Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Chiron looked way more badass in this fight

EDIT: but yeah, this fight is this thread now, it feels like. Come on Casters, fight dirty! This is your chance to rout the enemy while they are busy fighting each other!

Idk Mordred looked pretty badass in that fight. But! COUNTER COUNTER COUNTER!

Adhoc vote count started by Rowknan on Feb 17, 2018 at 9:48 PM, finished with 581 posts and 52 votes.
EDIT EDIT: I just want people to argue more...
Na, I've given in to @Terran Imperium's request to let them sleep. Not conceding, but eh. Depending on whether or not this Mordred has gotten their character development from Apocrypha, I see things either going pretty well after gears stop grinding out, or taking a while to lift off provided Vista manages to talk to Mordred. If Mordred hasn't received Apocrypha development, then her success is a matter of whether or not Vista manages to succeed in being partnered with Mordred. Plenty of character growth there.
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Idk Mordred looked pretty badass in that fight. But! COUNTER COUNTER COUNTER!


Hahaha, but in all seriousness, they both have their merits. Also, Chiron did not get nearly as much screen time as Mordred, so I am obviously going to lose this battle due to the sheer amount of content surrounding Mordred that exists on the internet. XD This was fun. I need to go get groceries in case the snow gets any worse. Adios~!
Everyones talking about the Moe, but can we take a second to talk about how utterly broken Han's NP is?

He did some really crazy stuff in CCC with it, and considering the Grail is actually physically running around he could probably do something similar here. Like that shit is crazy, imagine what it would do to the Bay!
[X] Saber (Mordred)

Vista's growth is a wonderful thing, but our wish is conflict, isnt it? leave Caster for someone who would be ok with the less savory practices.

also, why you say Mo-tan would not listen to her Master? they can get along just fine, just you see.

also, lets not make OP servant-master pairs. all powerful servants should be hindered by compatibility, so as to not repeat Fuyuki GW in FGO timeline (where Solomon steamrolled everyone).
Two who will ultimately lose, one who will fight effectively, and one Arthurian...

[X] Saber (Mordred)
Statement: "Rule 1: No saberface s unless they are narcissism incarnated.

Rule 2: No douches unless they fit

Rule 3: the only good saberface is Nero

Rule 4: familicide is love

Rule 5: do not ship for the ship has already left the port without you

Rule 6: no goddamn saberfaces unless they are emperors

Rule 7: MAXIMUM conceptual BULLSHIT

Rule 8: the best options is the options with the most options

Rule 9: decisiveness is the enemy

Rule 9 addendum: so is cliches

Rule 10: MAXIMUM oddity for treading tread tracks is the enemy

Rule 11: minimize angst because it ruins interesting conflict

Rule 9000: no saberfaces unless they are Nero

So as I vote..."

[X] Archer (Chiron)

Statement: "reasoning is as follows:

Caster Hans is a douche and a wangstlord even if he is cool and unique.

Caster Velvet is unique and generates options but is also a douche and holds no familicide in his legend

Saber moredred is a decisive and cliche option limiting saberface angstlord douche. However she is the person you look for when familicide is mentioned which is hell's points to her

Archer Chiron is not a saberface, a personable person who is interesting without angst, unique, has conceptual bullshit, and has legends of familicide.

Basically, the caster aren't even in the running but they are douches anyway. Mordred is limiting, cliche, and a saberface even if she is #1 patricide offender. Hans is best shota but he's an angsty douche. Chiron is unique, not a saberface, interesting, non angsty, has conceptual bullshit and a family tree so fucked up he commits familicide with every breath he takes

Basically, fuck saberfaces I want teacherman."
Mordred won't be all fanservicey in appearance within the narrative will she?

I'm not a fan of fanservice (casts a sidelong glance at Apocrypha), so no, not beyond Mordred wearing crop tops and short shorts outside of her armor, which really isn't that far removed from what a lot of normal teens wear.

I do hope people realize that Mordred being less fanservice/waifu bait means that her compatibility with Vista is likely to be even lower than expected. Hahaha. Less chasing cats more "ARTHUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" (wait, no. that's Lancelot...)

EDIT: But seriously, people seem to overestimate how well these two would get along, at least in the beginning. Haha
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I'm not a fan of fanservice (casts a sidelong glance at Apocrypha), so no, not beyond Mordred wearing crop tops and short shorts outside of her armor, which really isn't that far removed from what a lot of normal teens wear.

I do hope people realize that Mordred being less fanservice/waifu bait means that her compatibility with Vista is likely to be even lower than expected. Hahaha. Less chasing cats more "ARTHUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" (wait, no. that's Lancelot...)

...So you're killing a part of her childish character just because you deem it fanservice?

I want Chiron to win more than ever now.
Speaking of clothes, any chance we could manage to grab a pair of pants or some other non-hospital garment soon?
Speaking of clothes, any chance we could manage to grab a pair of pants or some other non-hospital garment soon?
No. The Bloody Hospital Gown will lead the Path to Conflict in these fk'd up times! It has become a faucet of this Holy Drinking Cup! It needs to get bloodier!

Exsanguination for The Bloody Grail, [Conflict] for the Kohai!
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The bigger question is, why would Angra/the holy grail/QA even care about getting some new clothes? That's something someone else is going to need to prompt and drag them into doing beyond them searching for masters.
...So you're killing a part of her childish character just because you deem it fanservice?

I want Chiron to win more than ever now.

I'm not saying it is going to be erased, just that it isn't going to be so in your face as it is in Apocrypha. Mordred can still play and have fun, I'm just saying that she is also a pissy teen that likely wouldn't be running around on all fours in a well populated city with a Master she probably wouldn't get along with as well as she did her Master in Apocrypha, if that makes sense. I could ramble on about when fanservice and waifu bait isn't a problem (when it fits into the narrative in a way that makes sense and the story doesn't have to go out of its way to have it happen, which is harder to do in a written format and...damnit, just said no rambling), but I'll just be content with saying, yes. Mordred will likely have less opportunities to be childish, but no, I do not want to erase that part of her character. Otherwise she kind of becomes Sophia lite.

...I hope that makes sense. I'm not actually very skilled with language.
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Vista's growth is a wonderful thing, but our wish is conflict, isnt it? leave Caster for someone who would be ok with the less savory practices.

also, why you say Mo-tan would not listen to her Master? they can get along just fine, just you see.

also, lets not make OP servant-master pairs. all powerful servants should be hindered by compatibility, so as to not repeat Fuyuki GW in FGO timeline (where Solomon steamrolled everyone).

Yeah, we're (You and the rest are) the Grail, and we have two goals, one to make a Holy Grail War where everything is 'balanced' and able to generate conflict, and to fulfill our purpose, to fulfill a wish of some kind. Also, neither Caster included is with the less savory pratices (maybe Zhuge Liang is, but... He's rational to the point of being a computer.), one's an Author, not a magus, the other's a strategist/magi combo... with the latter part being a Teacher.

The first thing in response to the second, Vista's... 13 or something? and looks a bit younger I think, so right off the bat, Mordred's not going to take her seriously (like everyone else in Vista's coworkers), which will immediately have the two at worse compability than the first estimation. Next, Mordred has issues, and is likely to not heed any of Vista's commands/orders if she cares enough or gets worked up enough as well. Lastly, there's the chance that if Vista doesn't go along with Mordred on several occasions that matter, the latter is very likely to just kill Vista right then and there, and go look for another Master. That's just from a compability stand-point.

As for OP pairs, the only one that remotely stands out is Waver/Zhuge Liang, Hans takes a long time to ramp up in comparison to other Servants, Chiron has low attack power compared to other Archers, and his Noble Phantasm has to be used at the best moment possible since it's once per night only, and deals low damage.
Speaking of clothes, any chance we could manage to grab a pair of pants or some other non-hospital garment soon?

Statement: "NO! Pants are the enemy!

The two greatest outfits are suit, trench coat, and fedora alongside the bloody, maybe torn, maybe filthy hospital gown.

Contessa has already stolen the fedorable fortuna look so we must take to bloody hospital gown.

Besides, pants are the enemy.

Also as the holy grail, an einzbern, all of the worlds evils, and genocidal space whale sperm made into a gestalt inhabiting the body of a lightly mangled teenage girl and seeking conflict we are 87% more in character in a bloody hospital gown than any other outfit.

Basically, bloody hospital gown is best outfit but if we must get new threads they should be soaked in our blood."
I'm not a fan of fanservice (casts a sidelong glance at Apocrypha), so no, not beyond Mordred wearing crop tops and short shorts outside of her armor, which really isn't that far removed from what a lot of normal teens wear.

I do hope people realize that Mordred being less fanservice/waifu bait means that her compatibility with Vista is likely to be even lower than expected. Hahaha. Less chasing cats more "ARTHUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" (wait, no. that's Lancelot...)

EDIT: But seriously, people seem to overestimate how well these two would get along, at least in the beginning. Haha
Please keep the chasing cats bit of her character. That's part of what makes Mordred so entertaining. She is what 11 or 12 mentally? (Which would technically make her a child soldier when you think about it, which is another thing she would have in common with Vista)

Also I doubt Mordred's ability to get along with anyone right off the bat. She's a bit volatile to put it mildly.

EDIT: Fears assuaged.
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