The Steve

Ah rite things real good.

Y'see, m'paw told me that them thar books is good fer more'n outhouse wipes and fire startin'. So's ah sat down and red and red sum more.

Then he stole us a fancy city-boy's `pewter. It had more colors'n ah could count without taking off ah shoe. (Ah has one more finger on mah left hand so's I can get t'sixteen or so. It's a stubby lil' thang, but it kin hold up a whole six-pack!)

An' then it kinda wandered off from thar.

Now lookie here, Ah'm on tha world wide web, with mah fourteen point four screaming away.

N'then ah met youse folks, and, aside of an appalling lack of punct`u'atin on most'a youse, most y'all folks is all right.

`Ventually y'all'll learn how ta talk proper, n'then well, we'll prac`illy be cuzzins!
Jun 20, 1980 (Age: 44)
Moar Invisitext!
Former Guvamin't Edu-cayshun 'Pewter Fixer(™)