I really would like to know more about Pompey's conspiracy. It's probably a not very organised plot involving Rome's angry young men, but if they've managed to rope in Sertorius or Metellus Pius or the like... Hell, I'm not prepared to rule out a newly-sane Marius being at the root of it, looking to trade his unreliable former slaves for Pompey's Social War veterans. It's unlikely, but...

Gah. Irrelevant. In any case, going to Scaevola is the correct option. I just hate not knowing.
Last edited:
[X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
[X] Slave Rebellion
[X] Selling Wine
[X] Web-Building

[X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
[X] Slave Rebellion
[X] Selling Wine
[X] Web-Building

See below:

As previously discussed, any votes not in plan form, or submitted before the moratorium is up, will not be counted.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 15, 2018 at 6:32 PM, finished with 142 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Plan Cicero
    [X] Plan Hortensius
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Plan Cicero
    [X] Populares
    -[X] Idealist
    [X] The Priesthood
    [X] Law
    [X] Training
    [X] Exhibition
    [X] Recitals
    [x] Plan: Shaping Silvery Spoken Soldier
    [x] Populares: You believe in the freedom and equality of all Roman citizens, in the right of every Roman to his own word and voice. This, to you, overrides all other concerns. You speak to the people, telling them that you might see their dreams fulfilled.
    -[x] Idealist: You do not simply pay lip service to the ideas of honesty and fairness. Plebian or patrician alike, all Romans should stand equally and have their voices heard. For is every citizen not a Roman true?
    [x] The Soldiery The armies of Marius, Suetonius, and Cinna are even now encamped in Rome. Officers, Tribunes, and commanders from over seven legions spend their days and nights whiling away the time while trying to keep their legionnaires at the ready should Sulla return. Brawling and looting is not an uncommon occurrence in the streets near to the camps, and the nights often gleam with fires started by a handful of soldiers who had too much to drink. Associating with these officers is dangerous -- if not to your person, then to your reputation -- but may hold many rewards. Men will fight all the harder for one who has drunk with them and traded blows with them. If your constitution is strong enough to handle it, this may be a good stepping stone to earning the love of the army -- and in Rome, he who is loved by the army is loved by the people.
    [x] Law: Scaevola is the lawyer. He has single-handedly reworked and rewritten many of the most antiquated and obsolete laws of the Republic, and created many of his own. His treatises on civil law and jurisprudence have become almost mythical among Roman advocates in his own lifetime, and his simplification and codification of some of the most complex laws of the Republic served to make him a household name long before he became Pontifex. His speeches stand as some of the finest works of oratory not only of your time, but of Roman history. There is no better teacher in the law, living or dead.(Speech, Oratory, and Law ++++)
    [x] Training: Scaevola has hired a new batch of guards for the the College of the Vestal Virgins, in order to protect the holy priestesses from the depredations of lesser men. Of course, these guards must be thoroughly evaluated and trained to ensure that they are both not a threat to the priestesses and that they are capable of protecting the sacred sisters themselves. Scaevola has placed you in charge of training these men, and has indirectly placed the fate of Rome's holiest women in your hands.
    [x] Debates Men of scholarly or political bent often gather in the Forum to hold debates. Those with a sharp tongue and a quick mind might even win the love of the people by soundly defeating a foe in a public contest of minds, and draw the attention of like-minded men.
    [x] Attend the Senate: Though only Senators may speak, Senate meetings are free for all Roman citizens to attend. In order to learn of the world which you hope to enter, and better integrate yourself with the people you hope to one day count your peers, you sit in on most every Senate meeting held after your arrival to the city.
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] The Debate Fields
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] Advocacy
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Never Too Early To Run
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 16, 2018 at 4:22 AM, finished with 57 posts and 19 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 16, 2018 at 6:27 AM, finished with 59 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Plan Foundations
    [X] Plan Cicero​
    [X] Populares​
    -[X] Idealist​
    [X] The Priesthood​
    [X] Law​
    [X] Training​
    [X] Exhibition​
    [X] Recitals​
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] The Debate Fields
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] Advocacy
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Never Too Early To Run
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Plan Foundations
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan Weather Eye

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 16, 2018 at 11:49 PM, finished with 65 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Plan Foundations
    [X] Plan Cicero​
    [X] Populares​
    -[X] Idealist​
    [X] The Priesthood​
    [X] Law​
    [X] Training​
    [X] Exhibition​
    [X] Recitals​
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] The Debate Fields
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] Advocacy
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Never Too Early To Run
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Plan Foundations
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Plan Coming Man
Plan Good Wank
[X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
[X] Slave Rebellion
[X] Selling Wine
[X] Web-Building
Last edited:
Just found this quest, and I'm finding myself wishing I'd found it a few hours ago, so I could have submitted a plan of my own. Bah.

[X] Plan Weather Eye
Adhoc vote count started by Godwinson on Feb 15, 2018 at 6:33 PM, finished with 142 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan Cicero
    [X] Plan Hortensius
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Plan Cicero
    [X] Populares
    -[X] Idealist
    [X] The Priesthood
    [X] Law
    [X] Training
    [X] Exhibition
    [X] Recitals
    [x] Plan: Shaping Silvery Spoken Soldier
    [x] Populares: You believe in the freedom and equality of all Roman citizens, in the right of every Roman to his own word and voice. This, to you, overrides all other concerns. You speak to the people, telling them that you might see their dreams fulfilled.
    -[x] Idealist: You do not simply pay lip service to the ideas of honesty and fairness. Plebian or patrician alike, all Romans should stand equally and have their voices heard. For is every citizen not a Roman true?
    [x] The Soldiery The armies of Marius, Suetonius, and Cinna are even now encamped in Rome. Officers, Tribunes, and commanders from over seven legions spend their days and nights whiling away the time while trying to keep their legionnaires at the ready should Sulla return. Brawling and looting is not an uncommon occurrence in the streets near to the camps, and the nights often gleam with fires started by a handful of soldiers who had too much to drink. Associating with these officers is dangerous -- if not to your person, then to your reputation -- but may hold many rewards. Men will fight all the harder for one who has drunk with them and traded blows with them. If your constitution is strong enough to handle it, this may be a good stepping stone to earning the love of the army -- and in Rome, he who is loved by the army is loved by the people.
    [x] Law: Scaevola is the lawyer. He has single-handedly reworked and rewritten many of the most antiquated and obsolete laws of the Republic, and created many of his own. His treatises on civil law and jurisprudence have become almost mythical among Roman advocates in his own lifetime, and his simplification and codification of some of the most complex laws of the Republic served to make him a household name long before he became Pontifex. His speeches stand as some of the finest works of oratory not only of your time, but of Roman history. There is no better teacher in the law, living or dead.(Speech, Oratory, and Law ++++)
    [x] Training: Scaevola has hired a new batch of guards for the the College of the Vestal Virgins, in order to protect the holy priestesses from the depredations of lesser men. Of course, these guards must be thoroughly evaluated and trained to ensure that they are both not a threat to the priestesses and that they are capable of protecting the sacred sisters themselves. Scaevola has placed you in charge of training these men, and has indirectly placed the fate of Rome's holiest women in your hands.
    [x] Debates Men of scholarly or political bent often gather in the Forum to hold debates. Those with a sharp tongue and a quick mind might even win the love of the people by soundly defeating a foe in a public contest of minds, and draw the attention of like-minded men.
    [x] Attend the Senate: Though only Senators may speak, Senate meetings are free for all Roman citizens to attend. In order to learn of the world which you hope to enter, and better integrate yourself with the people you hope to one day count your peers, you sit in on most every Senate meeting held after your arrival to the city.
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] The Debate Fields
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] Advocacy
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Never Too Early To Run
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
Never Too Early To Run [] You start building up influence and connections among the plebeians and the masses in preparation for the next year's elections. You leverage your growing reputation to build yourself a following that you hope will win you a Tribunate.

I just want to confirm something now that @Publicola made me think about this option. (Don't want to assume I have a correct interpretation.:D)

Given that the capite censi essentially never get to vote in centuriate elections, and only account for four of thirty-five tribes in tribal elections, am I correct in assuming that Never Too Early is mostly about currying favour with the plebian middle class that are essentially the swing voters of the Republic?


I just want to confirm something now that @Publicola made me think about this option. (Don't want to assume I have a correct interpretation.:D)

Given that the capite censi essentially never get to vote in centuriate elections, and only account for four of thirty-five tribes in tribal elections, am I correct in assuming that Never Too Early is mostly about currying favour with the plebian middle class that are essentially the swing voters of the Republic?

Yes, that'd be an accurate read.
[X] Plan: Gaining Experience

Don't want to let this assasination/plot happen. But I also want to get military experience and put down some slaves. It'll get us some rep with the soldiers and the Senate will respect us more.

Later we can build up our rep as a lawyer/prosecutor.
[X] Plan Weather Eye
Adhoc vote count started by JamesShazbond on Feb 16, 2018 at 1:31 PM, finished with 63 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Plan Foundations
    [X] Plan Cicero​
    [X] Populares​
    -[X] Idealist​
    [X] The Priesthood​
    [X] Law​
    [X] Training​
    [X] Exhibition​
    [X] Recitals​
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] The Debate Fields
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] Advocacy
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Never Too Early To Run
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Plan Foundations
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as...final as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Plan Coming Man
Character Sheet: Julius Caesar (44 BC)
So I whipped up a character sheet for Caesar, partly because I wanted to and partly so y'all can see what an endgame Quintus might/should look like. This is Caesar directly before his assassination in 44 BC.

Social Status
Name: Gaius Julius Caesar
Age: 55 (Born 100 B.C)
Family: Gens Julia
Class: Patrician
Profession: General/Politician
Public Party: Populares
Private Party: Caesarist Populares
Patron(s): None
Marcus Antonius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Children: Gaius Julius Octavianus (Adopted); Julia of the Julii (Deceased); Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar (Bastard)
Imperium: The Republic herself
Reputation: (Rank 20) Revered -- The last of the Triumvirs and the First Citizen, the heir of Marius and the inheritor of Sulla, the imperator and the dictator, a living god in flesh -- Caesar.
Economic Status
Wealth: 4000 talents
Monthly Income: 3400 denarii
Buildings Owned: The Domus of the Julii (net worth: 380 talents), the Curia Julia (net worth: 1200 talents)
Land Held: 400 acres (net worth: 1360 talents)
Slaves Owned: 230
Debts Owed: 11
Debts Held: 34
Titles and Honors
Cognomina: Caesar (lit. 'Hairy one')
Agnomen: Imperator, Gallicus, Pater Patriae
Honors and Decorations: The Civic Crown, Pater Patriae (lit. Father of the Fatherland)
Offices Held: Dictator-For-Life, Prefect of the Morals, Tribune, Consul, Pontifex Maximus
Past Offices Held: Consul, Proconsul, Legatus, Praetor, Aedile, Military Tribune, Pontifex Maximus, Flamen Dialis, propraetor, censor
Triumphs Held: 8
Cases Won: 21
Campaigns Led: 33
Consulates Held: 5
Military: Legendary (19) -- You are military mind to rival all others, equaling Hannibal and Alexander, a commander who will be immortalized as legend in the centuries to come. You have no equal in Rome, living or dead.
Charisma: Epic (18) -- Your voice can sway the dead and bind the living. Your soldiers would die for you a thousand times, and your followers would conquer the world in your name.
Stewardship: Very Poor (2) -- Coin is no concern for the greatest of all.
Intelligence: Renowned (16) -- Soft of tongue and quick of wit, adaptive and possessed of great foresight, you are one of Rome's finest minds.
Education: Renowned (15) -- You have read the works of the elders and heard the words of Socrates and Plato. You walk in the footsteps of the ancients, and their words fall from your lips like jewels.
Subterfuge: Accomplished (14) -- Your foes vanish in the night and your will is done in the dark.
Combat: Epic (18) -- No man may stand against Caesar and live.
Oratory: Renowned (16) -- You speak, and the mob swells. Your voice is a thunderbolt from on high, and only a few in the Republic might match it.
Command: Mythical (20) -- No man who has ever served under you would do less than die on his sword at your word. The legions are yours, mind, body, and soul. You command the soldier's hand, the soldier's thought, the soldier's heart. When you make a fist, the legions roar, and you are adored as unto a living god by your men.
Engineering: Renowned (15) -- The legions build the roads, and all roads lead to Rome.
Logistics: Accomplished (13) — Armies are little but numbers and lines, numbers and lines you can understand with ease.
Law: Epic (18) -- The law is the word, the word is the law, and Caesar is the word.
Philosophy: Renowned (15): The words of the ancients thunder through your mind. Plato, Diogenes, Socrates -- these have been your teachers.
Administration: Legendary (19): The sun, the stars, the years and the days, all run by your clock and by your word. From chaos and disorder, you forge order.
Diplomacy: Accomplished (12): Your words have bested almost as many foes as your sword.
Auguries and Foretellings
The Ides of March [EPIC]: You were approached by a wizened old man in the Forum, and in the voice of an augur, he decreed that the one named Caesar must beware the Ides of March. A great doom lies on the horizon, swiftly approaching for the sun that has grown blind in the light of his own glory.

The Prophecy of the Caesars [EPIC]: The Sybilline Books say that after a time of great war, a race of hairy ones shall raise Rome up from the dust and give her a thousand years of glory. The books say that they shall kill her and save her all at once, and that though not bound by blood, their line will last for a thousand years. The prophecies of the Sibyls say that the last of the hairy ones will never walk in Rome and never speak Latin, but he will die alone with a sword in his hand, defending the last of the Romans — and the dream of Rome will die with him.

Last edited:
So I whipped up a character sheet for Caesar, partly because I wanted to and partly so y'all can see what an endgame Quintus might/should look like. This is Caesar directly before his assassination in 44 BC.

Social Status
Name: Gaius Julius Caesar
Age: 43 (Born 100 B.C)
Family: Gens Julia
Class: Patrician
Profession: General/Politician
Public Party: Populares
Private Party: Caesarist Populares
Patron(s): None
Marcus Antonius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Children: Gaius Julius Octavianus (Adopted); Julia of the Julii (Deceased); Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar (Bastard)
Imperium: The Republic herself
Reputation: Revered (11) -- The last of the Triumvirs and the First Citizen, the heir of Marius and the inheritor of Sulla, the imperator and the dictator, a living god in flesh -- Caesar.
Economic Status
Wealth: 9000 talents
Monthly Income: 3400 denarii
Buildings Owned: The Domus of the Julii (net worth: 2000 talents), the Curia Julia (net worth: 6000 talents)
Land Held: 400 acres (net worth: 1360 talents)
Slaves Owned: 230
Debts Owed: 11
Debts Held: 34
Titles and Honors
Cognomina: Caesar (lit. 'elephant')
Agnomen: Imperator, Gallicus, Pater Patriae
Honors and Decorations: The Civic Crown, Pater Patriae (lit. Father of the Fatherland)
Offices Held: Dictator-For-Life, Prefect of the Morals, Tribune, Consul
Past Offices Held: Consul, Proconsul, Legatus, Praetor, Aedile, Military Tribune, Pontifex Maximus, Flamen Dialis, propraetor, censor
Triumphs Held: 8
Cases Won: 21
Campaigns Led: 3
Consulates Held: 5
Military: Legendary (19) -- You are military mind to rival all others, equaling Hannibal and Alexander, a commander who will be immortalized as legend in the centuries to come. You have no equal in Rome, living or dead.
Charisma: Epic (18) -- Your voice can sway the dead and bind the living. Your soldiers would die for you a thousand times, and your followers would conquer the world in your name.
Stewardship: Very Poor (2) -- Coin is no concern for the greatest of all.
Intelligence: Renowned (16) -- Soft of tongue and quick of wit, adaptive and possessed of great foresight, you are one of Rome's finest minds.
Education: Renowned (15) -- You have read the works of the elders and heard the words of Socrates and Plato. You walk in the footsteps of the ancients, and their words fall from your lips like jewels.
Subterfuge: Accomplished (14) -- Your foes vanish in the night and your will is done in the dark.
Combat: Epic (18) -- No man may stand against Caesar and live.
Oratory: Renowned (16) -- You speak, and the mob swells. Your voice is a thunderbolt from on high, and only a few in the Republic might match it.
Command: Mythical (20) -- No man who has ever served under you would do less than die on his sword at your word. The legions are yours, mind, body, and soul. You command the soldier's hand, the soldier's thought, the soldier's heart. When you make a fist, the legions roar, and you are adored as unto a living god by your men.
Engineering: Renowned (15) -- The legions build the roads, and all roads lead to Rome.
Law: Epic (18) -- The law is the word, the word is law, and Caesar is the word.
Philosophy: Renowned (15): The words of the ancients thunder through your mind. Plato, Diogenes, Socrates -- these have been your teachers.
Administration: Legendary (19): The sun, the stars, the years and the days, all run by your clock and by your word. From chaos and disorder, you forge order.
Diplomacy: Accomplished (12): Your words have bested almost as many foes as your sword.
Auguries and Foretellings
The Ides of March [EPIC]: You were approached by a wizened old man in the Forum, and in the voice of an augur, he decreed that the one named Caesar must beware the Ides of March. A great doom lies on the horizon, swiftly approaching for the sun that has grown blind in the light of his own glory.
Damn, that is appropriately impressive for Ceasar.