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  • 'Hey, do you know why Hanse Davion is interested in your LosTech salvage?' 'No. Why?' 'The First Prince wants Hanse-Me-Downs!'
    *eyes Houston* I'm glad our office a/c waited until Winter (or 'Winter', as Northerners call it) to crap out on us.
    ...Wow. This business master password service is horrifying. or Google is. It found passwords I hadn't used in years. From previous computer
    Random Thought For the Day: You know, it's amazing how many people try to double-cross or kill Golgo 13. I mean, really, guys? It's GOLGO.
    So, regarding Reverse Engineering For Fun and Profit.... I want to try to write something about Commander Tychus and his merry band of misfits (sans Governor Raynor). May I necroed your thread for that?
    So, my new favorite headcanon is that the Crofts from Tomb Raider are an Assassin Bloodline from Assassin's Creed. It explains a lot! :D
    Hello love your Warhammer: Glory and Grudges quest, the Dwarves are my favorite good guy faction in the Warhammer setting. Do you know of any other Dwarf quests that you know of and recommend? You pretty much set the benchmark for them.
    *eyes Fate/Sunny Order* the more talk of suplexes comes up, the more I hope for the eventual emergence of the Divine Lucha Libre Bird.
    Finally got Chapter 46 of Reverse Engineering For Fun And Profit up. And it only took six months. *deadpan* yay. */deadpan*
    If in Houston, TX never use Echo Towing if you have a choice. 3 hour wait with reused excuses, ended up calling somene else.
    I can't decide...is it classier to curse my allergies out Captain Ahab style, or to shake my fist at them and do a good ol' Kirk-style yell?
    Will you ever continue writing your commander SI? I loved the characters you made.
    Prolly. Got the idea for the next chapter, just been blegh to actually write it. Games is distracting, work is distracting, sneezing my brains out is distracting...I need those brains to write, you know!
    'It's time to break out the big guns. ...That wasn't metaphorical, guys, go get some big guns!' Oh, Cayde-6... xD
    Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword of Life & Death was really good. Why is a show about PUPPETS so freaking amazing!?
    'Can you make a grenade launcher that shoots hack?' 'Hack is not a thing. But yes.' - The Foundry, from Heat Signature.
    Office computer can't find a boot device, printer is mucking up, and it's cold and wet. ...Yep, shoulda stayed in bed today. z.z
    Will you continue Glory and Grudges ?
    Just spent about two days re-reading the quest. Like'd a few updates I somehow missed the first time(s) around, and would like to second the question. =)
    Honestly, technically possible, but not highly likely. I'm low on oomph lately, and G&G was becoming a chore to update instead of AMAZING DORF FUN at the time when the schedule slip ensued.

    Obviously I must shave my beard and head in shame and become a Slayer.
    Not that I'm the fastest writer, but on quasi-hiatus for the moment. Storm aftermaths and whatnot.
    We'll wait.
    Try not to become a snack for alligators!
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