Red Flux: A New Weird Quest for Justice, Freedom and the Self

[X] Resist, Rayburn needs your help!

How are we gonna get an in with Ray's revolutionary buddies if we don't help him out?
[X] Give in, Atyche.

Some things stand out here: Rayburn is obviously capable of dealing with guys like this, and while Leigna has obviously had a hard life we don't really know her actual capacity in a scrap. Along with her being unarmed, it's best to just let him work. But more importantly, there's no guarantee that Atyche will just sit there and wait for the fight to finish. We should go now just in case.
Act 1, Part 7: The Prisonner's Dillema

[x] Give in. Atyche awaits.

It slams into you suddenly, and the eyes on you are your own.

The world is tinted in silver and blue.

You turn away from the fight, hearing Rayburn's sharp breath and the altered laughter of the Sicklemen as you run towards the building. No one tries to stop you. You feel as if you're going the direction you need to go.

Once, there was chaos. He brought certainty.
Once, the throne of heaven stood empty. He filled it.

[ ] What is this?
[ ] What's happening?
[ ] Why do I feel this way?

You push through the side door, the lock clicking open as you approach, power flowing through your hands, creating new patterns. You hear Rayburn call your name, then yell in pain, but you don't look around. You have something more important. Inside, the apartment system is as you remember it, damp corridors, the smell of mold and wet concrete. The cheap white paint they use down here, peeling off as the water takes it. Assembles of garbage and recycling in locked bins, the shine coin slots for those who collect it to insert payment, the one thing that's clean in here.

You live now in the will of the One Who is Risen
You have lived in a fortunate age.
Rejoice in the memory!

The door shuts behind you and you hear the lock click back into place. You are alone. You know somehow that no one will come out of their doors. They might as well not be there. It's just you and the witch.

Ungrateful, this world has devoured his attention
A new, more perfect kingdom will rise.


You're on the stairs, going up, passing a grubby, half broken window. You look for a moment, enough time to see the first drops fall. A drop of red, vivid against the cracked grey paint of the windowsill. Another follows, another and another. Red rain. You must move on, up to the door behind which you saw the witch. This one. You know it. It's cheap like all the others but it has a sign carved into it. You feel the pressure of it against what is holding you. Hear its thoughts.

Our symbiosis is fortunate. Without it, I could not enter past her signs.

[ ] Leave me alone
[ ] What are you?
[ ] What are you doing to me?

Do not despair.
While your life is wretched, it serves a purpose higher than that of kings.
You are a vessel for that which must be.

Upon the throne of heaven he laid his head.
Upon the halls of heaven he built his arts.
Upon the web of the world he laid fate.
Everything happens for a reason.
Everything happens because of Him.

[ ] What?
[ ] All this misery didn't just happen?
[ ] This was done to me?
[ ] This was done to us?

The door crashes open at your touch and you see Atyche revealed. Her apartment is book lined, with an unmade bed on one side and a large flat screen on the other. The Witch stands before the window, a shadow in the light, tall and dark and voluptuous, her coat flapping in the breeze coming in from the red rainstorm outside.

Her every exposed skin is covered in spiraling tattoos. Images undulate and bleed volumetrically into the air around them, a barely-constrained menagerie of shape and color. She says a word and the corridor around you shatters, debris raining from the ceiling as the word tears the very air. You force yourself into it, working your way towards her. Feeling the hatred of the Watcher within.


You (the Watcher) raise your arms, long blades of metallic blue ichor flicker into existence and you launch yourself at her. The Witch dodges back, her tattoos yanking her out of the way. She punches you back off wards, then whips another blast of compressed space at you. You block it easily, an aegis of causality conflicting this account of the events and hastily reversing them. Your mind strains to comprehend the violence and un-violence your possessed eyes perceive as the ripple resolves to a compromise and sends shocks across your hardened flesh. Steam rises from your crackling skin.

You lunge again, your blade stabbing towards her heart. She catches your arm just short, her arm distorting out grotesquely as she extends her tattoos into a sickening whorl of eyes and teeth and shadow, the blade an instant from her.

[ ] No way.
[ ] No Way.
[x] No Way!

You cannot resist.

Watch this! You have never been so angry. How dare this happen? How dare this be true? You've lived and you've struggled for so long, you've hurt so much, and now you find out that it wasn't just random fate, that something meant for this to happen to you? You can't stand it. You won't let it!

You shut your eyes.

Instantly you feel the Watcher's rage, twisted burning brambles uncoiling through your whole self. It pricks at you at every conceivable angle without the possibility of escape, not contenting itself to physical pain. Drawing up figments of painful memories, repressed despairs and forgotten horrors, it insists. You must.

Your eyes run wet, your jaw and fists constricting in resistance until your teeth and nails begin to dig into flesh. You will not be controlled by the things you already survived, even as it expands and exerts ever-greater control over your being. You feel it within you, the overlay of symbols pouring across your skin, connecting to some invisible web you now see overlaid across the world. You feel that, in this state, you can try to take control of something. But how much time do you have?

What should you do?

[ ] Run faster than you've ever run, straight through that window. They'll never find Atyche.
[ ] With the very last of your control, tear out your throatpiece. You live on your terms.
[ ] Cover your face with your palms and jam your fingers into your eyes. This thing has seen enough.
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[X] Cover your face with your palms and jam your fingers into your eyes. This thing has seen enough.

Well that has implications about why we got the voicebox, maybe? I might be reading into it.
(for those of you using different styles, here's a version without the colour format)

[x] Give in. Atyche awaits.

It slams into you suddenly, and the eyes on you are your own.

The world is tinted in silver and blue.

You turn away from the fight, hearing Rayburn's sharp breath and the altered laughter of the Sicklemen as you run towards the building. No one tries to stop you. You feel as if you're going the direction you need to go.

Once, there was chaos. He brought certainty.
Once, the throne of heaven stood empty. He filled it.

[ ] What is this?
[ ] What's happening?
[ ] Why do I feel this way?

You push through the side door, the lock clicking open as you approach, power flowing through your hands, creating new patterns. You hear Rayburn call your name, then yell in pain, but you don't look around. You have something more important. Inside, the apartment system is as you remember it, damp corridors, the smell of mold and wet concrete. The cheap white paint they use down here, peeling off as the water takes it. Assembles of garbage and recycling in locked bins, the shine coin slots for those who collect it to insert payment, the one thing that's clean in here.

You live now in the will of the One Who is Risen
You have lived in a fortunate age.
Rejoice in the memory!

The door shuts behind you and you hear the lock click back into place. You are alone. You know somehow that no one will come out of their doors. They might as well not be there. It's just you and the witch.

Ungrateful, this world has devoured his attention
A new, more perfect kingdom will rise.


You're on the stairs, going up, passing a grubby, half broken window. You look for a moment, enough time to see the first drops fall. A drop of red, vivid against the cracked grey paint of the windowsill. Another follows, another and another. Red rain. You must move on, up to the door behind which you saw the witch. This one. You know it. It's cheap like all the others but it has a sign carved into it. You feel the pressure of it against what is holding you. Hear its thoughts.

Our symbiosis is fortunate. Without it, I could not enter past her signs.

[ ] Leave me alone
[ ] What are you?
[ ] What are you doing to me?

Do not despair.
While your life is wretched, it serves a purpose higher than that of kings.
You are a vessel for that which must be.

Upon the throne of heaven he laid his head.
Upon the halls of heaven he built his arts.
Upon the web of the world he laid fate.
Everything happens for a reason.
Everything happens because of Him.

[ ] What?
[ ] All this misery didn't just happen?
[ ] This was done to me?
[ ] This was done to us?

The door crashes open at your touch and you see Atyche revealed. Her apartment is book lined, with an unmade bed on one side and a large flat screen on the other. The Witch stands before the window, a shadow in the light, tall and dark and voluptuous, her coat flapping in the breeze coming in from the red rainstorm outside.

Her every exposed skin is covered in spiraling tattoos. Images undulate and bleed volumetrically into the air around them, a barely-constrained menagerie of shape and color. She says a word and the corridor around you shatters, debris raining from the ceiling as the word tears the very air. You force yourself into it, working your way towards her. Feeling the hatred of the Watcher within.


You (the Watcher) raise your arms, long blades of metallic blue ichor flicker into existence and you launch yourself at her. The Witch dodges back, her tattoos yanking her out of the way. She punches you back off wards, then whips another blast of compressed space at you. You block it easily, an aegis of causality conflicting this account of the events and hastily reversing them. Your mind strains to comprehend the violence and un-violence your possessed eyes perceive as the ripple resolves to a compromise and sends shocks across your hardened flesh. Steam rises from your crackling skin.

You lunge again, your blade stabbing towards her heart. She catches your arm just short, her arm distorting out grotesquely as she extends her tattoos into a sickening whorl of eyes and teeth and shadow, the blade an instant from her.

[ ] No way.
[ ] No Way.

[x] No Way!

You cannot resist.​

Watch this! You have never been so angry. How dare this happen? How dare this be true? You've lived and you've struggled for so long, you've hurt so much, and now you find out that it wasn't just random fate, that something meant for this to happen to you? You can't stand it. You won't let it!

You shut your eyes.

Instantly you feel the Watcher's rage, twisted burning brambles uncoiling through your whole self. It pricks at you at every conceivable angle without the possibility of escape, not contenting itself to physical pain. Drawing up figments of painful memories, repressed despairs and forgotten horrors, it insists. You must.

Your eyes run wet, your jaw and fists constricting in resistance until your teeth and nails begin to dig into flesh. You will not be controlled by the things you already survived, even as it expands and exerts ever-greater control over your being. You feel it within you, the overlay of symbols pouring across your skin, connecting to some invisible web you now see overlaid across the world. You feel that, in this state, you can try to take control of something. But how much time do you have?

What should you do?

[ ] Run faster than you've ever run, straight through that window. They'll never find Atyche.
[ ] With the very last of your control, tear out your throatpiece. You live on your terms.
[ ] Cover your face with your palms and jam your fingers into your eyes. This thing has seen enough.
[X] Cover your face with your palms and jam your fingers into your eyes. This thing has seen enough.

Well that has implications about why we got the voicebox, maybe? I might be reading into it.

From what I gather, the throatpiece is exerting some form of control over us, likely limiting our options.

We really shouldn't be running around with a dangerous item in our neck that likely allows for other parties to have power over us. Not to mention that I don't like the other options that much- the third is a futile act of rebellion, and the first is merely running away and not really solving the key problem here.

[X] With the very last of your control, tear out your throatpiece. You live on your terms.
[X] With the very last of your control, tear out your throatpiece. You live on your terms.
Because I want our protag to not have to sound like Darth Vader whenever she talks or otherwise uses her vocal cords.
From what I gather, the throatpiece is exerting some form of control over us, likely limiting our options.

I read it the opposite way. Tearing out our throat piece means ripping out parts of our actual throat and probably hitting the jugular, so it's the more damaging option to ourselves and the possessing entity. But I don't think the throatpiece is behind it, and I'm thinking we got it because we tore out our throat in the past.
For reference the throatpiece is an implanted prosthetic that Leigna needs to breathe and speak. She doesn't sound like Darth Vader so much as has a slight flanging when she speaks. Think the Turian voice effect at 10% volume.
Eh, if she needs it to breathe and speak, tearing it out is hardly the best of ideas regardless of any suspicions I may have. Of the other two options... hm. After readng again I like the third option more- it does indicate more active resistance than just running away. It doesn't necessarily accomplish that much, but running away doesn't accomplish that much either in terms of our current goal. So.

[X] Cover your face with your palms and jam your fingers into your eyes. This thing has seen enough.
Yeah, look, I know it's a pretty crazy situation, but I'm not sure I want Leigna to tear out her own throat or gouge out her own eyes. We need those things! To see and breathe! While replacements are certainly possible, Leigna is poor enough that we would absolutely need to rely on Rayburn to pay for them. So keep that in mind if you've been skeptical of him previously.

In lieu of self-mutilation, let's just jump out a window, hey?

[X] Run faster than you've ever run, straight through that window. They'll never find Atyche.
I didn't really equate "jam fingers into eyes" with "gouge out own eyes". A tic I have when I get far too overstressed and am just totally overwhelmed is to thrust my fingers into my eyes and I hardly mean to gouge my eyes out. It's also far less clearly that as opposed to "Tear out own throatpiece". That said, I can see how you get that from "this thing has seen enough" given the context, and if that is what is being said, I don't really see the intrinsic benefit; I think we could get Rayburn to foot the bill for us, but it's not really worth it if we can avoid it. So let's go for a hat trick and pick all three options.

[X] Run faster than you've ever run, straight through that window. They'll never find Atyche.
I didn't really equate "jam fingers into eyes" with "gouge out own eyes". A tic I have when I get far too overstressed and am just totally overwhelmed is to thrust my fingers into my eyes and I hardly mean to gouge my eyes out.
That's a pretty strange tic you have there. Me, I'm very fond of my eyes and rather squemish about anything that might damage them.

[X] Run faster than you've ever run, straight through that window. They'll never find Atyche.

What Ford Prefect said.
This is certainly a change.

I actually don't know how to vote. None of the options seem to do anything v the watcher.