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  • So, how goes it with the update?
    (in related news, I am up to about page 200 (of 653) of 'reread everything'. I would like to have new content by the time I've finished. Do you think that's likely?)
    Y'know just realized that there's a lot of amusement to get from Anna's family name being Sanchez. And then Trump went ahead and call the Canadians as Snowy Mexican. :V
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    "We have some bad hombres here and we have to get them out." - President Trump of the North American Antagonist Federation, 2062
    I would just like to say that my jimmies were rather rustled when I saw that someone named Trump was running for presidency with a demagogue style. Everytime I think about Anna's callsign within Pinnacle squadron as the first of the best, the irony just grows.
    Change it to Ace of Aces. :p
    Edit: Or Cipher if we can get a wingwoman called Solo Wing Pixy. :p
    gets around to checking out IS, Bahamut, InSM, Hundred, etc. Discards all as trash. This feeling when all the source material feels bland as fuck because a supposed parody set an unreachable quality standard >_>.
    The comments need a 'Hug' button.
    Well I mean, if there was a good battle high school harem genre work that I knew of, I wouldn't have written the quest. Still, um, sorry I guess? :V
    Golden Brown
    Golden Brown
    That's what's called the burden of competence.
    > Pretty sure it's a World of Warships thing lol.
    It´s tryhard online boating.

    And no, I´m not just saying that because I want to join but can`t.

    Fuck timezones.
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Oh, I see what happened! Much like a shady guy with a big jacket approaching wild-eyed kids on the street, @Dorryza tempted Avalanche away from the path of the just and right, and now his life has been consumed by World of Warships.

    It's okay, Avalanche. We'll be here when the withdrawal kicks in.
    >and now his life has been consumed by World of Warships.
    Bitch please. Avalanche already has that problem even before Dorry tempted him. Why do you think we tried to lock him up before? We tried to get him to kick his habit! :p
    I (or well, someone else, but I'm passing it along) just had a really stupid idea.
    Integrating (or, well, intaking) live munitions as they're being shot at you.

    Actually, that kind of depends on them not being on a proximity sort of thing, but could it work with dumbfired cannon rounds and stuff?
    Yeah, the problem is so:

    IRL: *helo flies over battlefield*
    Fighters: argh we cant shoot it where are the missiles

    BASQUE: *helo flies over battlefield*
    Ag airplane: murders helo
    Ag tank: elevates gun, gibs helo with 100% accuracy
    Ag AA: murders helo
    Ag trooper: jetpacks into the air, murders helo
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Oh, definitely. Great mobility, able to keep up with TSFs, untouchable by melee classes, and can still fly NOE to avoid lasers.
    Probably a lot cheaper, too. An AH-64 costs $20m, while a TSF is probably in the order of $200m, if not more.
    They'd be superb for culling ops and mobile defense. The lasers are a problem, but suppress those with artillery and TSF strikes and the risk is probably worth it.
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    That said, Muv-Luv does use them! That's actually what got me started on this whole kick, in fact. Granted, they didn't turn the tide of the battle at Yokohama, but that's more because SO MANY BETA and the fact that attack helos aren't really meant for that kind of defense, anyway.
    But yeah, considering what small arms can do to them *today*... not a good choice for BAHHSCQ warfare.
    *deploys a kiloton jab*

    How are things going over there?
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    *rolls against 80*
    >exactly 80
    Looks like he deflected the jab with his pinkie. But don't worry! Keep up the training and maybe he'll have to use his thumb next time!
    Did you actually roll that? Wow.
    Dark as Silver
    Dark as Silver
    You can't be hesitant about it. If you want to get a response you need a good firm jab.
    *jabs firmly*
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    You've got the right idea, but considering this is BAHHSCQ levels of firepower we're talking about, you'd probably have to get your jab into the kiloton ranges to make a noticeable dent in his Impeller.
    Soo...I just started reading your famous quest and there's something I want to ask you...
    Does "can't shower with her field on" and "turned it off for the first time in years" mean, what I think it means?
    Speaking of updates, how is things? Is 'End of last week' still on track sort of kind of if we squint a bit or is it something major? Not to pester or anything.
    Nothing major, just in that particular state where you're becalmed. Got all the final scene outlines, but writing them out is slow.
    I'm kind of shocked Swordomatic locked the thread given that there was no warning. Was it requested?
    I think the giant 'WHY' speaks for itself. In that he was probably offput by all the random posting.
    Dark as Silver
    Dark as Silver
    However the random posting was a staple of the quest rather than a rare occasion.
    In fact I could make an argument that the thread was about that random posting and Avalanche occasionally (Read, on extremely rare occasions) derailed it by updating.
    Yeah, but he was still upset be the random posting AFAIK.

    ...We *could* just ask him or something, but where's the fun in that?

    Aww, comments don't do BBCode.
    *pokey poke*
    11k. Probs not gonna be a christmas update. Sorry. Aiming for new years.
    SWEET LORD! *starts frantically chasing tail* did not see ANY of these!
    Here's hoping that we'll get more frequent updates in 2017.
    (Hell, even less update is amazing for a weird reason)
    Can we expect update by the Christmas? :V
    Sure let's go with that.
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Coming soon to a quest thread near you: Project Valkyrie Core: How the Antagonists Stole Christmas!
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Also, if we assume 4,000/10,000 ad getting it done by the 23rd, that's like 300 words a day.

    You've totally got this.
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    But she's on the NBN committee! Think of all the uninterrupted World of Warships you could be getting!

    (Seriously, she is. wut)
    I guess, if you make our shitty internet into an us-vs-them issue, Hanson would get behind better internet...
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Clearly, it's all the work of the shadowy Asian Shadow Dragon Shadow Cabal, trying to sap our unstoppable esports advantage.
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