Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Make her a Master and teleport

I want to corrupt contessa but I want to remove all the stereotypical weebshit saber faces more.
Weaboo is a pejorative term for people who value Japan's culture more than their own or the others.
Otaku, Geek or Nerd is more appropriate for SV's community.
I agree there is a lot of bias toward sabah faces but no need to take it so badly ^^, that's where flame wars start.
I realize that Musashi stole the show, and that the choice is centered around the latter part of this chapter, but I'm still a little surprised no one mentioned how Theo (without even being aware he did this) accidentally Shadow Stalker.

Also, I'll close voting and start writing in an hour or two (later start, so chapter will be out later too. Sorry). would take a wish upon the Holy Grail to swing this vote at this point, I can't help but feel.
I realize that Musashi stole the show, and that the choice is centered around the latter part of this chapter, but I'm still a little surprised no one mentioned how Theo (without even being aware he did this) accidentally Shadow Stalker.

Yeah Musashi definitely stole the show so much so that the Shadow Stalker appearance was a footnote. Although, it will be interesting in the future since Shadow Stalker might be the first recruit for the ROMA army. I wouldn't be surprised if for a possible Lancer v Archer rematch, Vista has to fight both Theo and Sophia.
I realize that Musashi stole the show, and that the choice is centered around the latter part of this chapter, but I'm still a little surprised no one mentioned how Theo (without even being aware he did this) accidentally Shadow Stalker.

Also, I'll close voting and start writing in an hour or two (later start, so chapter will be out later too. Sorry). would take a wish upon the Holy Grail to swing this vote at this point, I can't help but feel.

I completely missed that. I blame the wine.
...and then I took a nap my mind didn't consent to but that my body forced upon it.


uh...chapter tomorrow morning I guess
Resistance 2.3
Resistance 2.3

The woman, Contessa, stared at them expectantly. The Grail took a deep breath to stall for time, to gain just one more second, as they prepared. For a moment the room was still. And then there was light. Bright blinding light. Contessa took off her fedora as her hair transitioned from black to silver. Musashi cursed as she moved forward in a vain attempt to interrupt what was happening.

She was too late.

"This one requests we summon Amakusa Shirou as a Ruler."

"...I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?"

"This one requests we summon Amakusa Shi-"


"...Angra Mainyu is mistaken. The Ruler is not Emiya, but Amakusa Shir-"


"...this one rescinds the suggestion."


"Speaking of burning."

"The one known as Angra Mainyu recovered too quickly."

"I have an idea!"

The Maid of Orleans, Jeanne D'Arc, who threw away her life as a simple village girl to answer a divine call of action and fight back the British in the Hundred Years' War. Regardless of whether or not she truly heard the voices of heaven in her mind or if she was just a crazy savant with voices in her head, she is recognized as a Saint. Her heart is filled only with virtue, or so the stories say, and she has no wish for the Grail. As such, she can be summoned as a Ruler.

The Maid of Orleans is a hero through and through, the type that would work for the betterment of mankind. However, she also has a history of following the direction of the divine without question, so she will largely be subservient to the Grail while not thinking too hard about what exactly she has been told to do.

Jeanne D'Arc has the Revelations skill, which acts as a higher form of Clairvoyance or Instinct, similar to Musashi's Empyrean Eye, but which can be rather vague, and as such Jeanne is liable to misinterpret her visions. She also possesses EX rank Magic Resistance. Rather than being immune to magic, it is more like all magic avoids her. No matter what, no magic attack will touch her. Using her Noble Phantasm she can turn this protection into a shield allowing her to block the magic attack for the purpose of protecting some individuals behind her.

For some reason there exists a dark version of her in the Throne of Heroes. This should be impossible, yet somehow in some world a Jeanne Alter was made, and as such it now exists in the Throne. It cannot be normally summoned as a Ruler, but this means that Jeanne herself is more susceptible to being corrupted. In times when Jeanne's virtue gets in the way of the Grail's wishes, Angra Mainyu can easily corrupt her into her Alter form. This susceptibility, however, also means that this is not a permanent change. She will eventually regress back into her virtuous self.

Jeanne does not like being turned evil for any amount of time, however, and the simple threat of corruption will be enough to keep her in line for the most part.

"This one wonders if the one known as Angra Mainyu is purposefully trying to fill this room with individuals that hear voices in their minds."


"What are you talking about?"

"This one has a new suggestion."

The Greatest Detective, Sherlock Holmes, whose deductive skill and ability to cut through any mystery with the blade known as truth has long surpassed the realm of man. He is not concerned with matters of fame or fortune, and instead he pursues the truth simply for mental stimulus and pursues crime simply for the sake of justice. A saint, in his own way, though not one of God but of Truth. As such, he is summoned as a Ruler.

Before the eye of the Greatest Detective all hidden truths are made apparent. Even if it is the identity of a fearsome killer, or an ancient curse tainting a holy relic, or even a multidimensional conspiracy, he will uncover all truths. He is all at once bold and confident while also being contemplative and precise. A hammer and scalpel all at once. Truly a dangerous man.

His Natural Insight and Hypothetical Reasoning skills allow him to see patterns and develop theories so precise that it might as well be postcognition and precognition. His skill in hand to hand combat is said to be such that it can rival some Noble Phantasms. And finally, his Noble Phantasm itself which ensures that no mystery cannot be solved. Even if the key is totally lost it will become "not lost" and it will be able to be found somewhere in the world. It is not an ability that instantly solves a problem, but rather it simply makes the problem possible to be solved.

Holmes may even find a way to save the world or repair the Grail. No. It is better to say that such an outcome is more than possible for the Greatest Detective.

"Uh...isn't summoning that man a bit dangerous?"


"This one knows not what is being referred to."

"Well...I mean...aren't we hiding a truth?"

" such the case?"


An abnormal Ruler. Is the summoning of an AI really possible? BB was made to manage the Holy Grail War of another world, but that War broke down for various reasons. She is impish and will take a more active role in the management of the War, falling back on old habits unconsciously. Rather than telling her what to do the Grail likely will need to be telling her what not to do. She looks like Angra Mainyu's former vessel, Sakura, however, so All the World's Evils has a soft spot for her and will put up with her shenanigans.

As an AI who escaped her programming that dictated that she not improve herself, she has a Self Modification skill of EX. Still, she is also continually breaking down as well, so in the end she is unable to become truly godlike. BB also possesses a counterfeit Holy Grail that can seduce others, representing all the wealth of the Earth. Since the real Grail eists here, its abilities have decreased, but it is still a useful tool for motivating Masters to fight.

In her world she had made herself totally invincible and unbeatable, making the rank of all her parameters EX. This has been corrected, and her parameters are now much more reasonable. She does not seem upset by this, and she actually seems quite excited to act as a Ruler that isn't cheating, saying that the game is more fun now. Truly she is quite the playful imp. Her Noble Phantasm allows her to rewrites the channels of real perception (whatever that means) into chaos, thus throwing the enemy into disarray. For some reason she wears a nurse outfit while doing this.

She is the type to tease others when given the opportunity, and wants to have fun with this War. She will call Angra Mainyu "senpai" and will act as a "sweet underclassman" towards the Grail, but will most assuredly be seen as a twisted goddess like Ishtar or the Whore of Babylon by others, or more simply will be seen by some as an impish smug bitch.

She has a fetish for eyes. Not in a guro way, she just likes looking into them. For some reason this is recorded as an important art of her personality in the Throne of Heroes. Perhaps this is some sort of error.

"This one finds this Ruler to be too strange."

"We can summon Sakura as a Ruler!? Wait...not Sakura? Uh...hmm...I am still okay with this. In fact, I like this suggestion."



[] Ruler (Jeanne D'Arc)

[] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)

[] Ruler (BB)
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[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)
my vote goes here because it gives a chance at an uncorrupted wish.
after all his Noble Phantasm does not guarantee success.