The vote's structured a little oddly. Is spending two downtime to completely fix the issue a subvote of 'spend one to do the initial work', or is it in addition to? In other words, do we need to spend three downtime to completely fix the issue, or just two?
It takes two downtime to completely fix the issue; it's just separated into either doing part of the work necessary to fix it or doing all of it.
Duty first before all else. We need everything running at tip top shape for the next event, so leisure time can wait.
I'd also like to test how far our Ojou-powers can keep us graceful despite all the work.
I don't wholly disagree, but I also kind of want to make sure we're in good shape, and spending time with Anja would help the both of us. Staying graceful under pressure is great, but I doubt it'll be good for the quality of our work if we end up facing an emergency without spending any downtime on rest.
If I were to assume that there are benefits to each of the options, then that's how I'd probably weight it. Spending time with Anja gets some interaction between us where we learn more about each other, but it also helps both of us handle the stress, so we might see a slight performance uptick in any new emergency. The other options would, obviously, also help in their own ways, so I'm not going to claim that spending time with Anja has to be the best use of our time.
So, I'd think it comes down to how you want to see Amani handle this and where you want to see her do well in. I can see the appeal of having her go full workaholic to help as much as possible, bearing the strain with grace and aplomb, but I don't think I personally want to go that route.
Still, though, people have made good points about the potential fun with refugee housing, so I'm trying to decide whether I want to just do the initial analysis on the scans and swap in housing for my vote or not.