Against the Legion(WoW: Legion)

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So, I recently got back into WoW, because hype, and was reminded of just how much I genuinely...
Freedom 1.0 and Character Sheet


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So, I recently got back into WoW, because hype, and was reminded of just how much I genuinely enjoy the Legion expansion. After playing through it, and unlocking allied races and so on, this idea wormed it's way into my mind and wouldn't get out. So I broke down and registered here to put it to words and get it out of my head. It is going to take place during the Legion expansion.

A few things of note. First, this quest is going to be adhering to Warcraft lore more than the actual mechanics of WoW. Second, update speed for character creation will be fairly rapid, to get a character established. At least once a day, if not so frequent as whenever a solid majority is noticed. Updates might slow down after that, they might not, as my update schedule will be 'when I have time and feel like it'. Finally, while I know a fair bit of the lore, I won't say I know all of it. If you see something inconsistent, feel free to point it out. I can't guarantee I'll correct it, but I'll do my best. Of course, that only applies to things that aren't changed by choices made.

  • Name: Stal'rem the Scorned

    Health: 80
    Defense: 17
    Offense: base +3, +1 heroic presense. Total +4

    Power reserves: 43%
    -Used for exceptional actions, regained by slaying powerful foes, noteworthy accomplishments, and via critical rolls in combat. More methods of gaining power may be found later. Can go above 100%, but doing so carries a risk of being unable to contain and control said power, proportional to the amount over 100%.

    Character points: 2

  • Traits:
    Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
    Artisan: +2 to craft rolls, additional +2 to craft rolls involving gems and crystals. +2 to rolls on gaining an understanding of the workings of a mechanical device.
    That Which Was Made Can Be Broken(Artisan trait): For two natural twenties and completing the race between yourselves and Gul'dan with more than twice the Legion's progress, you gain a +2 to break, or otherwise render inoperative, any crafted item.

  • *Basic Warglaives - No bonus to offense or defense

  • Relationships:
    Kayn Sunfury: Semi-friendly
    Kor'vas Bloodthorn: Revered
    Saria Nightwatcher: Highly Honored
    Maiev Shadowsong: Scorned
    Altruis the Sufferer: Respect
    Illidan Stormrage: Friendly

    The Exodar: Scorned
    The Watchers: Friendly
    The Illidari: Revered

  • Illidan Stormrage

    12 Illidari
    *Kayn Sunfury
    *Kor'vas Bloodthorn
    *Altruis the Sufferer
    *9 NPCs

    10 Wardens
    *Saria Nightwatcher
    *9 NPCs

  • * Drive the Legion from the Vault.
    * Retrieve Lord Illidan's body.


You remember returning from your mission and finding Lord Illidan slain, the Wardens around his corpse. And then rage, and imprisonment. Then you come to and the leader of those Wardens is outside your crystalline prison, prattling on about her duty or some such. And then, something surprising happens. She frees you.

"Will you fight with us, demon hunter?"

And with that she tosses you your weapons. You grab the warglaives out of the air, taking a moment to examine yourself in the steel and see...

Gender: Pick one

[ ] Female
[ ] Male

Race: Pick one
[ ] Human
- Diplomatic: +2 to diplomacy
[ ] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[ ] Night elf
- Elusive: +2 to all stealth rolls
[ ] Blood elf
- Arcane Affinity: +2 to enchant objects
[ ] Orc
- Beastmaster: +2 to handle animals
[ ] Troll
- Berserk: -2 to defense, +3 to offense
[ ] Gnome
- Tinkering: +2 to craft mechanical objects
[ ] Dwarf
- Archeologist: +2 to lore/history rolls.
[ ] Goblin
- Explosive Engineering: +1 to crafting mechanical objects. +2 if said object is meant to explode.

When you look up again you see the Warden studying you. Apparently satisfied by what she sees, she turns and moves toward the door, calling out, "There are others of your kind imprisoned here. Free them. Or don't, as you wish. But hurry."

As she leaves you can sense, beyond the door, the Legion. It's close, surely within your prison. Casting your gaze around you see other green crystalline structures. You focus on the crystals, then turn your senses inward, toward your own reserves. They're... Low. Very low. Which might be expected after... However long you were imprisoned. And it's not all bad, as that means it's less of a struggle for you. But it also means you only have enough power to free two of your fellow Illidari at most.

Pick one:
[ ] Leave without freeing anyone.
- Power reserves: 25%. No followers. Does not lock out potential future followers, but they would have to be recruited.
[ ] Free one.
- Power reserves: 15%. Gain one follower, rolled to see who is gained.
[ ] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two followers, rolled to see who is gained.
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Yay another WoW fic @san i summon thee!!!


[X] Male
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to
(Wouldve chosen worgen but oh well i guess i pick my second favorite race)
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.

Why Draenei Demon Hunter? Because it's interesting to be be playing that one Draenei ready to scorned and hated by his kind in exchange for the power to protect them. The power to avenge Argus itself at the cost of his whole being.
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(Wouldve chosen worgen but oh well i guess i pick my second favorite race)

Couldn't quite figure out how to twist the timeline enough to make worgen a viable choice. At the fall of Illidan and the imprisonment of the Illidari they're still behind the wall and lost to the ferality of the curse. The ones who aren't behind the wall are mindless. It's like the pandarians. At this point in time they're still hidden away.
Couldn't quite figure out how to twist the timeline enough to make worgen a viable choice. At the fall of Illidan and the imprisonment of the Illidari they're still behind the wall and lost to the ferality of the curse. The ones who aren't behind the wall are mindless. It's like the pandarians. At this point in time they're still hidden away.

Thats fine Draenei trolls and other non elves seem plausible enough
[X] Male
[x] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.

@Hoshu good work on summoning me my minion now we must work towards controlling the thread so our vote goes through MOOHAHAHA :evil::lol:evil:
c'mon guys, a night elf is a bog standard demon hunter, its literally the most basic pick around, if your going to go standard at least pick a blood elf ;)
[X] Male
[x] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.
[X] Male
[x] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.

Interesting. The forums yield a rich harvest this Spring, and I aim to reap it.
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on Feb 15, 2018 at 12:27 AM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Male
[x] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.
[X] Male
[x] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.

I prefer female Draenai but this is fine too, especially with that cool fan art above.
[X] Male
[x] Draenei
- Heroic Presence: +1 to offense, +2 to allies offense.
[X] Free both.
- Power reserves: 5%. Gain two follower, rolled to see who is gained.

I prefer female Draenai but this is fine too, especially with that cool fan art above.
I would go female too but not for a demon hunter, I like male demon hunters better.
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Alright. So far a male draenei is in the lead. I'll go ahead and give it another hour at most, then call the voting and work on an update.
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Alright, voting is closed, and the fairly obvious winner is male draenei and freeing both. I'll be rolling to see who is freed, then writing up an update.
Taina threw 2 7-faced dice. Reason: NPCS Total: 8
7 7 1 1
Heres hoping we get Korvas i liked her design, anyways i wonder we a Havoc or Vengeance DH hahaha since that decides if we have wings or spikes.
Freedom 1.1
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As the Warden stalks out of the room, your thoughts turn inwards. You remember seeing Illidan fall, and attacking. You think further back, your arrival on Draenor, and how it was shattered by Ner'zhul. How you lost two worlds at the hands of the Legion. That naturally draws your mind further back. To Argus. Home. You were not a warrior, not a soldier. If you were, you would have stayed to fight, rather than evacuate with Velen and the others. But no, you were no warrior. You were...

Choose one:
[ ] A teacher. Many of the Draenei who were born on Draenor, and indeed several of those from Argus originally, learned from you. When the Burning Legion followed to Draenor, and eventually tore it apart, you decided something had to be done to keep your students safe. So you sought out Illidan Stormrage.
-Reputation shift from scorned to unfriendly among the Draenei. Bonuses to teaching and training, bonuses to lore checks.
[ ] A hunter. You hunted game, treasure, hidden areas. Whatever took your fancy. But you lost your first world to the Legion, and the second was torn asunder by their actions. You had to do something. So you took up your trusty bow, and set out hunting, though your prey this time was any of the Legion you could find. And then, one day, your hunt intersected with that of another. A strange looking elf that you almost mistook for a demon. Were it not for the fact said elf was busy decapitating the one you were hunting. And after you were invited to go with her, and learn a better way to hunt.
-Bonus to ranged weapon use. Bonus to handle animal checks. Bonus to stealth and tracking.
[ ] An artisan. You worked with jewels, metal, wood, cloth, leather. You learned much of how to make things, how to turn base materials into works of art. And when fleeing Argus you had to leave your tools and workshop behind. So you started again. But after Argus, you did not limit yourself to art. Oh, the things you made could still be considered such. But they were also weapons, tools of war. And one day a cloaked figure walked into your workshop, and commissioned a set of warglaives. And when their order was complete, they revealed themselves as Illidari, and said they could make use of you.
-Bonus to all crafting rolls. Bonus to all rolls to try and figure out the workings of something. Reputation shift from friendly to honored with the Illidari as a whole.

Bah! Enough reminiscing. You're old enough that you could spend days doing so without issue. Shaking your head you stand up to your full height, which is not inconsiderable. You may not have been the tallest among Illidan's forces, that being reserved for some of the larger demons he swayed to his side. But as a rare Draenei among them, one whose body has been changed by the fel-energies infused within it? You did tend to tower over much of the forces. Something which has always amused you.

You make your way toward the first containment crystal, examining it closely. You are no stranger to the use of crystal for... Well. Just about everything, really. So the idea of a crystal prison does not cause you much pause. The strength of it, though... It seems these Wardens did not just draw on the power of their prisoners to create the prison, but to also maintain it. A sensible way of doing things, since if the prison saps power from the prisoner to remain strong, it also means the prisoner will be too weak to break themselves out, in most cases. Which explains your own state.

However ingenious this method is, it is also annoying. You are weak right now, not yet recovered from your imprisonment, and with your current strength you could only free two of your fellows at most. Ah, well. Nothing for it.

One of your legs lifts, and your powerful hoof slams into the crystal imprisoning one of the Illidari, the sickly green flames of fel fire flaring from the impact point. And for a brief moment, that is all that happens. But then, from the point of contact, a crack starts to form, glowing with the same green light. And it spreads and spreads, until it finally shatters the crystal, sending your fellow Illidari tumbling out. You reach out with one hand to catch...

Ah! It is Kayn Sunfury! This brings a fang-filled grin to you features. "Shorty! Good! There are demons in need of reminding their place in the world! Underhoof."

Kayn is one of Illidan's lieutenants. He is the one you were working with on Mardum prior to your imprisonment. You and he...

Choose one:
[ ] Tended to get along. When he wasn't being all broody and ranting about how much he sacrificed(as if any of the Illidari have sacrificed any less, something many tend to forget), he had a dry wit and honorable nature that you found made for an easy comradery.
[ ] Did not get along. You found him to be a bit too extreme. Many of the Illidari are, willing to go to any length to stop the Burning Legion, without concern for what is in their way. Add to that a pretentious attitude and you often found yourself in disagreement with him.

At your words, Kayn's face twists into a scowl and his head tilts back to look up. And up. And up. Such tiny elves. "Did you just touch m- Oh. It's you... Should have known. You're the only one to call me that..."

[ ] Write-in

As he moves to arm himself you move to another of the crystals, looking it over carefully. No need to assume all cells are the same, after all. Ultimately you find it is, though. So the process is repeated, and another elf comes tumbling out. This one is taller than the last elf. Also more purple, and female. You catch her as she comes falling out of her prison, setting her on her feet.

Shaking her head, she looks up at you before her head tilts to one side, covered eyes turning toward the door.

"Hey there, big guy," Kor'vas says as she moves to grab a set of warglaives for herself, a grin crossing her features. "I didn't know our captors would be arranging for regular exercise."

Kor'vas Bloodthorn. You have fought at her side several times. Or more accurately, you have fought in her wake, as she is one of the more commonly appointed forward scouts, and one who believes that if the enemy is dead, they can't report about spies. You and she...

Choose one:
[ ] Had a professional relationship. You are comrades in arms, and could fight together with little trouble, but otherwise you preferred to keep her at arms-length. She takes a little too much enjoyment in the fight, and not enough time focusing on the why of the fighting, for your tastes. She also is rather obsessed with gaining more power. Unfortunately common among the Illidari. But she is an able fighter, and it is good to know she has your back.
[ ] Had a friendly relationship. Often, you could be seen training with her, her trying to teach you to be more stealthy, you trying to teach her some of what you learned. And you spoke, and learned of the family she lost, shared tales of Argus before the Legion came. The two of you work well together, and it is good to know she has your back.

You make your way toward the lever beside the door, and give it a pull, causing the large doors to slowly swing open, revealing the scene on the other side. Wardens fight a two pronged battle, against the numerous demons invading their prison, and against prisoners that have been released, likely by the demons to sow chaos. Looking at your companions you say, "Well then! Let us go and fight! We will..."

[ ] Make a bee-line for the leader of this incursion, to take them out and hopefully put an end to things fast. You may gather a few allies along the way, but not many. On the plus side, you have a greater chance of stopping them from getting whatever they have come for.
[ ] Take your time, organize the Wardens, any freed Illidari, and any others sympathetic to your cause into a single fighting force. Free any other Illidari you come across, preferably with the aid of the Wardens. You will have yourself a solid squad of soldiers by the time you're done. But your pace would be slower, giving the Legion more time to accomplish whatever their goal here is.
[ ] Write-in.
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[X]Did not get along
[X]Stal'rem the Scorned
[X]Had a friendly relationship
[X] Take your time, organize the Wardens, any freed Illidari, and any others sympathetic to your cause into a single fighting force. Free any other Illidari you come across, preferably with the aid of the Wardens. You will have yourself a solid squad of soldiers by the time you're done. But your pace would be slower, giving the Legion more time to accomplish whatever their goal here is.

Artisan kinda fits with the Fan Art i posted we can make cool crystal glaives like it. And well we can repair and build stuff if our comrades need help.
I'm an Altruis The Sufferer guy so yeah just liked him than the radical Kayn and if we like Kayn Altruis might not like us. Kor'vas well i like her design and she seems more chill than most demon hunters despite her flaws atleast she's not too broody. The second tactic is perfect for our Draenei passive heroice presence Stal'rem the Scorned seems like a Draenei NPC
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