Wade Garrett Sep 1, 2016 Never make any important decisions when you feel like the lyrics of a Hank Williams song
Wade Garrett May 14, 2016 "Concrete bird baths". You wouldn't think this phrase should strike terror into your heart. You would be wrong.
"Concrete bird baths". You wouldn't think this phrase should strike terror into your heart. You would be wrong.
Wade Garrett Apr 20, 2016 Attend small town justice court. Why read a Faulkner story when you can live one?
Cyreni Mar 23, 2016 https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/posts/5681252/ http://magiccards.info/dka/en/122a.html
Wade Garrett Jan 24, 2016 "Aww, Dad, look at those geese on our pond. Let's shoot'em!" - my Kid Sister
A Nation's Virtue Jan 21, 2016 So who's your avatar? Was he chosen by a watery tart who handed him a sword?