Biigoh Dec 23, 2014 A quote from QQ *bii does not show NSFW in a NSFW thread* And nao... QQ knows how deviant the Bii can be, fuhuhuhuhu... :3
A quote from QQ *bii does not show NSFW in a NSFW thread* And nao... QQ knows how deviant the Bii can be, fuhuhuhuhu... :3
PseudoSim Dec 9, 2014 A hero tanuki
Biigoh Dec 1, 2014 You thought it was just another cute tanuki, but it was I, the Bii! :3
You thought it was just another cute tanuki, but it was I, the Bii! :3
PseudoSim Oct 29, 2014 I was just toying around with a character idea and was wondering... does your name mean anything?
Biigoh Sep 14, 2014 Tanuki are helpless against writer`s block! It is too hard for fluffy paws to break!