Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

That would make it even more hilarious when the Grail finally realized what it had done. It was so focus on the younger Emiya that it kinda forgot about the older one and the rage from said realization shall be glorious.
Forget how Seihai-kun feels. I would be pretty pissed too if we put so much work into getting someone to finally make a wish only to get cockblocked right before the end. Again.
we can always give Dinah a mud bath before giving her a Servant.

this update changed her potential Servant pool. i feel like Avenger Edmond Dantes (by the loophole of already having summoned Saber Musashi) would do nicely. or Saber Suzuka Gozen, by being a powerful Thinker. as long as we dont give her smth capable of Excaliblasting the Grail.

edit: Jeanne Alter might work too, if she has vanilla's Magic Resistance (and she should - La Grondement Du Haine is basically Luminosite Eternelle with reflect instead of disperse/ also the TYPE-MOON wikia says so) and her Dragon Witch skill works on Lung (but that's a question of conceptual effects). if we summon her as an Avenger, she'll lack Command Spells and might lose her La Pucelle NP.

basically, a big f__k you to Mephisopheles, and another Chaotic Evil Servant.
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[X] Let Dragon and BB interview Canary

That was, uh, oddly intense.
[X] Get backup from BB's 'pet'

And here I thought Gilles de Rais was bad (he was, he'd have done this and then had Cthulhu eat the girl as soon as she thought she was free, but at least he was funny when he did it). Right, so now that it's been proven that we can go from Carnival Phantasm to Saw, let's get back to the humor by seeing what weird 'pet' Ruler cooked up.
I have conflicting feelings about this... mainly because Mephisto was the very first summon that I got from the gacha and that is something that you will always remeber.
[X] Get backup from BB's 'pet'

Ohhh, the clown played Danganronpa. I hope the entire thing is recorded and broadcast later. S9 probably gonna feel competitive and come to escalate shit to another level. Maybe Grail-chan should go troll Ziz after we have the final master to make to go even further.
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[X] Get backup from BB's 'pet'

Well, that was sick, Mephisto really doesn't hold back in his cruelty. I would have preferred Penthesilea but oh well.
Caster class really got the running gag of having only monsters summoned.
Any idea on what BB's 'pet' is? Mephistophilles is highly unimaginative if he's copying Danganronpa. It would be fairly easy to have hijacked the first murder by pretending to be guilty effectively cock blocking Mephisto (and I would most certainly do that just so I could leave. It's easy to manipulate people when you know how and lack empathy).

Anyway, BB probably has a dragon... Boring.

[X] Get backup from BB's 'pet'