Insufficient Dakka

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  • We believe he died from complications from the bee bee s left inside . I never have shut off his computer from that day. Remember him
    Turing Decidable
    Turing Decidable
    I am sorry for your loss. May you find strength and comfort in your memories of him.
    I too am sorry for your loss. May his spirit find peace and his remains find rest, I wish you the strength to live with this and joy in your memory.
    You were a brilliant motherfucker and I'm almost ashamed I never got to know you better. I hope that whatever afterlife exists, it's got Kong in it.
    It feels wrong of me to give you my final condolences in English, with which I can not express my true sincerity, so I shall do so with the tongue with which I am most familiar and quote from a psalm that lies close to my heart:

    "Jeg er træt og går til ro,
    lukker mine øjne to;
    Fader, se med kærlighed
    til mit ringe leje ned!"
    Rest in peace and find what joy you will in those shaded realms beyond, should you ever find them.
    I don't believe this. I refuse to believe this. How could someone like you just...die, out of the blue? I know we weren't the closest of friends, but you were a big part of SV to me. Like if you thought of SV, you'd think Dakka. Y'really livened up the place y'know? I didn't realize that until now but damn dude, with you gone, it feels like a big chunk of SV left with you.
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Fuck, I don't know what this place will be like without you now. I don't know what else to say other than why, why this. Why did you have to go so soon.
    Please don't leave, come back, I want you to come back Dakka. I so desperately want you to return, but I know that's impossible. And yet, the thought of you being gone forever is's utterly incomprehensible.
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Guess we'll have to see each other at the pearly gates then, eh?


    damn i seriously miss you dude. this isn't right man, this just ain't right for you to go out so soon.
    Same dude... I'm just like... what?

    One of the few pleasures I enjoyed was when Dakka changed his title to "Fuck you go watch Kong". It was always fun to read.

    You don't really know what you've lost until it's gone... D:
    Insufficient Dakka
    Insufficient Dakka
    If you haven't actually done anything infraction worthy I wouldn't worry about being banned, just report the post that started it all to the mods and hopefully they'll handle it.
    I got four warnings while I was AFK and a ban that expires on the 2nd. I guess I pissed the polidiots off so much, the mods needed to ban me to calm them down and make them feel like winners.
    It is AMAZING how dumb liberal polidiots are. Conservative ones just think god is real and everyone's going to hell but them. Liberal ones need to try and make everyone else's life hell.
    Hypocrites started calling me alt-right and calling my polidiot word alt-right just because I wasn't following the party's line like everyone else and I was objective instead! Should I care that I was banned from that place? If it's really this horrible, isn't getting away from it a good thing? Because I've had warning points over pointless pedantic BS on that site before.
    I suddenly understand why this place exists.
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