But yeah, I'd take anything EC says with a grain of salt- they're not exactly going into things without an agenda, and I find their past behavior personally disgusting. You're welcome to see it differently.
Quick FYI, I was parroting one of Firefossil's own lines from the earlier debate I was referencing back at him to see if he noticed, or even more amusingly, tried to call it out for being a dumb argument- https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/posts/4660483/
I'd bring it up in-thread, but...
It is a pretty good summation of what is wrong with Firefossil's position on Transhumanism as well, though.
Hey I just want to ask since you seem to know a lot about NWoD and the one that currently run a quest on the setting, will you make quest on other faction someday? If yes what faction would you do?
"We decided to go with SV owing to wildly different schedules."
B-b-but I have a wildly different schedule too! Can I qualify as a temporary Big Bad of the day? :3
Sorry for not getting the Septon thing out yet. I've had a busy few days, and have just kind of been to burnt out to do much actual editing. I will endeavor to put it out on Monday.