Wade Garrett Jan 10, 2016 20° temperatures + giant pot of hot soup = going in and out of a sleep coma
Xellos Dec 29, 2015 Missed Opportunities: Jojo dropped out of WDMC, and thus never got to yell "CAESAAAAAAR!" in response to Saber of Black's death.
Missed Opportunities: Jojo dropped out of WDMC, and thus never got to yell "CAESAAAAAAR!" in response to Saber of Black's death.
Wade Garrett Dec 28, 2015 Hurray! Christmas is survived! Aaand it's time to start prepping for New Years.
Wade Garrett Dec 23, 2015 Two days to Christmas, I have five presents left to buy, it's raining and I'm wearing sunglasses. HIT IT!
Two days to Christmas, I have five presents left to buy, it's raining and I'm wearing sunglasses. HIT IT!
Wade Garrett Oct 9, 2015 I misused "whose" and "who's" in three separate posts. DISHONOR UPON MY ENTIRE BLOODLINE!
A Nation's Virtue Sep 24, 2015 I was actually wrong about BDSM gladiator's NP rank. It's actually A, but his NP stat is C rank for some reason.
I was actually wrong about BDSM gladiator's NP rank. It's actually A, but his NP stat is C rank for some reason.
Cyreni Sep 9, 2015 https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/profile-posts/19641/ I'm looking for a few opinions on my homebrew setting to see whether or not its concept is interesting enough to gather a few players.
https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/profile-posts/19641/ I'm looking for a few opinions on my homebrew setting to see whether or not its concept is interesting enough to gather a few players.
Cyreni Sep 9, 2015 Are you still around SV vs TCB? Or has the plethora of Fate/X games eaten up your spare time?
Sinsystems Aug 31, 2015 So Wade i'm planning on having my character notice your fight with the vampire and head there to investigate, if there is a conversation already up plz invite me.
So Wade i'm planning on having my character notice your fight with the vampire and head there to investigate, if there is a conversation already up plz invite me.
Wade Garrett Aug 29, 2015 Due to his life experience of impaling his enemies and being betrayed by his allies, Vlad III understands the plight of ordinary Americans.
Due to his life experience of impaling his enemies and being betrayed by his allies, Vlad III understands the plight of ordinary Americans.
Wade Garrett Jul 27, 2015 Family. Can't live with them, can't move to a Spanish speaking country under an assumed name.
Wade Garrett Jul 20, 2015 So tempted to start another Holy Grail War RP. Someone stop me before it's too late...