Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar): Third Time the charm

[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.

We have Smart and we have Powerful.
We do not have a People Person.

For the moon that completes that which the heavens lack
[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.

Our cold blooded lizard overlords need a solid PR department. If it worked for the Queen Elizabeth it will work for us.
[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.
Veekie has a point.

[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.
[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.
[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.
So unanimous for changing moon.

Sorry MLP fans, Luna will not be about the power of friendship. She will be about the magic of love. Which is good for you for love is the most destructive thing in the universe. Especially when wielded by someone like Luna who already used it to depose Titans and take their place.
So unanimous for changing moon.

Sorry MLP fans, Luna will not be about the power of friendship. She will be about the magic of love. Which is good for you for love is the most destructive thing in the universe. Especially when wielded by someone like Luna who already used it to depose Titans and take their place.
Is it possible to fix up others?
So unanimous for changing moon.

Sorry MLP fans, Luna will not be about the power of friendship. She will be about the magic of love. Which is good for you for love is the most destructive thing in the universe. Especially when wielded by someone like Luna who already used it to depose Titans and take their place.

Love as in Kill Bill Bride?
[X] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.
Luna the Changing Moon
Luna the Changing Moon
How will I describe what you found in the depths of the dead city?

Shall I say you happened upon a monster born of the deepest Chaos? It had many limbs changing in quick succession. It shifted like quicksilver, resolving into dread and terrible forms of its own volition. Eyes, mouths, tentacles and beaks and manty other things besides, so many you thought it at first to be an unfortunate spawn of Chaos, perhaps a god afflicted with the power of mutation. In a way you are right but as you gaze upon the shifting, shuffling thing before you, you don't sense any corruption. Marvel you would not have considered before. The creature is kin to Chaos and yet not of Chaos. She is formless and shapeless for the moment but the moment your mind's eyes fall upon her, she latches to you. An unfortunate fate this one has. For you understand she was crafted to be without center of her own. Love, friendship, emotions were what gave her purpose. And thus he was called Evershifting and yet remained a proud defender of the world, spying threats the eyes of the sun couldn't perceive and dealing with them through means he couldn't condone.

When the world was created and the Primordials retreated to the Games of Divinity, they made guardians for it. The Sun was crafted to lead from the front in terrible splendor while the Moon was tasked with seducing and murdering and watching and hunting. One of the Titans also wished to keep their siblings gathered and so Luna was made to be loved and enticed. This proved a mistake for as the gods labored without thanks they gazed upon the thrones of heavens and said to themselves : "Let us take them and rule from them". Luna came to the Emerald Mother and danced with her for six, nine and seven days before convincing her to the cause of the revolt. Long did the great gods rule after they had banished the Titans from their sight and long did they enjoy the Games of Divinity.

And there you grow wroth for the Incarnae as they called themselves knew neither duty nor loyalty and they passed the crown of the world to their champions and servants and laughed and sang and reveled as around their guarded refuge the world was set ablaze. Yet in the end they were punished as their champions grew as prideful as them and the Titans, now broken and sold to the cause of Chaos and the forces of death and the forces of destruction entered the city of heaven and destroyed it.

You are not the same. You knew your duty and tried to hold on to it. Slothful you may have been and blind to what didn't concern you but you didn't forsake the Plan for mere pleasures even the transcendence of the Games. Yet looking into Luna's eye as he mourns for the death of all he loved you know you failed just as much. Poor Stewards the two of you. Poor Guardians too. So you understand and in the meeting of your mind, you find what could anchor the shifting goddess. Revenge. Chaos still exists and its princes and potentates still threaten all that is. To survive for the sake of survival is not for the likes of the great gods. You will see your victors being cast down as you were and your mistakes atoned for. So with Luna's accord you spread skeletal hands and urge them to take fixed shape and purpose for another war.

It is easier than it looks. Ignorant think there are things outside the patterns of the universe but a good pattern makes room to what is outside. Outsider, Murderer, Trickster, Witch, Barbarian. They are names on the unknown, masks who can become faces, roles as strict as warrior or mage or wise man. Your hands weave the skein of fate, the melody of the universe and Luna slips into it. For him it's difficult for to be shapeless and formless is absolute strength and absolute weakness both. Yet even the Ruinous Powers abide by some rules, some themes and symbols for without that they couldn't affect the universe.

You see Luna sculpt themselves before your eyes. Wonders of wonders for it is more than simply skin behind woven on bones and chiseled by will alone. It begins with great oaths. An oath to remember what happened and grieve for what was lost. And even as the runes of true language etch themselves on the Two-Faced Bride's essence you see the city taken by the grief of her remaining guardian. Destroyed building fall in a rain of stone and corpses are carried by the streets into coffins who eagerly devour the dead and remain with altars and stelas at their memories. Yu-Shan was the name of this place but now and forevermore it will be Di Yu: The city of ten thousand tombs.

Luna remains Luna, containing all genders and all possibilities, alluring to anyone and anything and she swears a great oath. For her revenge will not be attained by falling upon your common foes and destroying them with great vigor, nor it will be by learning their secrets and using them to close the gates they fashion in the fabric universe. No, Luna the Silver Lady will come to the court of Chaos and from them take their champions, their nobles and their princes. She will be queen upon a new pantheon and all of them will be trophies taken from the Ruinous Powers, demons turned into gods and champions burning what they once worshipped. The Dark Gods themselves will swear oaths and respect them for they will take her as a long-lost sister and the five of them she will seduce and entrap.

She doesn't talk about redemption by say but of something more wondrous and terrible still. For heresy and subversion and seduction and whispers in the darkness are the weapons of Chaos and to imagine they will be turned against them is strange. Yet such things happen and demons do indeed break from their progenitors to become individuals in their own right. And as your mind touches Luna you realize the power she holds. For she was crafted with love and love is the mightiest thing in the universe.

Don't be surprised. Mortals and fools think love a gentle tamed thing full of honey and sweetness. They are wrong. Love breaks, love is wild and unfocused. For love are saints damned and chosen ones led astray. For love are monsters redeemed and the thrones of tyrants cast down. Love even in your cold heart urged you to crumble mountains and shake the foundations of the earth for it was what your masters wanted. Love led people in the arms of the Ruinous Powers and dragged them from it just as often. Fear the person who is guided by love for they know nothing of fear or moral or sanity. Everything is fair in pursuit of love and nothing wrong can be done to those who oppose it.

Love doesn't make the worlds turn but it sure breaks them.

Luna rises with oaths and feelings both. They are clad in silver and their hair is white falling like snow upon the shoulders. To describe them is impossible for they change like a dream. To you they look like a wise youth with eyes full of wrath and shame, armed with knowledge you don't possess and ready to help you in all causes. They even take the appearance of one of your children albeit one with silver skin and power unbound. They look at you and your thoughts meet again. They will go now, wander Azyr and the other Realms and war against Chaos at their manner but they swear they will assist you as they are able. A gift they will even give you but which one.

[] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
[] A shadow of Luna herself to be your councilor and help in all things. One of the many faces she once wore and now discards to your keeping
[] As she is able to seduce demons from the Chaos Gods Luna will help in the breaking of your self to make councilors. They will be less powerful than outright gods but you will have true Slaans Mage-Priests once more.

Note: To be clear your choices are A Another child with semi-random purviews and aspected to the Dholes. B A mini Luna with a Diplo/Intrigue focus; Automatic success in Shades of Councilors outfitting them with Slaans whose stats are generated 5+5d5
Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Apr 19, 2018 at 5:11 PM, finished with 450 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
    [X] A shadow of Luna herself to be your councilor and help in all things. One of the many faces she once wore and nowdiscards to your keeping
    [x] As she is able to seduce demons from the Chaos Gods Luna will help in the breaking of your self to make councilors. They will be less powerful than outright gods but you will have true Slaans Mage-Priests once more.
[X] A shadow of Luna herself to be your councilor and help in all things. One of the many faces she once wore and nowdiscards to your keeping
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.

A second bond to bring her home. Love of child.
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.

One child with star-waifu, one with moon-waifu, next we need to talk to Amaterasu ...
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
[x] As she is able to seduce demons from the Chaos Gods Luna will help in the breaking of your self to make councilors. They will be less powerful than outright gods but you will have true Slaans Mage-Priests once more.
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
[X] A child born from the mingling of your thoughts, another godling fostered from the womb of Luna crowned with the moon radiance and the love of your children.
Itzamatul the Eye of Heaven
Ok here is your new daughter

Itzamatul the Eye of Heaven

Diplomacy: 10+21: 31: You were made to hear and not talk
Intrigue: 10+23+5+5: 43: Your eyes pierce flesh and stone alike
Learning: 10+18 +5: 33: From the thoughts of the Sublime Communion you are called
Martial: 10+17 +5: 32: Fight for the living. Fight for the dead.
Piety: 10+20 +5: 35: You are of Azyr, child of the great gods, goddess in your own right
Stewardship: 10+19+5: 34: You know how to range the wild lands where nothing can abide unaided.

You are the offspring of two gods of the stars and you are of their august company: base stats are 10+6d5
Mantle of Stars: You see in the mists of time and can say which seed will grow and which will wither. +5 Learning and Stewardship
Thread Cutter: You see the Pattern and you see its weaknesses. Sometimes things must die before poisoning the whole: +5 Intrigue and Martial
Oath of Remembrance: Luna was created to seduce Gaïa but he loved her true. You remember this even as others forget: +5 Intrigue, +5 Piety

Callings: Hunter, Judge, Trickster
Darkness, Death, Stars, Chaos
Legend: 9
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