• Are the images on your RWBY let's watch thread broken for you as well?
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    Lightshot's server change ruined all the old image addresses. I want to reupload them all, but it's just a daunting prospect.
    What's your current Avatar of/from Leila? I can't recognize it on-sight.
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann

    Chalanna the Bodacious and the Fantasy of Fighting Let's Play

    A lone woman strides across a brooding, mist-shrouded land. From around the tree-crowned hills echo the low calling of a few tired birds, and the furtive whisper of leaves in the cold, damp wind. Beneath her worn gray cloak, the steel of her mailcoat holds strong despite its countless cuts and...
    God, I want to see your review of RWBY latest season so badly... but not that badly to actually make you watch it.
    Writing got worse. I did not think it is possible, but they managed.
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    What. How.

    Details. I demand them.
    This was originally posted on the 25th, so I'm going to assume Lorenz is complaining about some part of episode 12. Two major things happened in that episode that some people are complaining about, so I'm going to take a guess they're either talking about Clovers death or team RWBY beating the Ace Ops in what I think was one of the best executed fights in the show.
    What was Sto-Ko-Vorr, by the way?
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    Klingon heaven, from Star Trek.

    There was a versus thread a while back about a klingon warrior versus a flock of ostriches, and it turned into a joke about whether or not the ostriches he killed before going down would accompany him to his people's traditional afterlife.
    I responded to your new post. I actually do agree that changing the nature of the Victoria amy relationship in that way was stupid and unnecessary
    I responded to your new post. I actually do agree that changing the nature of the Victoria amy relationship in that way was stupid and unnecessary
    Have you seen Good Omens yet?
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    No. Heard good things though.
    Neil Gaiman was in charge of writing the screenplay. So it stays faithful to the book, but added some new fun things that made it great.
    I do have to say that watching you have to dredge through this much sewage is as painful as hell, especially when you seem actually beginning to be excited. I mean, I have been recently re-reading Blame! and Claymore and the contrast with regards to such awkward sexist shit is immense. Have you read either of those two works? I highly recommend them, if for no other reason than contrast.
    In that it avoids the pitfalls and is something of an extension of the Golden Age part of Berserk, with every piece of world-building being meaningful.
    If I may say one more thing, both of those Manga's made me feel. I was shaken when I reached the end of Blame!, I can't quite remember but my reaction was likely similar to when I finished The Dark Tower, Killy after all is something of a knight errant. With Claymore, I was almost crying when I completed it, the characters are so memorable! And I keep going to back to admire the artwork.
    Appropriately enough I also found Claymore to be rather more frightening and disturbing than Berserk, the latter is a bit too silly.
    I'm not sure if there is anything you can do about this but a lot of the images used in your RWBY thread have disappeared, including some of your excellent artistic interpretations.
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    I'm aware. Its because the image hosting service I was using changed its url system, so everything linked to it from before then stopped working. Maybe one day I'll go back and retake all those screencaps/repost the art.
    My sincere apologies for accidentaly exploding the thread. I joked about how long is left until a certain infamous meme, and everyone called me on it. Sorry to be a bother.
    What's the avatar? It looks like [some vaguely familiar anime which I've never seen] cropped over a 40k Space Marine, but the gun looks too chrome to be regular Imperium tech. StarCraft, then?
    I didn't notice the red line around the TOP LEVEL CANON in your avatar until I looked pretty close. If you want to be more noticeable I would make the line thicker. :)
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