Sufficient Velocity

Yeah, you alive?
Dark as Silver
Dark as Silver
Well. The last seen 'Viewing thread, 38 minutes ago' is a strong clue. Whether hes written anything...
Tayta Malikai
Tayta Malikai
Not necessarily. It could be a bot set up to throw us off his trail by refreshing SV every 24 hours or so, while he secretly cavorts with top-heavy warships in the Pacific...
Dark as Silver
Dark as Silver
To spare us of the pain of knowing that Avalanche has forsaken us by keeping up the pretence that we may one day have an update?

Ours is a cruel god.
Tayta Malikai
Tayta Malikai
Honestly, at this point, I'd probably take "Avalanche's Pacific Boating Adventures" in place of an update :p
Dark as Silver
Dark as Silver
As long as his adventures are Moe
Tayta Malikai
Tayta Malikai
But which ship should we support? I personally think Anzac-tan is very cute... but maybe Collins-chan has a chance?
I am alive, but for the quest, I cannot say. Most quests are declared dead long before such time passes between updates. I'm only calling it not dead since I'm writing between a dozen to a couple hundred words a day on the update, but in overall terms, those might as well be cadaveric spasms.
Thank you for replying to my post. While the time may be somewhat disheartening, the fact that you are still working upon the update is more than enough for me.
Tayta Malikai
Tayta Malikai
Thank you as well. I really do appreciate that you're still working on it.
Bah, it's not cadaveric spasms if there's still progress.

And I will wait as long as I need to for a story this good.