Mr. Cloak

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    Chimera boobs.
    Are there any plans to continue Thunderstruck? I'm really enjoying the way that you've built up the Conduit power. It's actually inspiring me towards adding Infamous back into my Jumpchain and subsequently rage quitting the old jump doc and make a new better one.
    No worries man, the muse visits as she wills. I shall simply take as a good, well written story and enjoy it as such. And raid the heck out of it for ideas for my version of the jump document. I hope you don't mind my taking some inspiration?
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Go ahead mate. Link when you start writing please?
    Here is the link, it's a bit rough right now but I appreciate any help I can get.

    Infamous Jump Document v.1

    Welcome to the world of Infamous. At first glance this place may seem similar to the earth that you grew up with the serial numbers filed off and a few names changed around. However, there does seem to be a few recent circumstances that are different. Case in point? The events that happened...
    You know when your skin is itching right where a cut is healinG? Feels like your skin is crawling?
    That's because your skin IS crawling.
    Have fun with that.
    So, how the story of sentiment familiar of zero, what are your thoughts on this
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    To be honest, I have been working 11 hr days on-off for the last few weeks as we are doing a soft-open on the 5th. I have barely been able to sleep, let alone relax.... So no opinion yet. Sorry mate.
    Any chance of reading the armored core/familiar of zero fanfic I've told you about
    "There is no obligation for the universe to make sense to you." - Dr. Siebren de Kuiper
    "Hold my beer."- Mr. Cloak
    "There is no obligation for the universe to make sense to you." - Dr. Siebren de Kuiper
    Hey cloak, how are you been doing today. Are still working on the familiar of zero/planetary annihilation crossover. There's is story can make more ideas for it, read sentiment familiar of zero(armored core/familiar of zero). The story was crazy and well done due by the very carefully knowledge of armored core and familiar of zero.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    I am doing well, I am, and I will look into it. Thanks!
    "The most dangerous beings in the world are safe because they have connections to their loved ones. Remove those at your own peril."- [NAME REDACTED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES]
    "Unless you have the right to defend your freedom, you are not free."- [NAME REDACTED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES]
    Dealing with a cold. Well, several colds all at once. I hate getting sick. Updates will continue though.
    How does your si in got Character look like? ,I can't imagine him
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Like Gaara but with a combustion-bender's 3rd eye in the middle of his forehead. Conduit powers are weird.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Oh, and sorry for taking so long to reply.
    Time to destroy some plantlife and eat breakfast- and I'm all out of breakfast.... No, wait, I still have an egg. BRB.
    Fever is mostly gone, but the end of 12018 is still approaching. Time waits for no man, woman, or child- not without violating causality.
    The end is coming.... The end of 12018 is coming. It's rather nice out here, but it's also dark and cold. WHY WON'T THIS FEVER GO AWAY?!?!
    In the end of 12018, stories are written.... And some of them are even good! I'm working on it, so be patient.
    Hey cloak, I've a idea for familiar of zero, give the commander some wings and ww2 technologies and the commander voice from master chief from abry and the chief. Ps watch PA short film:after time zero.
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