ebolasos Feb 26, 2015 So your the infamous tanuki of sv? you don't seem as scary as others describe you as.
Biigoh Jan 15, 2015 Behold the majestic albino tanuki https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/tambako/14236424201/
midnightmissiles Jan 5, 2015 Bii! Let's make a 'Biigoh and Fishie Play: Worm - Parahumans of the Bay' story!
kinglugia Jan 4, 2015 Toranu tanuki no kawazanyou - calculating your profit before you capture it. My my~
PseudoSim Jan 1, 2015 Have some Tanuki http://heikala.deviantart.com/art/Tanuki-342652866 http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/036/b/7/one_minute_before_a_tanuki_by_curamix666-d4or8m2.jpg http://bugfox.net/fun/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Tanuki-closeup.jpg
Have some Tanuki http://heikala.deviantart.com/art/Tanuki-342652866 http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/036/b/7/one_minute_before_a_tanuki_by_curamix666-d4or8m2.jpg http://bugfox.net/fun/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Tanuki-closeup.jpg
Xomniac Dec 29, 2014 'scuse me, Bii, but I've got a question: in the third chapter of Gobin Queen, Taylor talks about a 'Chicken wing game'. Did you make this up or is this real or what?
'scuse me, Bii, but I've got a question: in the third chapter of Gobin Queen, Taylor talks about a 'Chicken wing game'. Did you make this up or is this real or what?