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  • Street is flooded, have power and water and am dry. Yay! Internet is out! Boo. Trying to sleep through this.
    Shhhshhhshhh...if i don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist.
    But yeah, doing my best to stay safe. Tis just going to be an unpleasant time forwards.
    Street is drained (for the moment, Invisible Rabbit may come back for round 2) and the office is high and dry...and has full internet! Yeeeeey!~ <3
    Ye gods do I adore the Alert/Like compilation function. So much more convenient when updating stories.
    Another year down, another year wiser! ...is wisdom my dumpstat? I don't feel any different!
    Happy birthday.

    Everyone handles aging differently I think and personally agree that most of the time doesn't feel any different for me baring rapid changes.
    Happy birthday.
    As for wisdom,when you don't feel it that's probably because it's low-crawling up on you :)
    'When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin...TELL THEM CARL SAGAN SENT YOU!' Heeheehee.
    For the love of dakka, Square-Enix...Why are you being such jerks about letting me try the free trial of FFXIV? Just because I was in beta?
    Pangolin is best animal. Gamma needs one(organic, synthetic or cybernetic) to stroke with his DIGITS. Maybe he can aquire one in the next universe?
    Captain Tagon's New Bosun is great. 'Well, if we wait until the soup's done, the troops will hate us less for leaving them in death fog.'
    'This may be explained sixty hours from now, but it will never actually make sense. Welcome to Xenogears.' Paraphrased it a bit, but heh!
    'I like her, sir. She reads.' 'She might be overqualified for infantry.' Oh, Schlock Mercenary. xD
    Can we get Glory and Grudges action soon? I've been watching Lord of the Rings lately, and seeing Moria and Erebor made me want something like that.
    Obviously, you should view continuing the story your quiet yet vital resistance against the evils of GW and the Age of Sigmar. :p
    Forge on brethren of the tabletop! No vile CEO shall decide our hobbies!
    "a massive chore to do anything for"
    Well if you still liked the characters, but didn't like the workload... what about shifting out of the CK2 format? Make it /about/ the characters rather than running an entire hold. And there's just the sort of convenient narrative prop in the game -- Kurzak's goal to rediscover Runic lore and the Anvils of Doom! You can timeskip a bit to when Kurzak starts going adventuring.
    Mmm. finally bought the Witcher III DLC thanks to steam sale and gift cards. So long, productivity. I'll miss you.
    Wow. It's 30F out there. Doesn't happen often down in this neck of the woods. *retreats into Pangolin Cave*
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