We can probably quickly kill the direwolf with our "sword", and then help Penelope out. And it seems like wendy is in a more dire situation.
Wendy is actually better off. She has a wooden spear against a direwolf, which is a stalemate. A wooden spear is still a staff.

Penelope has a wooden knife against a warrior. She's dead really soon. She doesn't have a weapon, she has a toy
All four of them are still standing and fighting, and they have real steel at the very least, but it looks like they're being pushed further and further away from the rest of the apprentices, and they look like they're being slowly but steadily outfought.
Penelope, Wendy and friends (cue theme song) do have real weapons, looks like.
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[x] Join Aphelia and be ready to move out as an organized fighting group.

Getting the group organized is more important than any individual conflicts.
[x] Join Aphelia and be ready to move out as an organized fighting group.

Big picture everyone. Don't break it into a hundred skirmishes that the enemy is specced for
[x] Join Aphelia and be ready to move out as an organized fighting group.

This is a tough choice...
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So, I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm not sure it's been answered.

But, uh, are there any guys at all in this setting? Or are we super post-apocalyptic/endless wars and the male population hasn't fully recovered yet or something.
Tactically speaking...
Penelope&Wendy, that situation will be resolved in their favor if we choose one of them to help, I think-we bust one fight and then reinforce the other. Although the sub-vote for grabbing daggers for Penelope I think is unneeded- it's mentioned that they do have real weapons as opposed to wooden trainers.
The instructors are powerful, probably not going to fall, unless the apprentices under them critfail and stick their own teachers. I don't think we're on a dice system that will make that a possibility, though I note that one seems like she's simply going to take a long time to chew up her foes, the other could really use a healer...Which we do not have.
Herding cats is only a good idea if we want to get Siglinde into the fray as a morale point, and well...Frankly I think she could do it, but I also think the moment for that play has passed-at this point I'd rather throw the corpses of any that died under Lucille's watch at her face to galvanize her for next time. Elizabeth will DEFINITELY chew us out for not asking her earlier, and Step I don't think has leadership potential, and Neinanne is a mascot.
(for that matter I don't expect her to repeat her flaming sword trick-I'm betting that thing wrecks her weapon irregardless of what it is, AND was primarily useful because the wooden trainers she was using wasn't really going to do significant damage otherwise, on top of whatever reason she has for keeping it secret.)
So ultimately, given that Wendy knows how to keep a dangerous foe at bay reasonably well, I trust her to hold out longer.
[X]Help Penelope fight against the Squirrels.

Also: Long term Squad 4 leadership?
I think one of two possibilities:
Step doesn't seem particularly capable nor willing, so she's out as far as leader goes.
Siglinde I could see kind of doubling down on the 'lone ace' style unless we give her a 'the reason you suck' speech to galvanize her into action later on down the line.
Elizabeth I think will follow our leadership...IF we're actually worth listening to. So if we're competent she'll chill, if not she will contest us. But I don't think she'll be keen on taking the leadership otherwise and might very well give Sigelinde the 'you suck' speech to galvanize her, what with leadership being more work than it's worth.
Neinanne I think could do it-Buster sword's one of the biggest weapons in the room and she's slain a Wyvern, and multiple beasts-if we can keep up the victories we might be able to silent protagonist our way into being an inspiring figure proper. But we're going to have to be silent or answer that stutter somehow.
"Don't just stand here with your fingers under your skirts!" she snaps angrily, denying the apprentices any moment of respite. "Get to the armory and actually make yourselves useful!"

The apprentices are shocked into moving, although there is a very palpable sense of relief that an instructor is here, that there's someone here to take charge. This being said, you spot Lucille visibly flinching at the rebuke; she was the one who gave the order to hole up instead of heading for the armory, after all.
No comment.

a charge of a crowd of apprentices in their nightclothes doing as their instructor said and rushing for the armory
Wait, hold on. What the hell have they been doing in the interim of where they were trying to hole up of not putting on vaguely appropriate clothing, let alone equipment/boots?

[X] Help Penelope fight against the Squirrels.

The dire wolf Wendy's fighting should hopefully keep. They're at least a little more reluctant to engage against pointy steel in their face. Fights against the enemy operatives could instantly turn off a bad feint or counter, though, so that's a bit more pressing.

Lucille has an instructor even if they've already taken losses. Can't do anything about that.
[x] Return to protect Lucille and her squad from the direwolves.

Our buster sword is great for fighting direwolves, Penelope and Wendy have real weapons but Lucille's squad is stuck with their training weapons since they bought time to allow the other students to reach the armory. Also, this course of action may free up the instructor and stabilize the two that are down if they could use some emergency first-aid.

In any case, "proud" and "grim" came in very close, and I can make both work simultaneously, honestly, so...

They were tied at the exact same amount of votes, so very close indeed.
Well, as I expected, they very much got ready for people going for the armory.

And as much as it may have been best to head there right away anyway, not like we knew the situation outside the dorms.
So, I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm not sure it's been answered.

But, uh, are there any guys at all in this setting? Or are we super post-apocalyptic/endless wars and the male population hasn't fully recovered yet or something.

Unless I've missed something, it hasn't been answered, and this is the closest it has come to being directly addressed in story:
"Well," another girl says, "there's a war on! Maybe a dryad will go to Elspar, make herself out to be a big hero, and get rewarded with some land and a title. It's happened before!"

"No pressure," the first girl says, smiling at you.

"Th-That actually sounds like...a lot of pressure," you reply, and there's another bout of amused but not mean-spirited laughter at your expense.

"Well, someone could always just marry into an existing noble house," someone else points out, after a pause. "Just a matter of finding some young elven heiress ready to buck tradition. From there, it's a fifty-fifty chance."

"Or," Azalea says, a little more philosophically, "Even if the first child is a dryad, the family would just wait long enough for the dryad to be the father, and call that child the heiress."

Wilhelmina nods. It's hard to say whether she's slightly amused or slightly annoyed by all this talk. "That is likely what would happen."

From that, I assume that there are no guys in this setting. (To the extent that real world conceptions of gender or sex even apply to such a setting, anyway.)
On the other hand, it could just be one of those silly "Cute girls doing cute things" stories, where "Yes, guys exist, but they're not important to the plot so you never see them"

But then you get paragraphs like that and it starts to make you wonder again.
On the other hand, it could just be one of those silly "Cute girls doing cute things" stories, where "Yes, guys exist, but they're not important to the plot so you never see them"

But then you get paragraphs like that and it starts to make you wonder again.
Well, the quest HAS the tag 'Female everything'.

For Wendy and Penelope, does it make sense for all four to head for one, or can we assume maybe some of our squad will break off to help the other? Or maybe we could direct some ourselves.

Ultimately, for Lucille... We have no healer in our squad. Even if we went there, we can't help those already down.
So, I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm not sure it's been answered.

But, uh, are there any guys at all in this setting? Or are we super post-apocalyptic/endless wars and the male population hasn't fully recovered yet or something.
My understanding is that people in this setting are monogendered - capable of both siring and bearing children.
The OP uses the female pronouns throughout

Edit : Ninja'd
Ultimately, for Lucille... We have no healer in our squad. Even if we went there, we can't help those already down.

The instructor or Lucille's standing squad member may be a healer. Even if neither are a healer, anyone should be capable of performing standard first-aid procedures that could help stabilize them until they could be taken to a healer or have one brought to them.
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[x] Help Wendy defeat the direwolf.
-[x] If no one break off for some reason, maybe get someone to help Penelope?

Because ultimately, the others situations are more or less under control (even if it may ultimately have been too late for Lucille's squad to get help from an instructor). But that squad and others being separated WILL die without help.
[X] Help Wendy defeat the direwolf.

So, I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm not sure it's been answered.

But, uh, are there any guys at all in this setting? Or are we super post-apocalyptic/endless wars and the male population hasn't fully recovered yet or something.
As far as I can tell they've even referred to Father(s) at one point with the female pronoun, and between that and the tag, I'm gonna go with Kei tried to write up some guys, couldn't come up with any good names and said screw it everyone's a girl, AND I half the romance wars to just waifu wars, true genius here. :V
I think these options could use some more discussion since some of votes seem to have reasoning along the lines of "everything's all right in all these other scenarios and this issue is the only real one" which just isn't true.

[] Assist the instructor and several other apprentices in protecting the armory.
[] Join Aphelia and be ready to move out as an organized fighting group.

Neither of these are particularly dangerous to us (especially Aphelia's group) and would honestly probably help the battle most. Despite this, no one we know personally seems to be in immediate risk. Just don't doubt that there are other named characters who we're probably hurting by not assisting in this battle's victory in as quick and efficient as manner as possible.

[] Help Penelope fight against the Squirrels.
[] Help Wendy defeat the direwolf.

The odds actually seem decent but that's a cold comfort in a life and death battle. Our weapon is great against a direwolf and Wendy and her partner should be able to assist Penelope and her partner after we help. On the other hand, Penelope seems to be in direr straights but I have no doubt the squirrel's experience will aid them in maneuvering our weapon to be awkward to use beside our allies allowing them to prolong the engagement long enough to make assisting Wendy afterwards unlikely. Not choosing to help in either will likely lead to someone in their squad getting killed or maimed.

[] Return to protect Lucille and her squad from the direwolves.
There's a very good chance that her squad members who are down could make it with our help. Not going is likely to at least lead to one of them being dead that we could've saved and Lucille blaming herself. There's also the big advantage where fending off multiple direwolves is a great use of our weapon. This could also help free up an instructor depending on how the battle goes, wouldn't be as efficient as the first two options but still helps.
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The really galling thing is that our squad is actually pretty well equipped (mentally) to work together, and to do great harm at the forces arrayed against us.

But the mob of the armory has just made a mess of things, and there is too much stuff going on right now to form up. If our squad could form up, we have the right personalities to take the fight to whichever direction we'd want to, without the level of squeamishness that is likely causing issues for our other classmates.
Errrr... No. None in our squad know healing magic last i checked. Either they're sadly already dead or they're stable.
I don't see how you missed my response to this assertion the last time you made it, but here it is again:
The instructor or Lucille's standing squad member may be a healer. Even if neither are a healer, anyone should be capable of performing standard first-aid procedures that could help stabilize them until they could be taken to a healer or have one brought to them.
Also, why do you think they've already been stabilized? Even if they have been though, defeating the direwolves quicker and being able to have them healed quicker would be still make them more likely to survive if they won't survive long without help.

What is rather certain is that Penelope and Wendy's squad WILL get wiped if no one help them.
Doubt that, Wendy and her partner versus a single direwolf and Penelope and her partner versus two Squirrels? Getting injured is almost guaranteed and a maiming or death is likely in their squad but getting completely wiped just seems unlikely.