Insufficient Dakka Jul 13, 2016 Have an idea for a JoJo quest, but I doubt I'm good enough to pull it off.
ApocalypticFish Jun 28, 2016 Did you know that you're number 5 on most positively rated members on the site?
Did you know that you're number 5 on most positively rated members on the site?
Insufficient Dakka Jun 26, 2016 I swear I just love the Boston accent. There's a genuine risk you could say something horrible in one and I'd just agree with it.
I swear I just love the Boston accent. There's a genuine risk you could say something horrible in one and I'd just agree with it.
Insufficient Dakka Jun 23, 2016 It's kinda weird to realize some of my Dark Souls characters are literally too clumsy to swing a knife efficiently.
It's kinda weird to realize some of my Dark Souls characters are literally too clumsy to swing a knife efficiently.
Insufficient Dakka Jun 22, 2016 Tried watching TFS Drunk Souls and wow I'd rather listen to Pat talk about Souls Lore.
Insufficient Dakka Jun 22, 2016 *Solaire tries to Praise the Sun, trips and accidentally Makes Contact*
EvaUnit01 Jun 11, 2016 <looks at profile pic> You should go read the fanfic "Spidey's Life Is A Game", if you haven't already.
<looks at profile pic> You should go read the fanfic "Spidey's Life Is A Game", if you haven't already.
Insufficient Dakka Jun 9, 2016 Everyone talking about how genes determine your quality as a ninja and I'm just here taking all the drugs.
Everyone talking about how genes determine your quality as a ninja and I'm just here taking all the drugs.
Insufficient Dakka Jun 8, 2016 I named my DS3 STR build "Gatzuru" because "Gatzu" isn't weebish enough.
LaRed Jun 2, 2016 Saw this and thought of your goats:
Saw this and thought of your goats:
Takoe Jun 2, 2016 Are you aware that Fucking Xehanorts is still an ongoing thing and that you are in it?
Insufficient Dakka May 28, 2016 I wonder if you can get paid for coming up with clickbaity news headlines.
SpiritFluid May 20, 2016 Not sure what song to play on seeing your new profile pic. Crawlin, or Fresh Prince o' Bel-Air? Decisions, decisions...
Not sure what song to play on seeing your new profile pic. Crawlin, or Fresh Prince o' Bel-Air? Decisions, decisions...