The Steve

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  • Just read The Fourth omake series from the madmanandre's With Friend Like These... and wondered if you were gonna ever write part 8?
    Holy Goats. Now your profile picture is even more terrifying! Thankfully, less disturbing for my eyes.
    I always thought your profile pic was a human face but apparently not
    yea in the smaller pics he does look rather human it's only when you see the larger more detailed image that you see the more chikeny look
    Indeed, celebrations are in order. I think a trip to the chiropractor to drop his knee upon my spine a few times will do. And then cake.
    I have not forgotten, but there has been a severe crimping in free ritin' at the moment. Worry not, it's about half done,
    How goes ...Enemies?
    The Steve
    The Steve
    I am at what is known as the "Urobuchi" Pivot point, and am uncertain how to finish it. On the one hand, it could be nice, but on the other hand, this is Worm...
    Something important for Worm is that the spark of Hope never actually left. Beaten and Trodden upon, but things trended upwards instead of downwards when you consider the scale things were at in the end. Of course, this is your story so write it how it needs to be written. So long as I get more of that delicious Undersiders action on the side.

    Hello! Could you please continue The Fourth snippets? It's amazing and I re read it like 4 times now.
    I had to explain to him how to do transparent tags. Naturally since this is my near favorite thing to do aka invistext, I was happy t'help
    I see. I take it that's why you're location is MOar Invisitext?

    Also, how do you know if someone has used invisitext?
    Now you've got my curiosity up. If it's not too inconvenient why don't you actually drop the 'too much' original chapter on QQ at some point, just as a 'what might have been'? Please.
    Moar Invisitext! Moar! And be thankful I can't put any in my status messages, locations, titles, etc. Believe me I tried.
    Is he giving up on it?
    He hasn't said anything about that, I just really love your little omake series and was hoping for the next part with the reactions to Taylor's "little" revelation about the Endbringers and their purpose. Sorry if I seem pushy.
    I know you said you would only post the next part of your omake set for 'With Friends Like These' when the OP posted but I was wondering if you would be continuing it anytime in the near future?
    Is drubbing himself on the noggin for trying to do even more bizarre points of view without adequate cough syrup.
    is debating on what to do with Hookwolf.
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    Have him take up a career or hobby as a chef. His ability to slice, dice, and skewer is top rank. =3
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    More seriously though, he holds himself as a "Warrior". Pride and honor and all that. Even without "Conflict", he would still seek the thrill and rush of combat, and the comradery of those he fights besides.
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