• Hi~ Will you be posting the other sessions of Lloydgame? I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. :)
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Possibly, though we haven't made much progress. A bit busy tonight, though.
    I wish there was some way to really tell about how many likes I get in a certain period. It feels like it's been accelerating, but has it?
    If it means anything, I'll note that End of an Era is next on my catch-up list, along with Chandagnac's quest. :)
    Hmm. I hadn't heard of "To Die for the Republic" before. Damn it, something else I want to read.

    Although, I tend to prefer the Old Republic era. I've been writing my own KOTOR fic, but... I really like the games and I think I might be rehashing them too much. Need to be more original.
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    @The Laurent If it were so obvious, I must have already added them. Therefore, there is no need to add them! My logic is flawless. :3

    @Chandagnac To Save the Queen is the first story, followed by To Die for the Republic. It features Sabé trying to juggle a dozen priorities, all while taking care of the adult-children around her.
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    Lots of fluffy mcfluff; it's not for everyone, but I quite like the author's writing style.
    "News guy wept when he told us Earth was really dying / Cried so much that his face was wet / Then I knew he was not lying."--Bowie
    R.I.P, David Bowie. "I think about a world to come/ Where the books were found by the golden ones." --Oh You Pretty Things, David Bowie
    But yeah, I'd take anything EC says with a grain of salt- they're not exactly going into things without an agenda, and I find their past behavior personally disgusting. You're welcome to see it differently.
    Just wanted to say...your profile pic is from a very good book. Goblin Emperor or something?
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Yep! One of my favorites, though it's been a while (since summer) since I read it.
    "It's all very well planning what you will do in six months...a year, but it's no good...if you don't have a plan for tomorrow."--Wolf Hall
    It's my birthday, I'm 23 now. "But who would hold up his head, if people judged us by what we were like at twenty?"--Wolf Hall.
    Happy birthday king Laurent. *gives finely crafted ornate steel sword*
    Tomorrow's my birthday. On this day, my mom, a teacher, slipped on a piece of candy, thus speeding up her labor by two weeks.
    Quick FYI, I was parroting one of Firefossil's own lines from the earlier debate I was referencing back at him to see if he noticed, or even more amusingly, tried to call it out for being a dumb argument- https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/posts/4660483/

    I'd bring it up in-thread, but...

    It is a pretty good summation of what is wrong with Firefossil's position on Transhumanism as well, though.
    Hey I just want to ask since you seem to know a lot about NWoD and the one that currently run a quest on the setting, will you make quest on other faction someday? If yes what faction would you do?
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    @WanderingEye , I was actually running three Quests at once at one point...and it just didn't work at all!

    Stupid character limit.
    And I think I bugged you long enough, thank you for answering my questions.
    maybe last one, any interest on doing oWoD quest?
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Hmm, not really. I mean, there's less choice there. I don't like oVamp that much, oMage...well, I like nMage better, but it could be interesting, though that's a faint ray of hope. oWerewolf, well, I've heard it's even worse than nWolf. Heh, nwolf. oChangeling would just make me nolstalgic for new changeling...you get the drift.
    "We decided to go with SV owing to wildly different schedules."
    B-b-but I have a wildly different schedule too! Can I qualify as a temporary Big Bad of the day? :3
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    How often are you around, anyways? I do only seem to see you in bursts.
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    Almost daily, though I alternately cycle between threads when consuming them. Omnomnom.

    Your End of an Era one is actually a delicacy that I end up nibbling on, since it's too rich to consume and respond to in one setting. The story posts alone could be a fantastic work that I would follow.
    Long live Edrehasivar VII, rightful Emperor of the Elflands, known as the "Bridgebuilder" and of the personal name Maia!
    Sorry for not getting the Septon thing out yet. I've had a busy few days, and have just kind of been to burnt out to do much actual editing. I will endeavor to put it out on Monday.

    Again, my apologies.
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