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  • So, I just found somewhere to watch Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin. I liked it. Not much action, but I liked it.
    Anyone want to lend a hand with a Wormverse Grail War story? Need an Archer, and maybe change Asssassin. Comment below if willing to help.
    A Nation's Virtue
    A Nation's Virtue
    Do you need a historical/mythical Servant, or do you want a Servant from Worm?
    A Nation's Virtue
    A Nation's Virtue
    NVM, saw it. I'm sad that Cuchulainn is being made to nom on souls, since he's a total bro, but I'm still willing to help.
    Why am I thinking of starting a new Quest? One Year is still in it's infancy, and I need to get back to This Land Is Peaceful...
    Remember how I was meant to be watching Cowboy Bebop? Well...
    I watched one episode of Kokoro Connect, and it's drawn me in more then Cowboy Bebop did in the three episodes I have forced myself to watch.
    Please check out my RWBY/Asura's Wrath crossover that I made in the time I had planned to spend updating my RP.
    I don't want that time to have been wasted, so please check it out so that it doesn't die.
    Ufotable's F/SN Anime. Go watch it. It's awesome. But then, describing Ufotable Anime as 'Awesome' is like describing a rock as 'A Rock.'
    Recently been inspired to write an Original Setting. Superhero setting. Currently doing worldbuilding. I'll see if it goes anywhere.
    Hey, I have more Likes/Positive Ratings then Posts. Now I just need to catch up on my SB Like/Post Ratio...
    Episode 25 of Kill la Kill: I was at Max Hype during the fucking opening, and it only went up from there.
    Having computer issues. Again. I really need a new one.
    Sorry to hear that!

    Perhaps the humanity/souls of a few dead players in your RP may help? XD
    I find your description for This Land Is Peaceful to be hilarious, given the last Quest I ran had the players manage to blow themselves up as Angel!Kalameet
    Yo dude, EagleBlue told me on S B that his Internets are having problems accessing SV. He didn't say how long it'd take to resolve it.
    Started Part 2 of JoJo. Joseph is such a fucking Gary Stu.
    I'm not seeing Pragmatic. I am, however, seeing Sherlock-level scanning (Somehow seeing the vampire guys fangs despite them not being visible), apparent hammerspace pockets (Someone would have seen the fucking Tommy Gun he pulled from nowhere), and Instant Hamon Mastery for no reason. He might get better, but he killed most of my interest in the series.
    Persevere morti! its called JoJo bizarre adventure for a reason, do remember that PB and BT are a little on the old side so SOD must be quite high to watch it.
    PB was fine. Jonathon's mentor died for his mid-season power up, and the first two fights we see him in involve him getting the shit beat out of him. Joseph, meanwhile, is just a Gary Stu.
    You know the feeling when you read over your earlier posts on SB and realise that you used to be an annoying twit? I do.
    Hopefully it's not quite amusing in the "This bloke thinks 'e can write!" manner. I wonder if my dice will continue to keep up it's work?
    just real quick, I want to check your take on bonfires, are you one of those that say it only works for undead? Because your reply to one of my posts seemed to imply so.
    'Okay' I said to myself. 'Now I'll work on Heracles Que- Why did I just post a Dark Souls RP?'
    For you wished to learn who out of us all are masochists.
    Can i join in? ah, im not an M tough im more of an S to be honest.
    'I'm going to work on Heracles Quest.' I said to myself. After two hours of typing, I realise that I have written more Worm stuff. Fuck me.
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