Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

The vote will stay open until tomorrow evening I think, that's about when I intend to update my halo fic and then move back to this.
[X] Kokiri Province

This seems to be the best choice, tbh... few disadvantages that also happen to be solvable in time and good advantages. Ordona is not as good as it seems due to millitia army and illiterature, which are quite dangerous disadvantages to have.
[X] Ordona Province

Always loved Hyrule Total War/Conquest, Always glad to see quests about it, even though my favorite faction has yet to be represented in an I've seen (Majora Vult! No more idols!)
[X] Kokiri Province

This seems to be the best choice, tbh... few disadvantages that also happen to be solvable in time and good advantages. Ordona is not as good as it seems due to millitia army and illiterature, which are quite dangerous disadvantages to have.
to be fair they are exact opposites of each other, Ordonna has an amazing start that can be leveraged into a strong late game, but if you fk up it could lead to a swift death.

But kokiri province has the hardest possible start thanks to a massive resource dearth at the start risking massive population loss and your weapons and armor degrading, but if you manage to fix that in time then you will be SET late game.

(It's just hard to fix either factions problems in time and the other two provinces are actually easier in truth.)
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ARC 1: Prologue: Character Choice time
Character choice:

[] Ilia
[] Rusl
[] Twilight Link
[] Build your own

You must pick your character before you can start choosing their traits. Traits wil benefit or hamper your character depending on the ones chosen (All traits that hamper let you pick more positive traits.)

All pre-built characters will have at least 1-2 traits of their own with the Links have 3-5 traits including some Link-only traits. Also if you do not choose to be Link, the Link that is in this will be based on the BotW Link in fighting style and basic backstory. The Combat Style of each Link goes like this. Their traits will also reflect this.
OoT Link: Magic: Best, Ranged combat: worst, Close combat: middle.
Twilight Link: Magic: Worst, Ranged Combat: middle, Close Combat: Best.
BotW Link: Magic: Middle, Ranged combat: Best, Close combat: Worst.

so for example Twilight link will have traits to emphasize his swordsmanship and a bit of his ranged ability as well as a couple to represent his background and upbringing in cannon but have 0 magic potential, while BoTW Link (only other option left to you for the links.) will have several ranged combat traits a few magic traits but little close combat ones. Out of all the picks you can have choosing Link will leave you with less customization than the other two though they also have their own traits.

If you choose to build your own character you will have to give me a background consisting of at the very minimum: Name, Race, Gender, Where they lived, Profession And Basic personality (What emotions are most common, what are least common.) These will give them some basic in-built traits before letting you pick more to flesh them out. Be warned, the more of the character you tell me the more traits they will already have when you choose their traits, meaning there will be less for you to pick.
[X] Twilight Link

In a Zelda quest I want to play either Link or Zelda. Link is the only one available here so voting is easy.
[X] Build your own

I want try something new and try to make a character more interesting that Link.
[X] Build your own

I want try something new and try to make a character more interesting that Link.
If you choose to build your own character you will have to give me a background consisting of at the very minimum: Name, Race, Gender, Where they lived, Profession And Basic personality (What emotions are most common, what are least common.) These will give them some basic in-built traits before letting you pick more to flesh them out. Be warned, the more of the character you tell me the more traits they will already have when you choose their traits, meaning there will be less for you to pick.

you have to do this for that vote.
[X] The lord

Name : Barak Russol
Race : Ordonnian
Gender : Male
Location : His domain in Ordona, near to the moblin territory.
Profession : Lord of ordonnia

Personality :

Barak is proud of his domain and his fighting abilities, for him attacks of moblins are not an evasiv threat but a real danger and he often had to go to fight against little warband who tried to pass the frontier with his horses and his mounted militia. Good archer and fighter with an axe, he is a determined commander and a cunning leader who like disorganize his ennemies whith mounted archery before charge them. He is an young ambitious lord who never appreciate to have to kneel in front of hylian lords who mocked him an his peoples like illetrate paysants, now he know that his time is come.

Even he doesn't appreciate the ancient kingdom of Hyrule he is fascinating by his history and the power that it gain. He dream to build a kingdom so strong and glorious that peoples will remember forever.

He doesn't appreciate hylians for their arrogance and their disdain about his country but he doesn't hate them. And like every ordonians he hates moblins and think that they must be neutralized to allow the development of his country.

Except this he can be a very charmous and sympathic character. He is very curious about new ideas and technologies.

History :

Barak is the son of a Ordonnian lord, in the village of Seria he learned quickly his childhood how to govern and protect his land and his subject. He learned to mount horses and goats, and how use the spear, the axe and the bow from horseback. He learned that he had to obey and respect the kingdom of Hyrulewho was the protector and the suzerain of ordona. When he had 16 years he tried to become a knight of Hyrule but was refused to be an ordonian, a thing that he never forget and never forgive this insult. After the cataclysm he realized that things will never be like before, he understood that now without the suzerainety of Hyrule his county will face great menaces but great opportunities. The time of Hyrule was over, the time of ordona has began.
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[X] Twilight Link

I don't think ive ever seen a Dynasty quest where we play as Link of all people, besides what sort of self respecting LOZ quest players would we be if we didn't play as Link or Zelda.