Older-than-Time Jun 15, 2017 The next chapter of Motherhood mocks my inability to finish it. It sneers at me from its pedestal, laughing at my mortal limitations.
The next chapter of Motherhood mocks my inability to finish it. It sneers at me from its pedestal, laughing at my mortal limitations.
Older-than-Time Jun 13, 2017 Been feeling out of sorts lately. The next chapter of Motherhood is halfway done, but I just can't motivate myself to finish it.
Been feeling out of sorts lately. The next chapter of Motherhood is halfway done, but I just can't motivate myself to finish it.
Older-than-Time Jun 6, 2017 I'm hating myself for this, but my new work schedule is forcing me to abandon my quests. Updates will be too inconsistent for me to 1/2.
I'm hating myself for this, but my new work schedule is forcing me to abandon my quests. Updates will be too inconsistent for me to 1/2.
Older-than-Time May 29, 2017 With more and more 8th Ed Primaris lore coming out, I'm debating doing a rewrite for Thousand. Hopefully, it should be more interesting...
With more and more 8th Ed Primaris lore coming out, I'm debating doing a rewrite for Thousand. Hopefully, it should be more interesting...
Older-than-Time May 23, 2017 Crusade Across The Stars https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/crusade-across-the-stars-warhammer-crusade-quest.38780/#post-8571402
Crusade Across The Stars https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/crusade-across-the-stars-warhammer-crusade-quest.38780/#post-8571402
Older-than-Time May 20, 2017 Have a few interviews scheduled. Here's to hoping I have a job before the month ends or I'm fucked!
Older-than-Time May 19, 2017 So, the restaurant I was working for just shut down without warning. I'm now unemployed. Updates will lag a bit until I get another job
So, the restaurant I was working for just shut down without warning. I'm now unemployed. Updates will lag a bit until I get another job
Older-than-Time May 16, 2017 Finally got my Soft Cover of Shadow War: Armageddon and Limited Edition Grimbrindal mini. I'm such a weak man and the coffee isn't helping.
Finally got my Soft Cover of Shadow War: Armageddon and Limited Edition Grimbrindal mini. I'm such a weak man and the coffee isn't helping.
Older-than-Time May 13, 2017 Moved into a new house, finally done unpacking. Realized I haven't slept since Thursday and I have work tomorrow. Damn it.
Moved into a new house, finally done unpacking. Realized I haven't slept since Thursday and I have work tomorrow. Damn it.
Older-than-Time May 7, 2017 I am a weak, weak man. Not only did I preorder the Shadow War: Armageddon rulebook and Grombindal holiday mini, I also preordered Destiny 2
I am a weak, weak man. Not only did I preorder the Shadow War: Armageddon rulebook and Grombindal holiday mini, I also preordered Destiny 2
Older-than-Time Apr 7, 2017 Been utterly burned out. Haven't had any creative juices in weeks. Hoping I can get back into writing next week.
Been utterly burned out. Haven't had any creative juices in weeks. Hoping I can get back into writing next week.
Older-than-Time Apr 7, 2017 Been utterly burned out. Haven't had any creative juices in weeks. Hoping I can get back into writing next week.
Been utterly burned out. Haven't had any creative juices in weeks. Hoping I can get back into writing next week.
I I Ibskib Mar 24, 2017 Any chance that Fighting a Broken System will be continued? It's one of the weirder SI Gamer stories I've come across, and I was looking forward to seeing what would happen next.
Any chance that Fighting a Broken System will be continued? It's one of the weirder SI Gamer stories I've come across, and I was looking forward to seeing what would happen next.
Older-than-Time Feb 21, 2017 Randomly updated a SI I'd written a year ago. Finally, it has a second chapter...
Older-than-Time Feb 7, 2017 Getting ready to set up the Deathwatch Cross-Forum Campaign. Deciding whether SV or SB becomes the Watch Commander or Elite Kill team
Getting ready to set up the Deathwatch Cross-Forum Campaign. Deciding whether SV or SB becomes the Watch Commander or Elite Kill team
Older-than-Time Jan 13, 2017 Made another quest here: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/angel-of-death-40k-astartes-quest.35396/
Made another quest here: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/angel-of-death-40k-astartes-quest.35396/
Older-than-Time Dec 23, 2016 Merry/Happy Christmas to all celebrants! May the home invader come to your domicile in peace!