Snowfire Mar 26, 2017 I have been baking today! In other news, any pastry based explosions in the north of Scotland have absolutely nothing to do with me.
I have been baking today! In other news, any pastry based explosions in the north of Scotland have absolutely nothing to do with me.
ChiefTurtle117 Mar 16, 2017 Good god, this is less bombing and more continuous strafing runs. Amazing.
Snowfire Mar 7, 2017 Today I was passed into the Most Holy Order Of Likebombing. I await my induction with exhilarated dread.
Today I was passed into the Most Holy Order Of Likebombing. I await my induction with exhilarated dread.
torrmercury Mar 7, 2017 Homygush. Dem likebombs. 54 alerts between you and @Hypervene over 3 days. @_@