Your Star Wars story is fun, I hope you'll pick it back up at some point. I would've just posted this in that thread, but since it hasn't been posted in for almost two years, I didn't want to risk the mod attention.
Things have suddenly started falling into place. I've got a possible line on a welding job with more standard hours and without this work every other weekend crap I'm dealing with now. Nothing certain yet but if it pans out I'll be much happier and on my way to learning the trade I'm committed too and I'll have more free time which means more updates. Fingers crossed folks.
Stargate is back up on Netflix.... my objections to writing a worm Stargate cross are back down to lack of time... Damn nostalgia, hello binge watching.
Found new job one that actually pays well for once!!! Writing time is super minimal. Sorry all this is likely to seriously screw my usual update speeds.
Does anyone else find that isolation strangles their muse? Is that just me? Before corona I'd just go sit in a library if I had writers block, but now? Is anyone else having this issue?
I have one regret about taking up writing as a serious hobby. The standards for what I'll read keep getting stricter. Really starting to miss the days I could loose myself in any half assed fic with a decent concept.
I have a welding job now!!! My life is going to be chaos for a few days, but I start a new job next week and I will be the best welder I can be and I'll be sure to throw stories to all of you in what promises to be a great deal of free time isolated in a motel room when I'm not at work. I'll probably need the distraction as much as anyone else.
Sorry to bother you; but you're a pretty good writer and I'm trying to post an Elfen Lied/Worm snippet, how would you recommend going about getting it proofread and posted?
Just saw star wars rise of skywanker.
disney wins the award for worst fanfic trilogy ever written by a native english speaker. Star wars is dead long live it's shambling corpse with mouse ears.
Read through Flames on the nightshift the other night, didn't want to be rude and necro the thread but I must say I had a Hell of a lot of fun with it! Never watched Katekyo before but now you've piqued my interest and I'm going to so I can go back to Flames with a new perspective.
I sincerely hope there's plenty more to come!