cB557 Dec 3, 2014 Would "I would advocate the use of military force against them" or somesuch be acceptable language?
Hassam Nov 27, 2014 So this may be a strange question to ask but how painful are the effects of blood loss?
cB557 Sep 22, 2014 Honestly I was expecting a "No. " and then I was gonna go "Worth a try," or something but duly noted nonetheless.
Honestly I was expecting a "No. " and then I was gonna go "Worth a try," or something but duly noted nonetheless.
Magus Zanin Aug 5, 2014 Nuts, just to let you know, foamy asked to not be nominated. You should probably ask Squishy to change your nomination or something.
Nuts, just to let you know, foamy asked to not be nominated. You should probably ask Squishy to change your nomination or something.
CyborgneticSpyder Jul 8, 2014 Excuse-moi but we need your medical expertise about whether or not the human body requires a carnivorous diet in this thread: http://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/on-interspecies-relationships-and-wrongness.5738/page-3#post-1392294
Excuse-moi but we need your medical expertise about whether or not the human body requires a carnivorous diet in this thread: http://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/on-interspecies-relationships-and-wrongness.5738/page-3#post-1392294
DaLintyGuy Jun 30, 2014 Well, I just started playing Wargame: Airland Battle and it is frigging awesome. BTW, this is on your profile since you started a thread for Wargame that, well... Seems to be dead.
Well, I just started playing Wargame: Airland Battle and it is frigging awesome. BTW, this is on your profile since you started a thread for Wargame that, well... Seems to be dead.
Coiler Jun 28, 2014 Always nice to see EMS people-both of my parents worked in that field too. I wonder how Los Angeles EMS is different from the NYC suburb EMS.
Always nice to see EMS people-both of my parents worked in that field too. I wonder how Los Angeles EMS is different from the NYC suburb EMS.
Doctor Mod Jun 25, 2014 For someone who wears their pants on their head. you sure know a lot about molecules and such.
Fictiondevourer Jun 11, 2014 I noticed a subtle trend of you posts containing many words and pictures synonymous with beating a dead horse. Personally I'm interested in knowing if you simply google for new pictures or if you made them in advance.
I noticed a subtle trend of you posts containing many words and pictures synonymous with beating a dead horse. Personally I'm interested in knowing if you simply google for new pictures or if you made them in advance.
stormbringer951 Apr 27, 2014 So when I was joking with you about you leading the revolutionary cadres into forum city, I totally did not know this would happen...
So when I was joking with you about you leading the revolutionary cadres into forum city, I totally did not know this would happen...
CyborgneticSpyder Apr 27, 2014 Nuts, it looks like you might a become a chancellor of SV. What do you plan to do if that happens?
Depends on the type of injury for initial pain, but you'd feel woozy and pass out,