Jagged Edge has said his skills are not suited for facing the Greatspider. He will probably have to go all out to defeat it, and so will kill it himself.Even if we wait for Jagged Edge, he'd likely leave us the kill regardless.
Yeah but he won't be going all out against it alone. His tactic will involve chipping away at it, he won't be killing it swiftly or easily whereas we're pretty well suited to cutting through armour. I see that as meaning we'll likely get the killing hit whether he volunteers that or through happenstance.Jagged Edge has said his skills are not suited for facing the Greatspider. He will probably have to go all out to defeat it, and so will kill it himself.
It could result in we'll get the killing hit, but it is unlikely. Our strikes will be for maximum annoyance, so the Greatspider focuses on us. Jagged's attacks will be aimed at killing it, and will more likely land the killing blow.Yeah but he won't be going all out against it alone. His tactic will involve chipping away at it, he won't be killing it swiftly or easily whereas we're pretty well suited to cutting through armour. I see that as meaning we'll likely get the killing hit whether he volunteers that or through happenstance.
From the options given it seems an pretty easy choice for me. The second one explicitly says that it makes it more risky for Jagged Edge; so the first choice therefor is not only less risky for Swallow, and it's also less risky for Jagged Edge too. Unless the wording on the options was mistaken in some manner.Escort the Merchants - They're more likely to die, but it gives Jagged Edge more tactical room to maneuver and destroy the Darklings. Less risky for your personally.
Distract the Greatspider - Dangerous? Check. Saving innocents? Check. Sounds like a job for Swallow! Less room for Edge to maneuver though, and he'll have to manage risk to himself, the merchants, and you. Riskier to him personally as a consequence.
Kill the Greatspider (COSTS A FATE POINT) - Distraction? No, you have mobility and offense on your side. You could make this work. Maybe. Probably! It sounds insane, but if you flung yourself into the attack recklessly enough, and got lucky enough, you could avoid its attacks, use distance to jump up, and slice into its brain. Or cut off one of its legs and do the same. It'd be dangerous, but it'd probably impress Edge, and also the power boost would be considerable.
He's already said he isn't well suited to piercing the spider and the fact that he's the more skilled fighter suggests, imo, that he'd be a better choice to dance with the spider while we go for the attack. This is obviously after he's dealt with the wolves though. We just picked up Infinite Sharpness so should have decent penetrating power but our lack of experience means we're more likely to screw up, so we're unlikely to be trusted to distract the spider longer than absolutely necessary.It could result in we'll get the killing hit, but it is unlikely. Our strikes will be for maximum annoyance, so the Greatspider focuses on us. Jagged's attacks will be aimed at killing it, and will more likely land the killing blow.