing Weapons (I.e. the Jackal, Anti-Tank Rifles, etc.)

[] Hellsing's Special Task Force: The child shall be conscripted and trained with the Hellsing Special Military Forces, under the pretense of observing the child's growth. It will be treated as a normal soldier and sent to handle any supernatural threats that do not require Alucard's intervention. Once old enough, it will be given a Special Task Force to lead, so as to see how it's leadership skills develop. Information on the child will be considered public knowledge to the other organizations, though any formal complaint must go through the Queen herself.
  • +10 starting bonus to Leadership, Understanding, and Battlefield Strategy
  • Mentored by entire Hellsing Military
  • Starting Perk: A Soldier's Life: +10 to Leadership and Battlefield Strategy Test
  • Mostly Standard Hellsing Weapons

[X] Heir To Hellsing: The child shall be adopted by Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, and named the current Heir to the Hellsing Organization. It shall be given full protection of both the Hellsing Organization and the Crown. It shall grow up under Walter C. Dornez and Sir Integra (mostly Walter). It shall be taught everything it needs to run a successful Organization from the shadows. Though it won't get much combat experience, it shall obtain valuable lessons about the inner workings of Society.
  • +10 starting bonus to Spywork, Talking, and Economics
  • Mentored by Walter and (sometimes) Integra
  • Starting Perk: Heir to the Manor: +10 to Intrigue and Stewardship Test
  • No weapons, except for some basic training

Alright, I'll go post up exactly what the mechanics and otherwise completely mean later, but here it is in brief.

You've got two types of Skills: General and Specific

General Skills are...well, General Abstractions. They represent your skill at something as a whole. Whenever a test would only require General knowledge of something, your General Skill will be added. For example, if you're fighting someone and you plan to use everything at your disposal to win, that would be a Personal Combat Roll.

Specific Skills are more specific accounts of your Skills that you can train. They are pretty self explanatory. All Specific Skills add together into a General Skill. Whenever you do something that requires a more Specific approach to the situation, the most appropriate Specific Skill will be added. For example, if you're looking for someone or something primarily through placing spies in key areas, that's a Spywork Roll instead of an Intrigue roll.

Specific Skills can work together on specific rolls based on what will be required, or how you plan to go about something. If you're trying to obtain a Trade Agreement with a rival organization that benefits both of you, that will be Parley + Economics. General Skills can't work together in this way.

Rolls (or Test) will be done with 1d100 roll. Higher numbers will equate to higher success. 100 is a Critical Success while 1 is a Critical Fail.

Before we begin I will post a poll that will end . This poll will be to see if you guys want Exploding Dice. If the roll is a 95 - 100, the roll explodes and I roll another 1d100 to see how well you did. If it's a 95 - 99, I'll only roll once. If it's a 100, I'll roll twice. Exploding dice won't explode. The downside to this is, the same goes for Crit Fails.

Now about the vote. This once is fairly important, as while ol' Sang will still keep most of his personality, the choice you pick here will affect it in a major way. What they way is, I won't say to keep it as a surprise.
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[X] Heir To Hellsing: The child shall be adopted by Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, and named the current Heir to the Hellsing Organization. It shall be given full protection of both the Hellsing Organization and the Crown. It shall grow up under Walter C. Dornez and Sir Integra (mostly Walter). It shall be taught everything it needs to run a successful Organization from the shadows. Though it won't get much combat experience, it shall obtain valuable lesson about the inner workings of Society.

The biggest mistake the Emperor ever made was not putting Sanguinus in charge when he went off to experiment with the Webway.
In truth I don't care about looking to the greater future of the Imperium right now. I'm tired of always starting a Primarch quest aiming to be the guy who can fix everything that's coming.

What's more interesting and fun right now, is being mentored by the No Life King and his Childe.