Against the Legion(WoW: Legion)

Wouldnt freeing Illidan right now potetialy create a rift between the wardens and illidari. I'm assuming the Illidari will want to go with any plan Illidan makes, the Wardens might be less enthusiastic.

According to what the options say, it is harder for us to convince the Illidari not to release Illidan rather than convincing the Wardens and Altruis that we should do so. (It's a somewhat difficult diplomacy check vs a moderate diplomacy check)
the way I see it, this is probably one of the two options we have atm... the other way forward is to ditch the vault and gtfo while keeping Illidan sealed away.

@Taina how much of his power would Illidan have I know he would be weakened like us, but by how much? because if he is at less than 70% this is a bad plan, and if less than 50% this is a TERRIBLE plan... Guldan killed Varian for lights sake... and now he has a powerful ally in support... there is no way we could beat him especially when no one in our party is at full power.
I see what you are planning here ... Confronting Gul'dan so he has a chance to recapture Illidan. Only with him out of the picture can we establish ourselves as leader of the Illidari! Devious, I like it.:evil:
[X] Free him. Illidan is a powerful fighter, and would certainly be useful in the immediate future. Kayn and the Illidari would agree with this decision, though the Wardens, Saria, and Altruis would not(Moderate diplomacy check to mitigate any reputation loss with them).
[X] Wait in ambush. This carries risks, of course. But the chance to slay Gul'dan is too much to pass up, and it would keep the Vault from Legion hands if you are successful, letting the Wardens maintain their prison and stronghold both, and giving you a safe place to prepare for your next steps.
-[X] Spend the remaining time making traps. If possible, dummy up Illidan's prison so Gul'danwastes his time on a fake. Bonus if you can drop the fake into the bottomless pit mid fight.
I wonder what will happen after, though? Will we end up on the Isles, or somewhere else?
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on Feb 28, 2018 at 1:22 AM, finished with 107 posts and 9 votes.
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Alright, going to give it about an hour and then tally and update. In response to questions posed...

How much power does he have immediatly after freeing him? Like out of his max or something.

@Taina how much of his power would Illidan have I know he would be weakened like us, but by how much? because if he is at less than 70% this is a bad plan, and if less than 50% this is a TERRIBLE plan... Guldan killed Varian for lights sake... and now he has a powerful ally in support... there is no way we could beat him especially when no one in our party is at full power.

With these two, it varies. No matter what, Illidan will be strong enough that you would all have a fighting chance against Gul'dan with his help. You all have a fighting chance even without his help, but it would be a bit harder. The longer it takes Gul'dan to get to the Vault of the Betrayer, the better off Illidan would be, and the better your chances would be. Both due to Illidan's strength and your own preparations.

Of course, with the way Gul'dan has been rolling, it could very well become a curb stomp against him anyway. >.<

I wonder what will happen after, though? Will we end up on the Isles, or somewhere else?

That is entirely dependent on how you all choose to leave out, and where you choose to go on leaving. A few options could be seen from the choices on the last update. If you stay to retake the Vault it could, in effect, become your class hall, and thus your staging area and all would be located in the Vault, on the Broken Isles. Going with Kayn's choice would see you retaking the Black Temple, making your staging ground and main stronghold in the Outlands. Kor'vas' choice would have seen you meeting up with the Alliance or the Horde, depending on your choice, and either proceeding in the canon direction from there, or possibly creating a faction based hall rather than class based. Saria's would see you working closely with the Argent Crusade, and having an, effectively, join class hall with them.

And those are only some of the options. You could go with a write in where you all remain separate from any other existing factions, but don't take the Foe Hammer, and instead have your base of operations be something/somewhere else, you could join with a different faction, you could fight your way to Argus(which would be... Difficult), and set up your base there. You have options, and just because you choose one choice doesn't mean it can't be changed later on, though there would be difficulties there. For instance, you could start by aligning yourselves with the Alliance, and then further on down you could get yourselves one of the Draenei's dimensional ships, like the Vindicar(or however it is spelled), and making that a mobile base of operations, working in tandem with the Vindicar. The main thing the initial choice represents is your initial staging grounds, as it were. Where you go to get yourselves established, and to start preparing for the battle against the Legion to come.
[X] Free him. Illidan is a powerful fighter, and would certainly be useful in the immediate future. Kayn and the Illidari would agree with this decision, though the Wardens, Saria, and Altruis would not(Moderate diplomacy check to mitigate any reputation loss with them).
[X] Wait in ambush. This carries risks, of course. But the chance to slay Gul'dan is too much to pass up, and it would keep the Vault from Legion hands if you are successful, letting the Wardens maintain their prison and stronghold both, and giving you a safe place to prepare for your next steps.
-[X] Spend the remaining time making traps. If possible, dummy up Illidan's prison so Gul'danwastes his time on a fake. Bonus if you can drop the fake into the bottomless pit mid fight.
[X] Free him. Illidan is a powerful fighter, and would certainly be useful in the immediate future. Kayn and the Illidari would agree with this decision, though the Wardens, Saria, and Altruis would not(Moderate diplomacy check to mitigate any reputation loss with them).
[X] Wait in ambush. This carries risks, of course. But the chance to slay Gul'dan is too much to pass up, and it would keep the Vault from Legion hands if you are successful, letting the Wardens maintain their prison and stronghold both, and giving you a safe place to prepare for your next steps.
-[X] Spend the remaining time making traps. If possible, dummy up Illidan's prison so Gul'danwastes his time on a fake. Bonus if you can drop the fake into the bottomless pit mid fight.
[X] Free him. Illidan is a powerful fighter, and would certainly be useful in the immediate future. Kayn and the Illidari would agree with this decision, though the Wardens, Saria, and Altruis would not(Moderate diplomacy check to mitigate any reputation loss with them).
[X] Wait in ambush. This carries risks, of course. But the chance to slay Gul'dan is too much to pass up, and it would keep the Vault from Legion hands if you are successful, letting the Wardens maintain their prison and stronghold both, and giving you a safe place to prepare for your next steps.
-[X] Spend the remaining time making traps. If possible, dummy up Illidan's prison so Gul'dan wastes his time on a fake. Bonus if you can drop the fake into the bottomless pit mid fight.
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Alright. Tallying and working on an update.

Edit: Not that it was needed, what with the unanimous votes and all. Either you all are of one mind when it comes to this stuff, or it's a case of bandwagoning.
Adhoc vote count started by Taina on Feb 28, 2018 at 1:45 AM, finished with 109 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Free him. Illidan is a powerful fighter, and would certainly be useful in the immediate future. Kayn and the Illidari would agree with this decision, though the Wardens, Saria, and Altruis would not(Moderate diplomacy check to mitigate any reputation loss with them).
    [X] Wait in ambush. This carries risks, of course. But the chance to slay Gul'dan is too much to pass up, and it would keep the Vault from Legion hands if you are successful, letting the Wardens maintain their prison and stronghold both, and giving you a safe place to prepare for your next steps.
    -[X] Spend the remaining time making traps. If possible, dummy up Illidan's prison so Gul'dan wastes his time on a fake. Bonus if you can drop the fake into the bottomless pit mid fight.
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Alright. Tallying and working on an update.

Edit: Not that it was needed, what with the unanimous votes and all. Either you all are of one mind when it comes to this stuff, or it's a case of bandwagoning.
its a case of if we have a fighting chance and won't just get butchered I want to try and take out Gul'dan. :D
So can we take Tempest keep? You know the drenai spaceship of which the Exodar was only a part of. There likely wont be any high end resistance, atleast in that one quest the legion just went into the Alcatraz and freed the grand inquisitor(or whatever)
Gul'dan Round 0
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Your hooves sharply clap against the stone platform as you advance toward the crystal containing Illidan's body.

"We," you say, cutting off the conversation about what to do among your troops and their spokespersons. "We will be waiting here in ambush. We should do what we can to deny Gul'dan and the Legion another foothold, especially one which imprisons such powers that would be willing to serve them for freedom. And one of the things we will need for that is might. So we will need Illidan."

DCs: 10 for Saria, 12 for Wardens, 15 for Altruis.
Saria's reaction roll: 1d20+4(Due to favorable relationship with Stal'rem)+2(due to choosing to try and keep the Vault out of Legion hands by fighting Gul'dan)
Result: 26
Critical success, no complaints offered.
Warden reaction roll: 1d20+2(Due to favorable reputation)+2(due to Saria's reaction)+2(due to choosing to try and keep the Vault out of Legion hands by fighting Gul'dan)
Result: 21
Success, they are willing to go along with your plan.
Altruis' reaction roll: 1d20+2(Due to mutual respect)
Result: 18
Success, while not pleased he offers no complains.
No reputation lost with any group or individual. Reputation gained with Illidari, Kor'vas, and Kayn for your choice, reputation gained with Saria for critical success.

You pause in front of the crystal, both to examine it in preparation for freeing Illidan, preferably without harming him, and to listen for any complaints from your forces. None are forthcoming, though you can practically hear the smugness from Kayn. After a few moments, you do hear a voice speaking up from behind you, that of Saria Nightwatcher.

"Very well," she says, without even resignation showing in her voice. "But know this, I will listen to and follow you due to your having shown that you are, somehow, free of the corruption that twists so many others of your kind into what you proclaim to fight. There is no such agreement when it comes to Illidan. If he proves to be... Volatile, I will do my best to see him slain and recaptured."

With a small nod of your head, you lift one of your glaives and swing it against the crystalline prison containing the first Demon Hunter, resulting in a resounding clang followed by a slow, persistent cracking noise.

Rolls Gul'dan gets before Illidan is returned to life: 1d4-1
Result: 0
Does Gul'dan pick up on this: 1d20+4
Result: 5. Critical failure, so nope. Too distracted by the spiders. Again. There must be a Warden with a serious hate on for them to have imprisoned so many.
Seriously, dice? You're tempting me to put you back in your bag and go with an online program.
Illidan's power upon revival: 1d50+50
Result: 90.

Illidan's perception of the attitudes of those around him: 1d20+4
Result: 24
Critical success: ???

As the crystal shatters the intact, and still mortally wounded, body of Illidan starts to tumble toward the ground. Before it can reach it however you feel something, a powerful presence tear it's way to this world from the Twisting Nether, and carrying others with it. You are hardly the only one to pick up on this, as the Wardens tense, grips on their weapons tightening, while the Illidari break out in grins.

Illidan's body twists in air, landing with the sharp crack of his cloven hooves on stone, kneeling in place before he slowly straightens up. His powerful frame looms over all those gathered, though you are nearly of an equal height with him. You can feel the other presences that were dragged along by his spirit being torn asunder, their power serving to replenish his own, healing his wounds and causing his tattoos to flare.

His blindfolded gaze scans over those gathered, a brief frown flickering across his face. Though you are unsure why. It wasn't there when his eyes were on the Wardens, despite his gaze lingering. Then his attention is turning toward you. You...

[ ] Were not worried. You and Illidan had gotten along well, or as well as a leader and subordinate could, at any rate. Not friendly, but not antagonistic.
[ ] Were not worried. You were loyal to Lord Illidan, after all, and that is not changing. Altruis may have cause to be worried, but not you.
[ ] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[ ] Were not worried. You had little reason to be, as you and he did not interact much, and as such he has little reason to hold a negative opinion of you.

"Stal'rem. I take it you are the leader of this... Band, by your position at the forefront, and the way they have been looking toward you? Interesting... I would have assumed Kayn. But then, I suppose if he were leading, there would be fewer here. And more injuries." He flashes an almost mocking sharp-toothed grin before he continues. "So then, what is it you plan? I can sense the demons crawling throughout this place, and a presence approaching... Gul'dan, unless I miss my guess."

"I would not call myself the leader, so much as one among equals..." Despite hearing someone make an amused sound from behind you, you continue on. "But we are here. As for our plan? You were correct in that it is Gul'dan approaching. We intend to ambush him, hopefully slay him but in the least drive him off, and keep this Vault and those imprisoned within from falling into the Legion's hands."

His burning green gaze lingers on you for a few moments, before he gestures grandly. "By all means, then. Prepare your ambush. And I will go where I am needed for it. Though I would not mind some assistance in finding some weapons, as my glaives are not here."

Thanks to a critical success, Illidan knows that attempting to take control of the situation himself would go... Poorly. So he will instead follow your lead. For now.


Requires a total of 50 to get Illidan and get free.
1d10 Upgraded to 1d20 for choosing to gather forces.
Current Progress: 35
Will be rolled until the goal of 50 is reached, number of rolls determining how long you have to prepare.
Roll 1d20-4: 0, -3 malus to next roll.
Gul'dan says, "If there's even one more cell filled with spiders, I am going to lock the Warden responsible in there with them!"

Current progress: 35
Roll 1d20-7: 0, -3 malus to next roll. Again. Fuck you dice.
Gul'dan says, " ... Cordana. Why are we in what appears to be a bedchamber?"
Cordana says, "Well I hardly had time to pack beforehand."

Current Progress: 35
Roll 1d20-7: 10
Gul'dan says, "At least I feel like I'm making progress now.

Current progress: 45
Roll 1d20-4: 0, -2 malus to next roll. Come on, dice...
Gul'dan says, "That feeling of progress? Gone."

Current progress: 45
Roll 1d20-6: 13
Final result 58, Vault of the Betrayer reached, 5 rolls to make for ambush preparation.
Gul'dan says, "If there are more spiders beyond this door, I'm going to stab you Cordana. Just so you know."

Roll 1d20+2(artisan)+2(Illidan's aid)+2(Warden reputation bonus for their home ground)
DC of 15
Roll one result: 26
Critical Success
DC of 16
Roll two result: 23
DC of 17
Roll three result: 22
DC of 18
Roll four result: 21
DC of 19
Roll five result: 22

Gul'dan must pass a perception check with the DC of the result of the roll for each trap/trick/etc to negate the bonus they grant in combat against him and his forces. This bonus could be a reduction in his numbers, a pure number bonus, or something else. These checks will be made during the fight with him. In addition, due to every trap/trick/etc succeeding you gain a choice of a trait, to be picked at the end of this update.

You begin preparations for your ambush. First is making sure that when Gul'dan enters the room, he doesn't see anything off, such as the crystalline prison for Illidan being shattered. Between your artisanry and knowledge of fel powers, and Saria's knowledge of the Warden's techniques for imprisoning another, recreating it is trivial. You are even able to change to coloration of the crystal's interal structure to recreate the silohette of Illidan. You're about to call it done when Illidan steps up, gently pushing you to one side so that he can place a hand upon the crystal. It takes a moment realize what he is doing, but then you feel it. A very minor trickle of power flowing from himself and into the crystal. And when he is done the crystal doesn't just look like it still holds Illidan, but feels like it as well.

As a result of rolling a critical success on the crafting of this part of the ambush, Gul'dan gets no perception check to identify it as fake.

That done you move on. Next, you think, will be the path leading to the platform holding that crystal. The stone stairs leading the way up are solidly built. But fel energies are corrosive in nature, so it doesn't take much effort from yourself and the other Illidari to weaken it to the point that enough weight will send it crumbling down, both cutting off any escape, and sending any forces on it tumbling into the abyss below. The hard part is reabsorbing the fel energies, so that no trace can be sensed to give away that trap. But you manage, you think.

Then comes the discussion of the attack itself. Illidan declares that he will perch above the door, concealing his presence until he is ready to swoop into the fray, while Saria offers to stand on the platform, posing as a sole guard. The rest of you work on rigging up methods to dangle over the sides, so that you can swarm up and take the forces upon the platform by surprise when the battle is engaged. A series of ropes is even extended under the platform from one side to the other, letting you and yours drop off one edge, crawl along the bottom, and pop up elsewhere.

After that you send Kor'vas and others out to gather some items of use. While that is happening, you set about rigging up the false prison to crash down at a strike from a glaive, which is a simple process involving the weakening of the chains. The hard part comes after, where you set about slowly weakening the floor in the center of the platform, below the crystal. It is tricky work, as you do not want it to collapse just from the rigors of battle happening upon it, and only to do so when the crystal itself strikes it. But you've finally done so, and when the crystal is sent crashing down, it will take that section of the floor, and whoever is on it, into the abyss.

When Kor'vas returns it is not with just medical supplies and fresh weapons, a pair of well crafted but otherwise unspectacular circular glaives being claimed by Illidan. But also with some arcane mines, ready to be deployed. You set about hollowing out areas around the platform, with stone plugs carefully balanced above them, and set the mines within them. If all goes well, the only combatants who will have safe and sure footing during the fight will be those who know where the mines are. In short, your combatants.

Before any further preparations can be done you all sense the approach of a powerful presence. Gul'dan nears, and it is time to get into position.

Gul'dan, Darkness Incarnate
HP: 200/200
Special: Once per combat can summon 1d10 demons to his side

Cordana Felsong
HP: 125/125

Other forces: 2 dreadlords(40HP each), 6 felguards(30HP each), 12 Felhounds(25HP each), 2 Shivarra(30HP each), 5 packs of imps.

Perception roll to identify the trapped stairs: 1d20+4 DC of 23
Result: 12, failure
Forces lost: 1d20+7 worth
Result: 26 forces lost.
Which demons remain: 1d4=1, Dreadlord. 1d4=3, felhound.
Trap decimated his initial forces.

Perception roll to spot your forces: 1d20+4-2(Due to enraged), DC of 21
Result: 8, failure.
Ambush proceeds as planned.

Perception roll to spot the mines: 1d20+2, DC of 22
Result: 13, failure.
Any remaining forces injured on approach, 1 yes, 2 no.
1, yes.
1d4 to determine who: 4
Gul'dan takes 5d6 arcane damage: 21 damage. Guldan at 179/200 HP

The doors are blasted open with a powerful burst of fel magic, revealing the forces on the other side. It is not an overwhelmingly large force, though with a warlock there's no guarantee it would stay small anyway. The hunched form of Gul'dan is in the lead, a vicious grin splitting his features as he sees the 'sole' guardian of the chamber. At his side is a woman clad in armor, fel energies escaping form the helm, and her glaive glowing the same sickly green. As he enters his forces follow a respectful distance behind. Which is just fantastic.

"Stand aside, girl, and I will make your death painless. You cannot hope to hold me off, let alone my-"

His feet, and those of his armored companion, reach the platform. The rest do not. The combined weight of the demons is enough to send the weakened stone crumbling, the demonic forces unable to find sure enough footing to sprint toward the platform before they're dragged down into the abyss. One of the dreadlords manages to grab ahold of a felhound and with a powerful snap of it's wings, fly up to alight on the platform. The other attempts to replicate this feat, but a crumbling bit of masonry strikes it in the wings, disrupting this attempt with a sickening crack as the wing is broken.

The sound alerts Gul'dan, who cuts off mid-sentence, spinning around to watch as his troops tumble away, falling into the abyss. He turns back with a snarl and starts to stride forward. "Or perhaps I shall simply tear your soul from your body an-"

Once again the warlock is cut off, his foot landing on one of the concealed mines. A soft click followed by a quick build up of arcane energy is all the warning given, before the blast tears a small crater in the platform, and sends Gul'dan flying to one side, stone shrapnel embedding itself in his skin.

All the while Saria is standing there, examining the sharpened tips of her gauntlets. As Gul'dan climbs back to his feet, she speaks. "Cordana. So nice of you to join us. It would be an absolute pleasure to imprison you as we have the other traitor."

"Nightwatcher... You do not know the power you face! Illidan will be ours, no mater how much you prepare!"


Your ambush has already had... Staggering success and it is about time for a boss battle to begin. Boss fights will generally be multi-update things, where you can change tactics on the fly. So it is time for your opening gambit.

Choose one:

[ ] "You are not prepared!" Illidan hears at least part of his favorite statement, and chooses this point to swoop down into battle, potentially landing a devastating strike on Gul'dan.

[ ] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.

[ ] Saria attempts to lure Gul'dan somewhere...
-[ ] Onto another mine. Flying warlocks are funny.
-[ ] Onto the collapsing platform.

[ ] Write-in. Write in another opening gambit.

Trait choice! For all your preparations for the ambush being successful rolls you gain a trait!
Choose one:

[ ] Ambusher: This trait grants a +2 to ambush rolls, preparation or execution.

[ ] Trapmaster: This trait grants a +2 to rolls for crafting traps, and a +1 to spot them.

[ ] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.

[ ] Write-in: Feel free to write in a name and general summary of a trait related to ambushes, crafting, or traps, but do not assign any numbers to it, as I will determine that.
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So can we take Tempest keep? You know the drenai spaceship of which the Exodar was only a part of. There likely wont be any high end resistance, atleast in that one quest the legion just went into the Alcatraz and freed the grand inquisitor(or whatever)

If that's the path that you all decide to take, you can certainly try. It is not defenseless, however. The Legion still has a hold on it. There was resistance within the ship in the quest, after all. You go in, there are felguards and all wandering around. Not to mention most of their defense would likely be nearer to entrances to Tempest Keep.
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.

This is just not his day.
Fight him, let him weaken, then 'win' by reaching the platform.

Then we pancake him
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[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.
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[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.

I mean for all the shit that happens to him I feel like having friend would do Illidan some good. He already has subordinates and fanatic followers Kael'thas betrayed him and Vashj is KIA so having someone you could talk to would be good for his mood.

[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.
Improvising is a great skill on the fly.
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This is just not his day.

It really, really isn't. Between poor rolls for him and solid rolls for you all things just haven't been going his way. Even things that should have, such as getting to Illidan's body before you has been hampered by poor rolling. Even with the -4 to his rolls from the Wardens he should have gotten there first, but the dice were against him. And it's not even loaded dice because I use the same ones for you all, and you guys get great rolls.

Edit: Also, half tempted to make Gul'dan stab Cordana if your forces swarming over the sides of the platform wins, on the excuse that people climbing on walls and such is close enough to spiders. I shouldn't, though, because those little 'Gul'dan says' blurbs in the spoilers weren't canon, and were just me amusing myself, really.
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It really, really isn't. Between poor rolls for him and solid rolls for you all things just haven't been going his way. Even things that should have, such as getting to Illidan's body before you has been hampered by poor rolling. Even with the -4 to his rolls from the Wardens he should have gotten there first, but the dice were against him. And it's not even loaded dice because I use the same ones for you all, and you guys get great rolls.

Edit: Also, half tempted to make Gul'dan stab Cordana if your forces swarming over the sides of the platform wins, on the excuse that people climbing on walls and such is close enough to spiders. I shouldn't, though, because those little 'Gul'dan says' blurbs in the spoilers weren't canon, and were just me amusing myself, really.
Just don't use SV dice there curses i say

Edit:Fuck you dice i know your lying!!!
Hoshu threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Proving Curse Total: 14
14 14
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance

How improvisation sounds fine
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.

If that's the path that you all decide to take, you can certainly try. It is not defenseless, however. The Legion still has a hold on it. There was resistance within the ship in the quest, after all. You go in, there are felguards and all wandering around. Not to mention most of their defense would likely be nearer to entrances to Tempest Keep.

Iirc the legion was only there for the grand inquisitor if they were there before why was he still imprisoned. I guess a challenge should be expected, just not the legion.
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.

Edit: Also, half tempted to make Gul'dan stab Cordana if your forces swarming over the sides of the platform wins, on the excuse that people climbing on walls and such is close enough to spiders. I shouldn't, though, because those little 'Gul'dan says' blurbs in the spoilers weren't canon, and were just me amusing myself, really.
Then what took Gul'dan so long? Can't be a fight, Gul'dan has a full health bar. Mechanical guards?
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.

Then what took Gul'dan so long? Can't be a fight, Gul'dan has a full health bar. Mechanical guards?

His guide to directions was formerly known as Ryouga clearly
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forces by surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding the platform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.

Being able to help keep the guy grounded will be invaluable.
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons, armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple while others were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not just about what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] Saria attempts to lure Gul'dan somewhere...
-[X] Onto another mine. Flying warlocks are funny.

Gul'dan doesn't know we are here yet and he might be pissed enough that we can pull this off before coming out ourselves.

[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a +1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing the quality of the crafted item.