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  • Question: Are you going to develop any of your one-shots into actual stories? Because i am very interested in the concept of "I thought this was a Mystery Dungeon!" but i can't find anything similar anywere.
    Given how dead my Inspiration is, maybe expanding one of my oneshots might kickstart my Muse into giving me ideas. Can't guarantee it'll be the Mystery Dungeon, but I'll give it a shot
    Started a thread for I Thought This Was a Mystery Dungeon.
    Thanks for the heads up!
    since It look like Born from the ashes is dead any chance you could tell me who the FireKeepers came from?
    Ok. The ORIGINAL plan was Vulkan, but the voting process had it become a hybrid geneseed composed primarily of Vulkan with Corax and Dorn mixed in.
    Have you though of going back to some of your older works? Like "Creating an Empire"?
    I'm going through all my old stuff trying to figure out which ones inspire me. So far, I got nothing...
    Being honest for a bit: I'm somehow out of inspiration for everything. I try and write something and my mind just blanks. This hurts...
    After weeks of load screen crashes, I'm finally able to play Divinity: Original Sin 2 again. Gods, I'm never gonna be able to write anymore.
    I am curious about the status of your Thousand story line. Do you plan on continuing it? If not, it would be such a shame as it is one of the few enjoyable fics about Warhammer 40k and not just from a war perspective.
    I'll probably take you up on that once I get more time to write beyond an hour on the bus. I'm not a big Halo fan and most Halo fics tend to be Spartan wank. Maybe you'll surprise me.
    Definitely isn't Spartan wank. In fact, I find the whole thing to be reasonable and overall a well-reasoned piece of work when you take in to account the nature of both pieces of fiction.

    Edit:I hate autocorrect.
    PM me the link whenever you're able to.
    I've played over a hundred hours of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and I've yet to gain a single achievement due to how heavily modded my game is.
    I am still very sad the Born from the ashes quest was discontinued, do you think that your lore and preparation could be made public? I am wanting to have a solid idea on making a different but similar subject quest, and desperately need to know how you made your decisions. Like rolls and effects.

    (not sure if this is potentially offensive, I do know that some writers consider their workings like untouchable relics)
    Sorry for being so late to get back to you. Give me a few days to put something together
    Thanks so much. Only do it when you feel like it :)
    Getting ready for my first tabletop/RPG session in months. Ein Gunnhildar is one of the players
    Ein Gunnhildar
    Ein Gunnhildar
    The group continues to have excited anticipation for the next meet up. Rogue Trader has gotten off with an interesting start, I must admit!
    I'm accepting free requests for homebrew datasheets for the new 8th Edition, based on reasonable lore and fluff for custom units and heroes
    My Primaris army is built and ready to be painted. Well, mostly built. I'm doing conversions for several. Any interest in a gallery?
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