Mr. Cloak

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  • Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Cloak. How things going on your end
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Thanks! And busy. A client needs their ledgers sorted out, and that takes ages- especially when you only have one copy of quickbooks to a 2-person team.
    Egads! Administration! Paperwork! And worst of all, Bureaucracy! *shudders in horror and revulsion*
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    There'a a reason I say I am lawful evil for my alignment.
    In the heyday of 12018, stories are written. Some of them are even good! Probably not mine... Yet... But I am working on that!
    Heya cloak, how are you been today. Have you look wiki of familiar of zero right now. Any thoughts on the looks on the folks in game of thrones and familiar of zero reaction to the commander's ability.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Mostly horror, madness, and screams. I didn't choose the phrase 'Outside Context Problem' whimsically.
    You forget awe, jaw dropping, eye blowing reactions to commander's ability of raise cities of steel and a army capable to beat mountains with bare hands
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    That is indeed true... But it also means that it is unlikely that any but the survivors or third/fourth-hand rumor listeners will actually marvel at the stories of massive structures made of steel and lightning.
    In the heyday of 12018, stories are written. Some of them are even good! Probably not mine... Yet... But I am working on that!
    Hello there my friend, is your Planetary annihilation story on the backburner for now? just wondering what are your thoughts on it.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    On the other hand, I have been inspired to write more of Thunderstruck, my other Outside Context Power (problem) story, and yes, I like the OCP wording. I try to write a few chapters of that before posting, so there is a delay between post sessions, but overall, I have been having an easier time posting to it.
    Hey man you do you, I like it all if that means anything coming from an internet random.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    It means a lot. I just like to give honest answers. It's really hard for me to lie, so... I use fiction to work on it.
    I added a new story thread; Thunderstruck (AKA Outside Context Power). If you want to see a person visit Westros with the Ray Sphere, enjoy!
    Was going through your scrap pile, and found the Elf-Slayer post. Looks really interesting, but also quite dark, with the elves being less LOTR fantasy elves and more Dresden Files style Fey.
    But then I thought about the things that could go on if your Commander decided to drop by. You could experiment with the world-building for Elf Slayer by doing that.
    is the outside context thing cancelled?
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    No, but RL is making it hard for me to write. Not to mention that I have been trying to write an original novel on top of trying to get enter job and preforming consulting work. I've gotten a bit more writing done, but I'm not just going to post something before it's finished.

    However, I will have some type I'm tomorrow to write more, so I hope (fingers crossed) that I will get another chapter of OCP done by Monday.
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